16 People Results for the Tag: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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Bruce Gluckman

Director of the Center for Neural Engineering; Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics, of Neurosurgery, and of Biomedical Engineering
The dynamics of neural systems, how group dynamics form or emerge from the coupled dynamics of individual units, and how to measure and interact with these systems.

Pamela Giblin

Professor of Immunology
The role of receptor tyrosine kinases in normal physiology and disease progression; the downstream signals that mediate these responses in vivo and in vitro.

Ramesh Ramachandran

Professor of Molecular Endocrinology
The influence of hypothalamic neurotransmitters, hormones, and their receptors on avian reproduction.

Sarah Bronson

Associate Professor of Cellular and Molecular Physiology

Yong Wang

Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Applying nature and biology as design guidelines to the creation of biomimetic and bioinspired materials at both the nanoscale and macroscale level for drug delivery, clinical diagnosis, and regenerative medicine.

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Penny Kris-Etherton

Evan Pugh University Professor of Nutritional Sciences
Effects of diet on established and emerging risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

Justin Silverman

Assistant Professor of Information Sciences and Technology
Statistical methods for the analysis of biomedical data (or any other interesting data/questions)

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Yuguo (Leo) Lei

Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering; Faculty Oversight, Sartorius Cell Culture Facility
Cell therapy; Cell manufacturing; Biomaterials

Jordan Bisanz

Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
The interface of microbiology and bioinformatics, with approaches including genomics and metabolomics to investigate the interplay of diet, drugs, and the gut microbiome.