
Director Bruce Logan, fourth from left, stands with the IEE Research Award winners. From left to right are: Hong Wu, Lisa Emili, Nathaniel Warner, Brian Fronk and Margaret Busse. Lauren McPhillips is not pictured. Credit: Brenna Buck. All Rights Reserved.

Researchers recognized for excellence by Institute of Energy and the Environment

The Institute of Energy and the Environment recognized six Penn State faculty members for their research excellence.

Three Penn State researchers have been awarded the highest honor the United States government bestows on early-career scientists and engineers. They are (from left to right): Catherine Berdanier, associate professor of mechanical engineering; Margarita Lopez-Uribe, Lorenzo L. Langstroth Early Career Professor and associate professor of entomology; and Lauren Zarzar, professor of chemistry. Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

Three faculty receive Presidential Early Career Award for scientists, engineers

Three Penn State researchers have been awarded the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), the White House announced on Jan. 14.

López-Uribe is the Lorenzo L. Langstroth Early Career Professor of Entomology in the College of Agricultural Sciences. Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

López-Uribe awarded presidential honor for early career scientists

Margarita López-Uribe, the Lorenzo L. Langstroth Early Career Professor of Entomology in the College of Agricultural Sciences, was awarded the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers by President Biden earlier this month.

Pennsylvania Sea Grant launches research video series

Pennsylvania Sea Grant, a program supported by Penn State and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), has launched a new video series featuring eight research projects conducted across the commonwealth.

Farmers confer amidst their corn crop, garden and fish ponds. Typically, smallholder fish farms are family-run operations that raise tilapia in small areas of land along with a few crops and some livestock.  Credit: Jacob Johnson. All Rights Reserved.

Researchers explore strategies to aid smallholder fish farmers in Zambia

Fish farming is key to food security in Africa; study shows that optimized agricultural resource management helps fish farmers in Zambia

The findings are a step in identifying beneficial microorganisms that potentially could be used to improve mushroom harvests and prevent disease, the researchers said. Credit: Harshal S. Hirve/Unsplash. All Rights Reserved.

Harnessing mushroom microbiomes for better crop development

Microorganisms collected from the material in which button mushrooms are grown may benefit the development of future fungi crops, according to a study led by researchers in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences and published in the journal Fungal Biology.

Researchers attached QR codes to the backs of thousands of bees to track when and for how long they left their hives. Credit: Provided by the researchers. All Rights Reserved.

‘Buzz me in:’ Bees wearing itty bitty QR codes reveal hive secrets

Researchers attached QR codes to the backs of thousands of bees to track when and for how long they left their hives.

The finding that the resident geese employed short-term abandonment of hunted locations to avoid predation, but maintained long-term fidelity to the wildlife management areas, surprised the researchers and ran counter to findings from similar waterfowl studies. Credit: Steve Higgins, Flickr. All Rights Reserved.

Despite knowing where and when people hunt, Canada geese don’t flee far

Geese appear to understand when and where hunting takes place but are willing to risk the danger to stay close to resources and their primary habitats, according to a new study led by researchers at Penn State.

Christina Grozinger was appointed the new director of the Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences at Penn State. Credit: Christina Grozinger / Penn State. Creative Commons

Christina Grozinger to lead Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences as director

Christina Grozinger, Publius Vergilius Maro Professor of Entomology and director of the Center for Pollinator Research, has been named the new director of the Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences at Penn State.

PlantVillage, a Penn State-based research lab, is working with smallholder farmers in Africa, Asia and the Americas to adapt to climate-related challenges. To guide its expansion and commercial efforts, PlantVillage participated in the Invent Penn State NSF I-Corps regional short course, which helps researchers start on the path toward commercializing their innovations.  Credit: Katie DeFiore / Penn State. Creative Commons

PlantVillage empowers farmers around the world to combat climate change

UN-supported Penn State research-based non-profit expands into for-profit sector with help from Invent Penn State NSF I-Corps programming