
Greg Krawczyk

Extension Tree Fruit Entomologist, Research Professor

Gretchen Kuldau

Associate Professor of Plant Pathology

Erika Machtinger

Associate Professor of Entomology
Veterinary entomology, including vector-borne diseases. Focus is on ecology and behavior associated with host-parasite interactions to improve or develop new control methods.

James Marden

Associate Director of Operations, Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences; Professor of Biology
How physiological variation within species affects their ecology and evolution. Primarily with insects, but recently also with plants, and a particular interest in allelic variation in the pathogen resistance genes of tropical trees.

Nate McCartney

Research Technician II

Tim Miyashiro

Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
How bacteria adapt to a host environment. The mutualistic symbiosis established between the Hawaiian bobtail squid (Euprymna scolopes) and a bioluminescent bacterium (Vibrio fischeri).

Andrew Myrick

Assistant Research Professor

Harland Patch

Assistant Research Professor; Research Associate of Entomology

Tanya Renner

Associate Professor of Entomology
Evolution of chemical and structural defense. Molecular evolution, evolutionary genomics, and transcriptomics. Origins and evolution of carnivorous plants.

Katriona Shea

Professor of Biology; Alumni Professor in the Biological Sciences
The use of ecological theory in population management.

Ming Tien

Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Characterization and biochemical analysis of cellulose synthesis in a variety of organisms. Mechanism and regulation of fungal degradation of lignin. Dissimilatory Iron reduction.

Julie Urban

Associate Research Professor

Michael Wolfin

Assistant Research Professor

Yinong Yang

Professor of Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology
Signal perception and transduction in rice-pathogen interactions. Molecular and genomic strategies for increasing disease resistance and drought tolerance in cereal crops.

Fang (Rose) Zhu

Assistant Professor of Entomology
Understanding the mechanisms and evolution of insects’ adaptation to chemical stresses in their environment.