Julie Urban

Associate Research Professor

Julie Urban

Huck Affiliations

Most Recent Publications

Dennis D. Calvin, John Rost, Joseph Keller, Stephen Crawford, Brian Walsh, Michael Bosold, Julie Urban, 2023, Environmental Entomology on p. 1108-1125

Joseph A. Keller, Brian Walsh, Anne Johnson, Nina Jenkins, John Rost, Brianna Treichler, David Biddinger, Dennis D. Calvin, Kelli Hoover, Julie Urban, Richard T. Roush, 2023, Journal of Economic Entomology on p. 1211-1224

Laura J. Nixon, Caitlin Barnes, Elizabeth Deecher, Katarzyna Madalinska, Anne Nielsen, Julie Urban, Tracy C. Leskey, 2023, Journal of Economic Entomology on p. 426-434

Julie M. Urban, Heather Leach, 2023, Annual Review of Entomology on p. 151-167

Evaluating integrated pest management tactics for spotted lanternfly management in vineyards

Heather Leach, Tom Mariani, Michela Centinari, Julie Urban, 2023, Pest Management Science

Johanna E. Elsensohn, Laura J. Nixon, Julie Urban, Sharon K. Jones, Tracy C. Leskey, 2023, Frontiers in Insect Science

Laura J. Nixon, Sharon K. Jones, Lisa Tang, Julie Urban, Karen Felton, Tracy C. Leskey, 2022, Environmental Entomology on p. 222-228

Early Response (2018-2020) to the Threat of Spotted Lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) in Pennsylvania

Julie Marie Urban, Dennis D. Calvin, Jillian Hills-Stevenson, 2021, Annals of the Entomological Society of America on p. 709-718

Erica C. Smyers, Julie M. Urban, Andrew C. Dechaine, Douglas G. Pfeiffer, Stephen R. Crawford, Dennis D. Calvin, 2021, Environmental Entomology on p. 126-137

J. Keller, J. Rost, K. Hoover, J. Urban, H. Leach, M. Porras, B. Walsh, M. Bosold, D. Calvin, 2020, Environmental Entomology on p. 1462-1472

Most-Cited Papers

Perspective: shedding light on spotted lanternfly impacts in the USA

Julie M. Urban, 2020, Pest Management Science on p. 10-17

Julie Urban, Daniel J. Fergus, Amy M. Savage, Megan Ehlers, Holly L. Menninger, Robert R. Dunn, Julie E. Horvath, 2016, PeerJ

Sarah E. Council, Amy M. Savage, Julie M. Urban, Megan E. Ehlers, J. H. Pate Skene, Michael L. Platt, Robert R. Dunn, Julie E. Horvath, 2016, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

Julie M. Urban, Heather Leach, 2023, Annual Review of Entomology on p. 151-167

T. C. Baker, E. C. Smyers, J. M. Urban, Z. Meng, K. J. Pagadala Damadaram, A. J. Myrick, M. F. Cooperband, M. J. Domingue, 2019, Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology on p. 705-713

Evaluation of insecticides for control of the spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula, (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae), a new pest of fruit in the Northeastern U.S.

Heather Leach, David J. Biddinger, Greg Krawczyk, Erica Smyers, Julie M. Urban, 2019, Crop Protection

Flight Dispersal Capabilities of Female Spotted Lanternflies (Lycorma delicatula) Related to Size and Mating Status

Michael S. Wolfin, Muhammad Binyameen, Yanchen Wang, Julie M. Urban, Dana C. Roberts, Thomas C. Baker, 2019, Journal of Insect Behavior on p. 188-200

Andressa Paladini, Daniela M. Takiya, Julie M. Urban, Jason R. Cryan, 2018, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution on p. 321-334

Laura J. Nixon, Sharon K. Jones, Lisa Tang, Julie Urban, Karen Felton, Tracy C. Leskey, 2022, Environmental Entomology on p. 222-228

Early Response (2018-2020) to the Threat of Spotted Lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) in Pennsylvania

Julie Marie Urban, Dennis D. Calvin, Jillian Hills-Stevenson, 2021, Annals of the Entomological Society of America on p. 709-718

News Articles Featuring Julie Urban

Why North Jersey may have to stomp more spotted lanternflies than the rest of the state

Spotted lanternflies are alluring with their black polka-dotted papery crimson underwings, but the invasive species have bad intentions, and experts say this year, North Jersey residents may have to do more squishing than others.

Experts predict high spotted lanternfly numbers in Western Pennsylvania this year

Spotted lanternflies are back this summer — and experts are predicting Southwestern Pennsylvania will once again see significant numbers of the invasive insect.

Spotted lanternflies arrived in Pa. 10 years ago; here's what experts have learned

Spotted lanternflies showed up in Pennsylvania 10 years ago. It’s not an anniversary to celebrate. This invasive pest spread to Chicago and Nashville, stressing trees and killing grapevines. By this time of year, if you haven’t seen the tiny black pest with white dots, wait a few weeks. They become much easier to spot as they morph into red, black and white dice on the move. Research continues to help understand and control spotted lanternflies.

These animals are mostly likely to 'win' climate change

Some creatures may benefit from the new conditions

Squashing lantern flies isn’t enough. Here’s how to kill them.

About Lantern flies and how to get rid of them

Spotted lanternflies are showing up on Jersey Shore beaches

The spotted lanternfly has started showing up at beaches on the Jersey Shore

Why aren’t spotted lanternflies out enforce in Central Pennsylvania this summer?

Why are there less spotted lanternflies in central Pennsylvania this year

Spotted Lanternflies Are Back. You Should Still Kill Them.

The battle continues against the colorful bugs, which may be coming for your wine. Here’s how New Yorkers can help curb the infestation.

Xploration Awesome Planet

This TV segment features an interview with Julie Urban, associate research professor of entomology.

Spotted lanternflies are thriving in the Northeast. Scientists fear they could spread farther

Spotted lanternflies are thriving in the Northeast this summer. In New York City, where this year’s invasion seems particularly extreme, people squash them on the streets, on railings and even on their restaurant tables.

Does squishing invasive lanternflies really help stop their spread?

Several states in the eastern US encourage residents to stomp on spotted lanternflies that threaten grapevines and other crops. But smooshing isn't a long-term solution.

Why Scientists Want You to Kill Spotted Lanternflies

As invasive spotted lanternflies continue moving through the United States, local agricultural agencies have launched “If you see it, kill it” campaigns urging people to kill the bugs in order to prevent any further spread across the U.S.

The plague of spotted lanternflies has descended on NY and NJ — but it may not be as bad as we thought

The unmistakable red, polka-dotted spotted lanternflies were first sighted in New York in 2020. A year later, our marching orders were clear: kill, kill, kill, no questions asked. In their third summer in the city, however, our collective efforts feel a tad futile.

In The War Against The Spotted Lanternfly, Two Tiny Wasps Could be The Secret Weapon

Scientists must weigh the threat of a potential doomsday bug against the lives of tens of thousands of native insects who could become prey if these wasps are unleashed