Illumina MiSeq

Illumina MiSeq

The Illumina MiSeq is our smallest scale short read sequencer.

Illumina MiSeq


  • 50 nt single read, 150 x 150 nt paired-end, and 250 x 250 nt paired-end sequencing are available in the standard v2 format.
  • Standard v2 reagent kits produce 15 million single reads (or read pairs).
  • 150 nt single read, 75 x 75 paired-end, and 300 x 300 paired-end sequencing are available in the v3 format.
  • v3 reagent kits produce 24 million single reads (or read pairs).
  • “Nano” reagent kits produce about 1 million single reads (or read pairs) and are available for 150 x 150 nt paired-end, and 250 x 250 nt paired-end sequencing.
  • Sample multiplexing is available for 96 – 384 samples depending on the application.


The sequencing chemistry is similar across all Illumina platforms. Libraries compatible with one Illumina sequencer should be compatible with all Illumina sequencers. The MiSeq produces a modest number of reads. Therefore, it is best used for pilot projects or for applications such as de novo sequencing or resequencing of bacterial and viral genomes, amplicon sequencing, and miRNA/small RNA sequencing.

Data is produced in the FASTQ format.

This instrument is operated by the Genomics Core Facility staff in conjunction with next-generation sequencing services.