Past Theses

YearStudentThesis/Dissertation TitleDegreeAdvisor
2024Amy WrobleskiMushroom Harvesting in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the United States: Policy, Practices, and PlacePhDEric Burkhart
2024Alejandro Medina ValenciaThermal limits and their association with phenological syndromes in beesMSMargarita López-Uribe and Rudolf Schilder
2024Chris CusterPredicting the abundance and distribution of freshwater fishes under global changePhDTyler Wagner
2024Jessica Brown"Tick""-et to Success: Unraveling the Ecology of Host-Tick Interactions in Small MammalsPhDErika Machtinger
2024Tarik AcevedoPost-Reclamation Management of Mined Land Soils and their Impacts on Microbial ActivityPhDMary Ann Bruns
2023B. Wren PattonChanging minds: Fish Behavior and Cognition in Human Altered HabitatsPhDDavid Hughes and Paola Ferreri
2023Richard NovakNovel approaches to the conservation and ecological study of northeastern turtlesMSJulian Avery
2023Darcy GrayLandscape and Weather Influences on Honey Bee Seasonal Behavior and Beekeeping in European and African Honey Bees (Apis Mellifera)MSChristina Grozinger
2023Chad FauttCompetition and Virulence in Pseudomonas syringaePhDKevin Hockett and Estelle Couradeau
2023Lily CaoThe impact of cover crop inclusion on the belowground microbiome and root physiology of a perennial woody crop under different nutrient conditionsMSTerrence Bell and Michela Centinari
2023Karen Brzezinski BeattySpace-use and movement of Canada geese in response to hunting pressure and anthropogenic land useMSFrances Buderman
2023Katherine AltamiranoSpatial and Temporal Controls on Denitrification in an Urban Riparian ZoneMSJonathan Duncan
2023Caylon YatesMicrobial Niche Modification Through Niche Space Alteration And ConstructionPhDTerrence Bell and Michela Centinari
2023Laura JonesClimate variation and pathogen pressure impact the ecology and evolution of bees in agroecosystemsPhDMargarita López-Uribe and Rudolf Schilder
2023Grace GutierrezAssessing The Roles of Thermal Tolerance and Species Distribution Associated With Invasion Potential of Non-Native Mason BeesMSMargarita López-Uribe
2023Margarita FernándezImpacts of anthropic disturbance on microarthropods: implications for sustainable management in Patagonian woodlands
PhDDavid Eissenstat and Margot Kaye
2023Sydney BirdDeveloping Molecular and Analytical Tools For the Evaluation of Mating Frequency in Social and Solitary BeesMSMargarita López-Uribe
2023Curt McConnellPhosphorus Dynamics in a Changing Agroecosystem LandscapePhDArmen Kemanian and Jason Kaye
2023Lilly GermerothGardener Choice Impacts Monarch Survival: Milkweed Species Identity Influences Arthropod Communities and Monarch PredationMSSara Hermann
2023Emily GagneDelivering Bioinformatics and Genetics Workshops to Hybrid and Synchronous Audiences using Google Classroom


George Perry
2023Makaylee CroneNutritional Ecology of Solitary and Social Bee Species
PhDChristina Grozinger and David Biddinger
2022Rachel RozumAgroecosystem Landscape Design for Food and Energy Production Assisted by ModelingPhDArmen Kemanian
2022Kaley HallmarkMonarchs, Milkweed, and Migration: A Comparative Analysis of Morphology, Physiology, and Flight EnergeticsMSRudolf Schilder and Jared Ali
2022Dominika Dec PeeveyCounting and Accounting During an Outbreak: a Case Study of Measles in 2015-2016 MongoliaMSMatthew Ferrari and Ottar Bjornstad
2022Vishnupriya SankararamanA framework for amphibian habitat conservation across spatial scales using community occupancy modelsPhDDavid Miller
2022Bruna Rodrigues Do AmaralUsing big data to answer big questions: how are birds dealing with the challenges of living in the Anthropocene?MSDavid Miller
2022Suzanne FleishmanBelowground interactions at multiple scales in a grapevine-groundcover agroecosystemPhDDavid Eissenstat and Michela Centinari
2022Noah WintersEvolutionary and Functional Genetics of Disease Resistance in Theobroma cacao and its Wild Relatives
PhDJames Marden and Mark Guiltinan
2022Devyn McPheetersSoil Health Indicators as Tools to Understand the Effects of Disturbance

MSMary Ann Bruns
2022Elyse McMahonConnectivity and Plasticity of Physiological Mechanisms and TemperamentPhDSonia Cavigelli
2022Catherine McClureSpatiotemporal infection patterns and interpatch movement in Notopthalmus viridescens populationsMSTyler Wagner
2022Jim LorSpatiotemporal infection patterns and interpatch movement in Notopthalmus viridescens populationsMSDavid Miller
2022Sarah IsbellEcological management for enhancing nitrogen ecosystem services on agriculture land through crop, soil, and microbiome interactionsPhDJason Kaye
2022Miranda De PriestThe effect of environmental heterogeneity on bacteria within an agricultural soil communityMSTerrence Bell
2021Edward PrimkaFine root dynamics and their effect on soil CO2 efflux across a forested landscape with complex topography.PhDDavid Eissenstat
2021Dustin OwenEffects of Maternal Stress on Physiology and Morphology.PhDTracy Langkilde
2021Fiona LuntDevelopment of integrated species distribution models to improve occupancy predictions of avian species of concern.MSDavid Miller
2021Madalyn MeyersInterval Timing Speed and Sleep-Promoting Cytokines are Modified During Zugunruhe in the Northern Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe).MSPaul Bartell
2021Ellen BrandellDisease invasion in Yellowstone: Exploring the effects of wolf social organization and trophic interactionsPhDPeter Hudson
2021Asia Murphy#WhosEatingBambi: prey survival in a multiple predator landscape.PhDDavid Miller and Duane Diefenbach
2021Jennifer NievesThe Contribution of Dormant-bud Stump Sprouts to Forest RegenerationMSKim Steiner
2021Walter Espíndola CaceresEstimation of population size and ecological consequences of a seabird colony on the terrestrial ecosystem of Mona IslandMSTomás Carlo-Joglar
2020Melanie KammererEnabling conservation: unravelling spatio-temporal drivers of wild-bee communitiesPhDChristina Grozinger and John Tooker
2020Amanda Van BuskirkEstimating The Effects Of Changes In Harvest Management On White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileous virginianus) PopulationsMSDuane Diefenbach
2020Lauren OnofrioAdaptation to climate in Juglans nigra: exploring how home climate shapes growth patterns of natural populationsMSLaura Leites
2020Courtney DavisAdvancing quantitative methods to disentangle population- and community-level processes at multiple scalesPhDDavid Miller
2020David MuñozUnderstanding range-wide responses of wildlife to global changePhDDavid Miller
2019Braulio De Almeida AssisHonest signals and sexual conflict - perspectives from Eastern fence lizardsPhDTracy Langkilde
2019Carli DinsmoreThe Influence of Food Availability on Life-History TrajectoriesMSDavid Miller and Julian Avery
2019Sarah RothmanWildflower meadow restoration on surface minesMSC. Andrew Cole
2019Benjamin DillnerIf a tree falls: plant regeneration and soil trends in a Pennsylvania tree tip-up chronosequenceMSJason Kaye
2019Rondy MalikConsumers of live and dead plant matter: at the root of decomposers, herbivores and mycorrhizae in trophic ecologyPhDDavid Eissenstat and Terrence Bell
2019Shannon WhiteThe significance of intraspecific diversity for the conservation of an imperiled fish speciesPhDTyler Wagner
2019Erynn Maynard-BeanShedding light on invasive shrubs in eastern deciduous forests of North AmericaPhDMargot Kaye and Eric Burkhart
2019Lake GraboskiA Quantitative Analysis of Oak Seedling Success in Regenerating Forest StandsMSKim Steiner
2019Brady BoyerRates and prevalences of predispersal seed predation on plant communities across a latitudinal gradientMSTomás Carlo-Joglar
2019Staci AmburgeyCoarse and fine-scale determinants of species range boundariesPhDDavid Miller
2019Joseph KellerTiming matters: Climate change, phenology, demography, and management of the invasive weed Carduus nutansPhDKatriona Shea
2018Kathryn BarlowRestoring Plant Communities After Natural Resource DevelopmentPhDDavid Mortensen
2018Shauna-Kay RainfordAn integrative assessment of soil organic carbon dynamics in wetland environmentsPhDPatrick Drohan
2018Andrea ChanClimate Change Effects on Coral SymbiosesPhDIliana Baums
2018William MillerThe Genetic Structure of White-tailed Deer to Evaluate the Potential Epizootiology of Chronic Wasting Disease in an Area of Recent EmergencePhDW. David Walter
2018Chad NihranzStressful Memories: Consequences of herbivory and inbreeding in Solanum carolinensePhDAndrew Stephenson
2018Benjamin VizzacheroThe advantage of the rare: field experiments on density-dependent seed dispersal by avian frugivoresMSTomás Carlo-Joglar
2018Megan SchallA multidisciplinary approach to evaluating population status and disease dynamics of smallmouth bassPhDTyler Wagner
2018Spencer CarranEquity in Disease ManagementPhDMatthew Ferrari
2018Christina AielloA multi-level study of disease dynamics in desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) with implications for translocation risk assessmentsPhDPeter Hudson
2017Matthew ToeniesLong-term avian community response to hemlock declineMSDavid Miller
2017Emilia Sola GraciaSocial Insects as Solitary VehiclesPhDDavid Hughes
2017Colbie ReedThe Physiological Ecology of an Entomopathogenic Fungus: Examining Host-niche Through Metabolic Footprinting of Ophiocordyceps unilateralis s.l.MSDavid Hughes
2017Laura RadvilleRoot phenology in a changing worldPhDDavid Eissenstat
2017Douglas ManningShort-term Vegetation Responses Following Natural Disturbance on Preserved Forest LandsMSMargot Kaye
2017Shuang LiangSimulating the Effects of Climate Chage, Wildfire and Fuel Treatment on Sierra Nevada ForestsPhDMatthew Hurteau
2017Lillian HillLithological Controls on Soil Properties of Temperate Forest Ecosystems in Central PennsylvaniaMSJason Kaye
2017Timothy GouldCoarse Woody Debris in Riparian Corridors of Central Pennsylvania: How Abundance, Characteristics, and Dynamics Vary with Anthropogenic DisturbanceMSRobert Brooks
2017Ethan DavisEvaluating Agricultural Land Use Patterns in Relation to Food Systems, Bioenergy, and Carbon MitigationPhDErica Smithwick
2017Weile ChenMycorrhizal-mediated Nutrient Foraging Strategies of Temperate Tree SpeciesPhDDavid Eissenstat
2016David WattsArctic Vegetation Responses to Global Change Reproduction, Growth, and Consequences for BiodiversityPhDEric Post
2016Christopher ThawleyThe causes and consequences of adaptation to a novel invader in the Eastern fence lizard (Sceloporus undulatus)PhDTracy Langkilde
2016Xin PengPotential Use of N2-Fixing Cyanobacteria For Establishing Renewable Biological Soil Crusts and Modulating Soil Nitrogen in AgroecosystemsPhDMary Ann Bruns
2016Alexandra OrrTopographic Controls on Root Partitioning Patterns in a Temperate ForestMSDavid Eissenstat
2016Gail McCormickFactors affecting the physiological consequences of stress in eastern fence lizards (Sceloporus undulatus)PhDTracy Langkilde
2016Christian JohnAgainst the Spring Wave: Ungulate Migration Phenology in a Changing ArcticMSEric Post
2016Lauren ChabyAre there sex differences in the way guppies (Poecilia reticulata) navigate their environment?MSVictoria Braithwaite
2015Jennifer TennessenThe ecological and evolutionary consequences of noise-induced acoustic habitat lossPhDTracy Langkilde
2015Danelle LaflowerProjecting the effects of climate change and management in forests of the Puget Sound LowlandsMSMatthew Hurteau
2015Jeffrey KerbyPhenology in a chancing Arctic: Linking trophic interactions across scalesPhDEric Post
2015Anjel HelmsEavesdropping plants: Plants perceive and respond to insect odors by priming their anti-herbivore defensesPhDJohn Tooker
2015Jacquelyn HarthZucchini yellow mosaic virus: Post-infection impacts on the Cucurbita pathosystemPhDAndrew Stephenson
2015Christen GrettenbergerMicrobial Communities In Acid Mine Drainage EcosystemsPhDJennifer Macalady
2015Alison GranthamImproving Nitrogen Management in Agriculture: Opportunities Gleaned from Organic SystemsPhDJason Kaye
2015Katie GainesForest Ecohydrology in a Central Pennsylvania Catchment: A Stable Isotope ApproachPhDDavid Eissenstat
2015Denise FinneyDiversity, disturbance, and nitrogen: using ecologically-based nutrient management to design multifunctional agroecosystemsPhDJason Kaye
2015Courtney DavisDynamic approaches to modeling wetland community responses to changing water availabilityMSDavid Miller
2015Sean CahoonThe biophysical and carbon-climate feedbacks of shrub expansion in the ArcticPhDEric Post
2015Jennifer BerkebileModels of Growth and Mortality Following Long-term Translocation of Wild Ash PopulationsMSKim Steiner
2015Emily AlmbergThe invasion, dynamics, and impacts of infectious disease in Yellowstone's wolf populationPhDPeter Hudson
2014Larry YorkIntegration of root phenes affecting nitrogen acquisition in maizePhDJonathan Lynch
2014Morgan WiechmannEcosystem carbon dynamics following fire risk mitigation treatments in a mixed-conifer forest, Sierra Nevada, CaliforniaMSMatthew Hurteau
2014Brittany TellerDispersal under Duress: The Ecology of Phenotypically Plastic Passive Dispersal by the Invasive Species Carduus NutansPhDKatriona Shea
2014Lindsey SwierkMate choice and competition in the eastern fence lizard, Sceloporus undulatusPhDTracy Langkilde
2014Christine RollinsonInfluences Of Climate And Biotic Interactions On Realized Niches And Tree Species Distribution In The Central AppalachiansPhDMargot Kaye
2014Sarah JohnsonNative American Land Use Legacies in the Present Day Landscape of the Eastern United StatesPhDMarc Abrams
2014Kristin HaiderThe effect of cropping rotation and management on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a sustainable dairy cropping systemMSRoger Koide
2014Christopher FernandezBiochemistry of ectomycorrhizal fungi: from functional traits to ecosystem processesPhDRoger Koide
2014Bradley CarlsonThe evolutionary ecology of intraspecific trait variation in larval amphibiansPhDTracy Langkilde
2014Aliana BritsonImpacts of Surrounding Land-use on Denitrification and Carbon Storage in Headwater Wetlands of Central PennsylvaniaPhDDenice Wardrop
2014Thomas BentleyPlant volatiles from an ecological perspective: Interactions with herbivores and pollinators in Solanum and NicotianaPhDMark Mescher
2014Kristine AverillThe influence of white-tailed deer and landscape composition and structure on exotic plant successPhDDavid Mortensen
2014Thomas AdamsThe controls and constraints of fine-root lifespanPhDDavid Eissenstat
2013Molly SteeleGenetic Differentiation of Populations of European Wild Rabbits at Different Spatial ScalesMSIsabella Cattadori
2013Lauren SmithAboveground Carbon Distribution across a Temperate WatershedMSMargot Kaye
2013Laura RussoPlant-pollinator mutualisms: community structure, function, and managementPhDKatriona Shea
2013Melanie KammererInvestigating the Role of Local Florisitc Diversity in Provisioning Wild Bees in Pennsylvania Apple OrchardsMSDavid Mortensen
2013Marc GoebelDecomposition of fine root organic matter among temperate trees speciesPhDDavid Eissenstat
2013John Franklin EganPlant Biodiversity in Agricultural Landscapes and the Next Generation of Herbicide-resistant CropsPhDDavid Mortensen
2013Kelly BrossmanTails and toxins: Exploring life history traits and predator-induced defenses in Eastern Red-spotted Newts (Notophthalmus viridescens viridescens)MSTracy Langkilde
2012Jeffrey LawGranivorous Invertebrates and Weed Seed Predation: An Ecological Approach to Weed ManagementPhDTomas A. Carlo-Joglar
2012Cara HotchkinVocal noise compensation in nonhuman mammals: modification types and usage patternsPhDSusan Parks
2012Michael Luke McCormackMeasuring and modeling fine root dynamics in temperate forestsPhDDavid Eissenstat
2012Jason HillPopulation Ecology of Grassland Sparrows on Reclaimed Surface Mine Grasslands in PennsylvaniaPhDDuane Diefenbach
2012Steven BeriCognitive Ecology: How the threat of predation influences information processing and decision makingMSVictoria Braithwaite
2012Andrew Van KurenStimuli Promoting the Arrested Development of Gastrointestinal Helminths in the European Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus): The Role of Climate, Host Immunity, and Intensity of InfectionMSCarolyn Mahan
2012Lauren SeilerEffectiveness of Ailanthus Altissima as a Bioindicator of Ozone PollutionMSDennis Decoteau
2012Catherine AireyFire and the Persistence and Decline of Montane Chaparral in Mixed-Conifer Forests in the Southern Cascades, Lassen Volcanic National Park, CAMSAlan Taylor
2012Jason GleditschHabitat Modeling, Validation and Creation using 2nd Pennsylvania Breeding Bird Atlas Data.MSTomas Carlo-Joglar
2012Nicholas PolatoLiving With Aliens: The Effect of an Invasive Shrub on Avian Nesting EcologyPhDIliana Baums
2012Kristen GrangerInteractions between Environmental Stress and Genetic Diversity in Reef Building CoralsPhDRobert Gallagher
2012Jessica MoonMitigation of Drought-Induced Reductions in Wild Oat Seed Quality by Elevated Carbon DioxidePhDDenice Wardrop
2012Leah WasserUnderstanding the Impacts of Human-Induced Disturbance on Wetland Soil Microbial ProcessingPhDAlan Taylor
2012Tricia MillerAssessing Forest Riparian Buffer Ecological Integrity using Lidar DataPhDRobert Brooks
2011Quanying DuThe Influence of Nitrogen Deposition on Root Lifespan in Northeastern Temperate ForestsMSDavid Eissenstat
2011Erica StuberFat and Migration: Relationship between Seasonal Regulation of Adipokines and BehaviorMSPaul Bartell
2011David LiebThe Ecology, Distribution, Conservation, and Management of Pennsylvania's Surface-Dwelling Crayfish Fauna with an Emphasis on the Eastern Part of the StatePhDRobert Carline & Eric Post
2011Rebekah WagnerPhenology, Morphology and Physiology of Eastern Deciduous Seelings under Increased Temperature and Precipitation TreatmentsPhDMargot Kaye
2011Kevin MuellerThe Influence of Trees on Soil BiogeochemistryPhDDavid Eissenstat
2011Daniel GrearPatterns and Process of Parasite Infection and TransmissionPhDPeter Hudson
2011Andrea NordThe Role of Environmental Factors in Population Growth and Control of Microstegium vimineumPhDDavid Mortensen
2010Collin ShephardComparison of Pennsylvania Residents' and Regional Scientists' Perceptions, Values, and Attitudes toward Management of Old-Growth ForestsMSKim Steiner
2010Nelson DeBarrosFloral Resource Provisioning for bees in PennsylvaniaMSDavid Mortensen
2010Emily KuhnsIdentification and Characterization of a Lepidopteran Aminoacylase, A Hydrolast of Fatty Acid Amino Acid ConjugatesPhDJames Tumlinson
2010Stephanie Lessard-PilonThe role of habitat-modifying fauna in deepwater coral and cold seep communities in the Gulf of MexicoPhDCharles Fisher
2010Ruscena WiederholtEffects of Environmental Variation on Ateline Primate Population DynamicsPhDStephen Beckerman
2010Angela LuisModeling External Forcing on Microparasite Dyanmics: A Tool for Understanding Observed Ecological Patterns and Forecasting DynamicsPhDOttar Bjornstad
2010Shawn RummelEvaluation of the Post-Stocking Loss of Three Species of Hatchery-Reared Salmonids in PennsylvaniaPhDWilliam Sharpe
2010Matthew RyanEnergy Usage, Greenhouse Gases, and Multi-Tactical Weed Management in Organic Rotational No-Till Cropping SystemsPhDDavid Mortensen
2010Laurie GoodrichStopover Ecology of Autumn-Migrating Raptors in the Central AppalachiansPhDMargaret Brittingham-Brant
2009James JulianEvaluating amphibian distribution models and the importance of small, temporary wetlands on amphibian biodiversity in the Delaware Water Gap NRAPhDRobert Brooks
2009Michelle Williams-ToberRelative Nitrogen Availability along a Disturbance Gradient in Headwater Wetlands in the Upper Juniata Watershed, Pennsylvania (Masters paper)MSEric Smithwick
2009Andrew WilsonBird Population Responses to Conservation Grasslands in PennsylvaniaPhDMargaret Brittingham-Brant
2009Randa JabbourManagement effects on epigeal arthropods and soil-dwelling communities during the transition to organic agriculturePhDMary Barbercheck
2009Genevieve RomanelloMicrostegium vimineum Invasion in Central Pennsylvanian Slope, Seep Wetlands: Site Comparisons, Seed Bank Investigation and Water as a Vector for Dispersal (Master's paper)MSAndrew Cole
2009Naomi GeboA Landscape Perspective for Refining Wetland Mitigation in Pennsylvania (Masters paper)MSRober Brooks
2009Andrew ScanlanAssessing Diatom Assemblage Changes in Stream Biofilms Along a Biogeochemical Gradients (Masters paper)PhDHunter Carrick
2008Angela AndersEffects of Large-Scale Climate on Avian Population Dynamics Across Species' North American Breeding DistributionsPhDEric Post
2008Eric NordPatience is a Virtue: Delayed Phenology is an Adaptive Response for Plants in Soils with Low Phosphorus AvailabilityPhDJonathan Lynch
2008Christopher RossLabile C Constrains Soil Respiration in Ponderosa Pine Forests during Short-Term Precipitation Manipulation and Log-Term Crown Fire Recovery (Masters paper)MSJason Kaye
2008Glenn StaufferNesting Ecology and Site Fidelity of Grassland Sparrows on Reclaimed Surface Mines in Pennsylvania (Maters Paper)MSDuane Diefenbach
2008Katherine MarchettoAbiotic and Biotic Factors Affecting Seed Release and Dispersal of the Invasive Thistles Carduus nutans and Carduus acanthoides (Masters paper)MSKartriona Shea & Stephen Schaeffer
2008Anna StarovoytovResidue Management for Enhancing Sequestration of Legume-Base Nitrogen (Masters paper)MSRobert Gallagher
2007Joseph DauerFrom Emergence to Impact: Conyza canadensis Adaptations that Facilitate Seed DispersalPhDDavid Mortensen
2007Zeynep SezenInteractions of the Invasive Thistle Carduus Nutans and Its Biocontrol Agent Rhinocyllus Conicus in Heterogeneous EnvironmentsPhDKatriona Shea
2007Glenna MalcolmMetabolic Response to Temperature by Soil MicroorganismsPhDRoger Koide
2007Jeremy ZidekPhakopsora Pachyrhizi Urediniospore Escape from a Soybean CanopyMSScott Isard
2007Michelle GresalfiMSJason Kaye
2007Jill Cromp-PestkaAnalysis of Habitat-Based Viola Sagitta Populations for Regal Fritillary Butterflies at Pennsylvania's National Guard Training CenterMSKe Chung Kim
2007Andrew FilipczakDevelopment of a forest vegetation Inventory and monitoring program for the eastern rivers and mountains network of the national park serviceMSJames Findley
2007Zeynep SezenInteractions of the invasive thistle (Carduus nutans) and its biocontrol agent (Rhinocyllus conicus) in hetergeneous environments.PhDKatriona Shea
2006Tiffany BogichOptimization models for the monitoring and management of an invasive speciesMSKatriona Shea
2006Loren Benton ByrneEffects of Urban Habitat Types and Landscape Patterns on Ecological Variables at the Above Ground- Below Ground InterfacePhDMary Ann Bruns and Ke Chung Kim
2006Matthew FerrariMixing models and Geometry of EpidemicsPhDOttar Bjornstad
2006Casey GodwinBiomass, Stoichiometry and Nutrient Limitation of Periphyton in a temperate and spring-fed streamMSHunter Carrick
2006Zaneta HoughDecomposition in Riparian Depression and Slope Wetlands of Central PennyslyvaniaMSAndy Cole
2006Ningning KongTopographically Based Landscape-Scale Ecological Mapping In PennsylvaniaPhDWayne Myers
2006Robert KuhnCommunity Dynamics of Streamside Forests: Lessons from the Conestoga River Drainage, Lancaster County, PennsylvaniaPhDMarc Abrams
2006Matthew LisySystematics and Browser-Building Behavior of the Tramitichromis Eccles and Trewavas (Telosti: Chichlidae) from the Southeast Arm of Lake MalawiPhDJay Stauffer
2006Emily RauschertCompetitive interactions and associations of the invasive thistles Carduus nutans and C. acanthoidesPhDKatriona Shea
2006Shawn RummelShort Term Effects of Forest Liming on Soil Chemistry and Terrestrial MacroinvertebratesMSBill Sharpe
2006Carrie SchwartzThe Role of Habitat Heterogeneity in Population Dynamics: From Individual Behavior to Metapopulation StructurePhDOttar Bjornstad and Mike Saunders
2005Garneau, DanielleSpatio-Temporal Dynamics of a Multiple Predator-Single Prey SystemPhDEric Post
2005Edwards, JennyReasons for Differential Leaf Calcium Concentration in Forest TreesMSDave Eissenstat
2005Hoeltje, StaceyFunctional Assessment of Created and Natural Wetlands in Central PennsylvaniaMSAndy Cole
2005Long, EricLandscape and Demographic Influences on Dispersal of White-tailed DeerPhDDuane Diefenbach
2005Orendovici, TeodoraThe Response of Black Cherry and Hybrid Poplar to Ozone Under Varying Environmental ConditionsPhDDonald Davis and John Skelly
2005Peskin, NoraHabitat Suitability of Japanese Stillgrass Microstegium Vimineum in an Appalachian ForestMSDave Mortensen
2005Laubscher, SusanAquatic Macroinvertebrates in Pennsylvania Riverine Systems: Their Ecology and Utility as Bioindicators of ConditionMSRobert Brooks
2005Ryan, PatrickDecomposition Dynamics Mediated by Litter Quality in Headwater Floodplain Wetlands in PennsylvaniaMSDenice Wardrop
2005Sughrue, KarenThe Hormonal Control and Endocrine Effects of Contaminants on Avian Secondary Sex CharacteristicsPhDMargaret Brittingham
2005Turns, MichaelThe Potential for Reducing the Ecological Footprint of Contemporary Housing: The Case of Central PennsylvaniaMSChris Uhl
2005Withington, JenniferFine Root Production and Lifespan in Eleven Temperate Tree Species Growing in a Common Garden in PolandPhDDave Eissenstat
2004Ahn, Mi-YounIncorporation of Chlorophenols and Humic Monomer into Soils by Metal Oxides and a Fungal LaccasePhDJerzy Dec and Jean-Marc Bollag
2004Slawson, DeborahPhysical Habitat Recovery in a Former Dam ImpoundmentPhDChris Uhl and Ken Tamminga
2004Thompson, JacobSoil Fertility, White-Tailed Deer and Three Trillium Species: A Field StudyMSBill Sharpe
2004Besmer, YlvaRole of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Subsistence Agroecosystems in the Semi-Arid Tropics of ZimbabwePhDRoger Koide
2004Castillo Gonzalez, HugoMicrobial Ecology of Biofilms in Swine Wastewater Treatment Systems for Odor AbatementPhDMary Ann Bruns
2004Dauer, JosephLong-Distance Wind Dispersal of Horseweed Conyza canadensis L.SeedMSDave Mortensen
2004Fei, Song LinEarly Development of Mixed-Oak Forest StandsPhDKim Steiner
2004Kaeser, AdamEcological Components of Whirling Disease (Mxyobolus cerebralis) among Wild Trout Populations in PennsylvaniaPhDBill Sharpe
2004Rubbo, JenniferThe Effects of the Invasive Species, Reed Canary-Grass (Phalaris arundinacea) on the Germination and Growth of Native Riparian Tree SpeciesMSRobert Brooks
2004Tonegawa, MasamiUse of Peroxidase-Containing Plant Material for the Decontamination of Wastewater and Deodorization of Animal WastesPhDJerzy Dec
2003Conklin, AngelaMacroinvertebrate Communities as Biological Indicators of Condition in Pennsylvania Depressional WetlandsMSRobert Brooks
2003Schoss, AnyaIndices of Biotic Integrity as Indicators of Stream Condition at the National Guard Training Center, Fort Indiantown Gap, PennsylvaniaMSBill Sharpe
2002Ellis, Alicia M.Predicting Population Response to Climate Change: Implications for the Dynamics and Stability of Wolves on Isle RoyaleMS
2002Kauffman, Misty E.Stand Dynamics Following a Tornado in an Oak-Dominated Forest in the Allegheny National Forest, Forest County, PennsylvaniaMS
2002Laughlin, Daniel C.Limestone Prairies and the Threatened Grass, Bouteloua curtipendula, in PennsylvaniaMS
2002Morgan, RobertAssessing a New Biomonitoring Technology Using the Freshwater Bivalve Elliptio complanataMS
2002Novak, Kristopher J.Ozone Air Pollution and Foliar Injury Development on Native Forest Plants of SwitzerlandMS
2002Phillips, Emily E.Brook Trout and Associated Fish Species as Indicators of Episodic Stream AcidificationMS
2002Roen, Keely T.Habitat Use and Feeding Behavior of Avian Scavengers in Gettysburg National Military ParkMS
2002Scheffler, Pamela Y.Dung Beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Ecology in the Intact and Modified Landscape of Eastern AmazoniaPhD
2001Bergquist, Derk C.Life History Characteristics and Habitat-Structuring by Vestimentiferan Tubeworms from Gulf of Mexico Cold SeepsPhD
2001Gerwing, Jeffery J.Liana Ecology and Management in the Eastern AmazonPhD
2001Joyce, Brian J.Scaling Physiological Processes in TreesPhD
2001Keller, Gregory S.Community Structure and Distributional Patterns of Avifauna in Isolated Deciduous-Forest Patches in South-Central PennsylvaniaPhD
2001Mahaney, Wendy M.Impacts of Human-Mediated Stressors on Wetland Plant Community DevelopmentMS
2001Plowden, J. CampbellThe Ecology, Management and Marketing of Non-Timber Forest Products in the Alto Rio Guama Indigenous Reserve (Eastern Brazilian Amazon)PhD
2001Rodewald, Paul G.Ecology and Behavior of Migratory Songbirds during Stopover PeriodsPhD
2001Schaub, MarcusInteractions between Soil Moisture and Ozone on Three Hardwood Tree SpeciesPhD
2001Sheffer, Eric A.Energy Conservation and Food Production in Local Food SystemsMS
2001Tzilkowski, Caleb J.Humans Versus Fishes as Samplers of Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Communities: Implications for Current and Historical BiomonitoringMS
2001Walk, Seth T.Competition between Two Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli Strains in Two Harsh EnvironmentsMS
2000Bishop, Joseph A.Associations between avian functional guild response and regional landscape properties for conservation planningMS
2000Del Corso, Ellyn JoanEffects of Manganese-Laden mine drainage on stream macroinvertebratesMS
2000Flanary, Elizabeth A.Spatial and temporal changes in macroinvertegrate and fish assemblages in the upper Delaware River in the vicinity of a landfill near Narrowsburg, New YorkMS
2000Penrod, Kathy A. T.Ecology of Hay-Scented Fern: Spore Production, Viability and GerminationPhD
2000Poulton, Jennifer L.Effects of Mycorrhizal Infection and Soil Phosphorus Availability on the Male Function of Reproduction in Lycopersicon esculentum MillPhD
2000Redman, Ahnya M.Induced Defense in Two Solanaceous Plants, Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) and Eastern Black Nightshade (Solanum ptycanthum): Costs, Benefits, and Ecological ConsequencesPhD
2000Rodewald, Amanda DuminThe influences of Landscape composition on forest bird communitiesPhD
2000Stecko, Timothy D.Shape Analysis of Fish Scales of the Families Centrarchidae and Percidae (Teleostei) Native to PennsylvaniaMS
2000Urban, Christopher AllenEarly Ecosystem development in created wetlands of Northwestern New YorkMS
2000Walrath, David CarltonMultiscale analysis of Avian distributions in PennsylvaniaMS
2000Ward, Rachel TracyCommunity composition and successional trends in Gulf of Mexico upper Louisiana slope seep Vestimentiferan CommunitiesMS
1999Bennett, Robin J.Examination of macroinvertebrate communities and development of an Invertebrate Community Index (ICI) for central Pennsylvania wetlandsMS
1999Blackburn, Timothy E.Bat community ecology of Canoe Creek State Park with an emphasis on MyotisMS
1999Dunmore, Daniel EdwardThe effect of Hematophagous Ectoparasites on the Hematology and Morphology of the Eastern Blue Bird (Siallia sialis), House Wren (Troglodytes aedon) and Tree Swallow (Tachycineta biocolor)MS
1999Johnson, Glen D.Landscape Pattern analysis for Assessing Ecosystem Condition: Development of a multi-resolution method and application to Watershed- delineated landscapes in PennsylvaniaPh.D
1999Kaeser, Adam JudeThe influence of acidic runoff episodes on slimy sculpin reproductionMS
1999Leary, AdrianTemporal and spatial dynamics of predator/prey relationships in a potato agroecosystemMS
1999Mangan, Brian P.The influence of flow on habitat use by fish in a large riverPhD
1999O'Connell, Timothy JohnBird Communities in the Mid-Atlantic High lands: Relationships to landscapes and implications for conservationPh.D
1999Pereira, Henrique S.Common property regimes in Amazonian fisheriesPhD
1999Reinhardt, Carrie HelenHistorical analysis of wetland plant community response to disturbanceMS
1999Saari, Steven A.Paradise Lost? An examination of the ecological, economic, and educational impacts of the suburban and university landscapeMS
1999Talbott, Susan C.Temporal and spatial use of diversity cuts by bird communities in two state forests of central PennsylvaniaMS
1999Vanderheyden, David J.Tropospheric ozone effects on native plans of southern Switzerland: determining exposure/response relationshipsMS
1999Williard, Karl William JamesFactors affecting stream nitrogen concentrations in mid-Appalachian forested watershedsPhD
1998Cochrane, Mark AlanThe current and future ecological significance of fire in the eastern Amazon: fire effects and feedbacks in tropical lowland forestPhD
1998Dolte, Shannon JamesEffects of episodic stream acidification on wild brook trout distribution in Stone RunMS
1998Giocomo, James JohnOpenings in Contiguous Forest and Reproductive Success of Forest SongbirdsMS
1998Gray, Ellen Van SnikEffects of species packing and introduction events on resource use by Darters (Teleostei: Percidae)PhD
1998Laposata, Matthew M.Effects of treated wastewater effluent irrigation on vernal pond-breeding amphibiansPhD
1998Lentz, Kendra A.Ecology of endangered northeastern bulrush, Scirpus ancistrochaetus schuylerPhD
1998Lieb, David AndrewThe effects of urban runoff on the benthic macroinvertebrate community of Thompson Run, Centre County, PennsylvaniaMS
1998Manyin, TeresaIron retention and acid neutralization in compost wetland mesocosms treating acid mine drainageMS
1998Mertz, TawnaHabitat use by house finches (Carpodacus mexicanus) in central PennsylvaniaMS
1998Niewinski, Amy ThomasThe reproductive Ecology of Japanese Knotweed (polygonum cuspidatum) and giant Knotweed (Polygonum sachalinensis) Seed.MS
1998Nord, Andrea NafzigerEcological effects of municipal biosolids application in reclamation of surface coal minesMS
1998Nord, Eric AndrewAgroecosystem nutrient dynamics in a central Pennsylvania watershedMS
1998Prosser, Diann JeanAvian use of different Successional stage ponds in PennsylvaniaMS
1998Swineford, Patricia A.The effects of herbivory by the clover root curculid, Sitona hispidulus (F.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), on nitrogen fixation in alfalfa, (Medicago sativa)MS
1998Urban, Margaret M.Species richness of the diatom genus Eunotia associated with habitat type and water chemistry variables in five ecoregions of PennsylvaniaMS
1997Cipollini, Donald F.The Influence of Induced Alterations in Morphology and Physiology on the Tolerance and Resistance of Plants to PestsPhD
1997Dearborn, Jennifer L.Genetic diversity in Rhizobium loti populations among clones of host plant Lotus corniculatusMS
1997Ferdinand, Jonathon A.Leaf morphology and physiology in relation to ozone sensitivity of black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.) trees by tree size, genotype, and light environmentMS
1997Hale, Elisabeth A.An investigation of the utility of feeding angles among Lake Malawi rock-dwelling cichlids (Teleostei: cichlidae)PhD
1997Kellogg, Karen A.Lake Malawi cichlid mating systems: factors that influence mate selectionPhD
1997Kulakowski, Dominik W.Sustainability and The Pennsylvania State University: A Case Study in Urban EcologyMS
1997Mangan, Brian PatrickThe influence of flow on habitat use by fish in a large river.PhD
1997Skaggs, Jennifer D.Genetic Diversity in Rhizobium loti Populations Among Clones of Host Plant Lotus corniculatusMS
1997Suomi, Laura J.Effects of red pine needles and red pine needle components on the growth of several species of Ectomycorrhizal fungiMS
1997Wardrop, Denice HellerThe occurrence and impact of sedimentation in central Pennsylvania wetlandsPhD
1997Xu, ZhenkangVariability in the morphology, ecology, toxicology, and genetics of Colpoda infala from five biogeographic realms, and its application in environmental assessment and bioremediationPhD
1996Campbell, Deborah AnnComparing the performance of created wetlands to natural reference wetlands: a spatial and temporal analysisMS
1996Joly, KyleMammalian biodiversity in Pennsylvania at the USEPA 635 square kilometer hexagonal scaleMS
1996Lewis, Amy R.Effects of forest management on abundance and distribution of eastern towhees in central PennsylvaniaMS
1996Ross, Bradley DAssociations between habitat and bird variables using geographic information systems and avian dataMS
1995Agnew-Lyon, JohnathanThe occurrence and impact of sedimentation in central Pennsylvania wetlandsPhD
1995Balczon, Joseph M.Feeding ecology of two surface-associated algivorous protozoaPhD
1995Crutchfield, Tracy M.Conservation and Consequence: Tenure, Inheritance, and ConservationMS
1995Floyd, Albert E.Top-Down and Bottom-Up Impacts on Creosotebush HerbivoresPhD
1995Kepner, Raymond L., Jr.Investigations of surface-associated bacterial and protozoan populations in laboratory systemsPhD
1995Kouterick, Kyle B.Comparisons of foliar injury, leaf gas exchange, and biomass response to ozone among black cherry (Prunus serotina) genotypesMS
1995Leskey, Tracy C.Influence of flowering of Acer saccharum Marsh on reproduction of Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel) (Thysanoptera: thripidae)MS
1995Pickens, Callie JoEarly Indicators of Acidification: A whole watershed approach to studying forest response to additions of Nitrogen and Sulfer.PhD
1995VerÝssimo, AdalbertoZoning of logging in the Brazilian Amazon: a test case using Parß StateMS
1994Aiello, Christine R.Use of a sludge-fly ash mixture as a substitute for topsoil to vegetate steep coal refuse banksMS
1994Balcom, Betsie J.Microhabitat and landscape characteristics associated with Allegheny woodrat (Neotoma magister) sites in PennsylvaniaMS
1994Bishel, LaurieSoil properties of natural reference wetlands and wetland mitigation projects in PennsylvaniaMS
1994DeLong, Colleen AnnaRelative abundance of small mammals and seed predation on planted acorns in three forest treatments in central PennsylvaniaMS
1994Eddy, David P.Treatment of acid mine water using a sequential cell simulated wetland: A mesocosm experimentMS
1994Glackin, Marie E.Effects of acidification on algal assemblages in temporary ponds: a multilevel studyMS
1994Goslee, Sarah C.Plant indicators of wetland hydrology in central PennsylvaniaMS
1994Horne, Michael T.Metals as potential limiting factors for amphibians which breed in temporary pondsPhD
1994Hurst, Deanna M.Ecological classification and gradient analysis in the Monongahela National Forest, West VirginiaMS
1994McGuinness, Barbara J.Consensus Building and Biodiversity: Tools for ConservationMS
1994Penrod, Kathy A.Distribution, dispersal and abundance of hayscented fern spores in mixed hardwood standsMS
1994Sandifer, ElisabethIncidence of Ozone-Induced Foliar Injury on Sensitive Hardwood Species in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia, 1991-1992MS
1994Simpkins, Micheal ArthurEcology of Hydrocarbon Seep Vestimentiferans: Growth and Condition in a Variable EnvironmentMS
1994White, Laura R.Identification of freshwater mussel glochidia on host fishes from French Creek, Pennsylvania, using molecular techniquesPhD
1993Audley, Douglas E.Evaluation of crown condition and nutrient status of red spruce (Picea rubens) (Sarg) in West VirginiaMS
1993Bowers, Nancy J.A revision of the Genus Melanochromis (Teleostei: cichlidae) from Lake Malawi, Africa, using morphological and molecular techniquesPhD
1993Fink, Michelle M.An artificial intelligence software system as a preliminary research tool in landscape ecology and biodiversityMS
1993Quesada, MauricioGenetic and Environmental Factors that Affect Pollen Performance and Progeny VigorPhD
1993Subler, Scott EmersonMechanisms of nutrient retention and recycling in a chronosequence of Amazonian agroforestry systems: comparisons with natural forest ecosystemsPhD
1993Tarutis, William John, Jr.Iron and manganese diagenesis in constructed wetlands receiving mine drainagePhD
1993Wohl, Neil EricAn ecological assessment of sediment loads from three streams in the spring creek basin, Centre County, Pennsylvania.MS
1991Balczon, Joseph M.A comparison of the responses of two microecosystems to copper stressMS
1991D'Silva, Elizabeth TaraEffects of liming on the colonization of benthic macroinvertebrates in two acidic streams in central PennsylvaniaMS
1991Friday, Martin AGrowth and survival of the pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus) in an acidified lakeMS
1991Grippo, Richard S.Net body ion loss from aquatic organisms as an indicator of acid and metal toxicity of coal mine polluted streamsPhD
1991McKenna, Ilda MeloEffects of plant zinc and plant species on plant cadmium bioavailability to animalsPhD
1991Miller, Joseph N.Landscape patterns and biotic community characteristicsMS
1991Orwig, David A.Age structure and composition of successional forests of Spotsylvania Battlefield, VirginiaMS
1991Pickens, Callie JoResponse of red oak and red maple seedlings to simulated acid precipitation, soil acidification, and deer browsingMS
1991Raesly, Richard L.Genetic and Morphological Consequences of a Founder Event in an Introduced Population of the Banded Darter,Etheostoma zonale (Cope) (Teleostei: Percidae)PhD
1991Ronen, ZeevBioremediation of subsurface sediment and groundwater contaminated with pyridine and pyridine derivativesPhD
1991Sadinski, Walter J., Jr.Direct and indirect effects of low pH on the communities of temporary pondsPhD
1991Shuttleworth, Kay L.Toxicity and sorption of heavy metals to filamentous bacteriaPhD
1991Wegner, Dennis C.Stream Corridor Width as an Environmental Variable Influencing the Demographics of the White-Footed Mouse,Peromyscus leucopusMS
1990Bridi, Jeffrey S.The effects of acid precipitation on aquatic organisms: a reviewMS
1990Downs, Julie AnnComposition and structure of an old-growth versus a young-mature white oak forest in southwestern PennsylvaniaMS
1990Irby, Cherie A.Avian community structure in a fragmented farmland habitatMS
1990Rocha, Oscar J.The Effects of Nonrandom Seed Abortion on Progeny Vigor in Phaseolous coccineus L. (Leguminosae)PhD
1990Rottiers, Donald VictorPotential indices of smoltification of Atlantic salmon in fresh water: volitional migration and elemental composition of the body and bonePhD
1989Aloni, IrithKinship and the function of allo-grooming in primatesMS
1989Bryla, David R.The role of mycorrhizal infection in the growth and reproduction of wild and cultivated Lycopersicon esculentum millMS
1989Coombs, Marjorie C.Mineral composition and growth rates of brook trout in four Pennsylvania streams of different mineral contentMS
1989Galeone, Daniel G.Temporal trends in water quality, determined by time series and regression analysis for streams on undisturbed, cut and herbicide-treated watersheds in the Appalachian MountainsMS
1989Hartzel, Lori M.The Effects of Seed Weight, Seed Size Category, Pollen Load, Maternal, and Paternal Parent on Progeny Performance in Cucurbita pepo (Cucurbitaceae)MS
1989Ke, JingEvaluation of foliar symptoms on Norway spruce and relationship to nutrient statusMS
1989Lewis, James D.The Effects of Phosphorus Availability and Mycorrhizal Infection on Growth, Reproduction, and Offspring Vigor in Annual PlantsMS
1988Barrera, RobertoMultiple Factors and Their Interactions on Structuring the Community of Aquatic Insects of TreeholesPhD
1988Boltz, Jeffrey M.Geographic variation in morphology of Aphredoderus sayanusPhD
1988Jarvis, Celeste R.Using field data to model food limitation in tiger beetle communitiesMS
1988Mastrota, Francis N.Diversity and abundance of an microhabitat use by small mammals in a waste-water irrigated forestMS
1988Rollfinke, Brian F.Avian communities in waste-water irrigated deciduous forests in central PennsylvaniaMS
1987Alberici, Theresa M.Metal Concentrations in Soil, Vegetation, and Microtus pennsylvanicus on Strip Mines Reclaimed Conventionally and with Municipal SludgeMS
1987Burgess, Wilella DMutualistic integration between the sea anemoneCondylactus gigantea and the alga Gymnodinium microadriaticumMS
1987Butterworth, James S.Regeneration growth of thinned oak stands in white-tailed deer exclosuresMS
1987Johnson, Glen D.Mutagenicity and organic matter degradation of sewage sludge-amended soilMS
1986Borowicz, Victoria A.Fruit dispersal of two Cornus spp.: Patterns and processesPhD
1986DiMarcello, David B.Effects of site preparation on establishment of northern red oak and Japanese larch following clearcutting of a mature red pine plantationMS
1986Gagen, Charles J.Aluminum toxicity and sodium loss in three salmonid species along a pH gradient in a mountain streamMS
1986McKenna, Ilda M.Aluminum Detoxifying Capacity of Forest Litter LeachatesMS
1986Melo, Ilda Fernando da SilvaAluminum detoxifying capacity of forest litter leachatesMS
1986Paul, Eric A.Evaluation of the removal of catch-and-release, fly-fishing only regulations from a wild brown trout populationMS
1985Freda, JosephThe Influence of Acidic Precipitation on AmphibiansPhD
1985Thorarinsson, KristjanFunctional response of the third kind? --Towards an explication of the functional response conceptMS
1985Williams, Terry M.The biology of Thiothrix spp. and eikelboom type 021N bacteriaPhDRichard Unz
1984Bronaugh, Whitcomb M.Prey selection, handling, and strike distance in four neotropical insectivorous birdsMS
1984Jones, Eric N.The effect of forage availability on the home range and population density of the meadow vole
1984Krauss, Gary D.Survival of wild and game farm male pheasants released in southeastern PennsylvaniaMS
1984Miller, James DEffects of migration of Gammarus minus on population structure in a spring-fed streamMS
1984Zak, Margaret A.Mass Marking American Shad and Atlantic Salmon with the Rare Earth Element, SamariumMS
1983Hale, Virginia M.White-tailed deer use of three ages of aspen
1983Ingerson, Lawrence A.Ultraviolet floral coloration and floral change within selected plant communities in central PennsylvaniaMS
1983Light, Robert W.Growth and reproductive ecology of the eastern brook trout in streams of differing vulnerability to acidic atmospheric deposition
1983Pluto, Thomas G.Habitat utilization and movement of the map turtlePhD
1983Schuster, William S.Strip mine test plantings in the Pennsylvania bituminous region after thirty-five yearsMS
1983Umbach, David M.Species, dosage, humidity, and temperature effects on severity of sulfur-dioxide-induced leaf necrosis on tree seedlingsMS
1983Wichlacz, Paul L.Kinetics of ferrous iron oxidation by attached bacteriaPhD
1982Bachman, Robert A.Foraging behavior of free-ranging wild brown trout in a streamPhD
1982Brauning, David W.The role of cavity availability and cavity temperatures in nest site selection of the American Kestrel
1982Choe, Jae C.Community ecology of ectoparasites on the Alaskan seabirdsMS
1982Hill, James R.Reproductive success in the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica): Effects of nest reuse and ageMS
1982Lacy, Gerald F.First-year effects of salvage clearcut logging upon stream populations of wild brook and brown trout in the northcentral highland region of PennsylvaniaMS
1982Pierce, Gregory J.The use of a former stream channel by wild brown trout following changes in depth, flow and substrate topographyMS
1981Brown, Mark W.The role of Ooencrytus kuvanae in the population dynamics of the gypsy mothMS
1981Cummins, Richard A.Population characteristics of meadow voles in relation to habitat, sex, season, and ageMS
1981Scott, Thomas W.A simulation model for the transmission of a mosquito-borne avian virus, turlockMS
1981Stringfellow, Joseph C.Feeding preferences of the white-tailed deer on planted red oak, white ash, sugar maple, and yellow-poplar seedlingsPhD
1981Williams, Regan S.The effects of eutrophication on the white sucker in Spring CreekMS
1980Barrett, James R.Island biogeography: mathematical models and diatom colonization experimentsPhD
1980Carrello, Mario P.Influence of sulfur dioxide on plant stomatal actionMS
1980Houck, Marilyn A.Predatory behavior of Stethorus punctum in response to the prey Panonychus ulmi and Tetranychus urticaePhD
1980Johanos, Thea C.Reproductive strategies and parental investment patterns of the feral ass on Ossabaw Island, GeorgiaMS
1980Lane, Elizabeth A.A study of the internal Ph of acid-tolerant and acid-tolerant algaeMS
1980McCort, William D.The behavior and social organization of feral asses on Ossabaw Island, GeorgiaPhD
1980Nichols, John T.MS
1980Rudzinski, Donald RBehavioral interactions of penned red and arctic foxesMS
1980Strauss, Richard E.Genetic and morphometric variation and the systematic relationships of eastern North American sculpinsPhD
1980Szal, Gerald M.Prey size utilization in four contiguous instars of Libellula juliaMS
1979Elbin, Susan B.Social organization in a group of free-ranging domestic guinea fowlMS
1979Gage, Timothy B.Division synchrony and the dynamics of microbial populations: a modelMS
1979LaPrade, H. ReneeEffects of breeding phase, harem size, and retesting on the aggressive responses of female red-winged blackbirds to female modelsMS
1979Walczak, Cheryl AEffects of Population Density and Sex Ratio on the Number and Type of Interactions Observed among Water Striders of the Species Gerris remigis Say (Hemiptera: Heteroptera)MS
1979Weir, Nancy L.The use of sonagraphic analysis of the American woodcock peent call as a method for identifying individual malesMS
1979Young, John R.Behavioral responses of smallmouth bass to increased turbidityMS
1978Barabas, Joseph J.Characterization of primary productivity in natural streamsMS
1978Bender, Patricia M.Studies on the Periphyton communities of two infertile mountain streams with differing pHMS
1978Hale, Alan B.A comparative study of the insect communities in two woodland streams with differing pH, with notes on the growth and fecundity of two species of LeuctraMS
1978Thomas, RobinPopulation characteristics of meadow vole in crownvetch and in grass habitatsMS
1977Borghi, Louis C.The effects of prescribed burning on the nutrient status of the forest floor of a bear oak communityMS
1977Cockley, David E.The effect of decreasing pH on cover seeking and activity behaviors in small-mouth bass (Micropterus dolomieui)MS
1977Falk, Douglas L.Benthic insect abundance and distribution in a naturally acid, bog streamMS
1977Galligan, John H.A survey of timber rattlesnake populations in PennsylvaniaMS
1977Johnson, Kenna M.A study of dissolved oxygen in Chincoteague Bay, VirginiaMS
1977Lewis, Stephen J.Avian communities and habitat components in natural and wastewater-irrigated environmentsMS
1977Motts, R. LynnBiomass accumulation and nutrient distribution of mixed oak stands following disturbancesMS
1977Saber, Peter A.Toxicity of bog water of embryonic and larval unuran amphibiansMS
1977Spring, Jeffrey D.Characteristics of small mammal populations in forested and old field habitats prior to effluent spray irrigationMS
1977Steinberg, HowardBehavioral responses of the white-tailed deer to olfactory stimulation using predator scentsMS
1977Strauss, Richard E.Morphometric and electrophoretic analysis of the systematic status of Coltus girardi robinsMS
1976Carter, Joseph H., Jr.Effects of high intensity AC electric fields on the electroencephalogram and electrocardiogram of domestic chicksMS
1976Everett, Jeffrey J.Heavy metals and population characteristics of muskrats in relation to water quality in southeastern PennsylvaniaMS
1976Jenkins, Thomas H.Behavioral processes underlying sexual selection in domestic fowlMS
1976Markarian, Ralph K.The effects of varying temperature regimes on the growth, emergence, and distribution of five species of aquatic insects in a small mountain streamMS
1976Meade, James W.Advances in the intensive rearing of brine shrimp (Artemis salina)MS
1976Rosenberg, Carl R.Forest species composition at varying distances from a coal-burning power plantMS
1976Shelly, Todd E.The effect of rock size upon the distribution of riffle insectsMS
1976Trunzo, Floyd F.The paper grocery bag--An analysis of consumer behavior
1975Brenneman, Ronnie E.A study of deer and vegetation in a regenerating mixed-oak clearcutMS
1975Hoff, Thomas B.Comparative response to artificial overhead cover among various strains of domestic brook troutMS
1975Young, Kenneth P.Hematological responses of the meadow vole to beta-nitropropionic acidMS
1975Zaplitny, Barry W.An evaluation of a catchable trout stocking in a marginal reservoir habitatMS
1974Berger, Roger J.Skeletal morphology, variability, and ecology of the bryozoan species Idmonea atlantica in the modern reefs of BermudaMS
1974Kaminsky, JohnSome environmental factors influencing the distribution of macroinvertebrates within submerged, lotic plant coloniesMS
1974Linder, Donna L.Some possible inadequacies of the coliform test as an indicator of bacterial pathogensMS
1974Mahaley, Shirley L.The development of responsiveness to the non-social environment in Gallus domesticusPhD
1973Blair, David A.The effects of stream channelization of fish populationsMS
1973Saga, Joseph J.Population dynamics of the cutlips minnow from a hard-water and a soft-water streamMS
1973Specht, Winona L.The effects of heavy metals upon the diversity and abundance of benthic macroinvertebratesMS
1960Brenner, Frederic J.Life history and general ecology of the beaver in Crawford County, PAMS
1953Bellis, David E.The effects of temperature on the breeding calls of some Oklahoma SalientiansMS