Year | Student | Thesis/Dissertation Title | Degree | Advisor |
2024 | Amy Wrobleski | Mushroom Harvesting in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the United States: Policy, Practices, and Place | PhD | Eric Burkhart |
2024 | Alejandro Medina Valencia | Thermal limits and their association with phenological syndromes in bees | MS | Margarita López-Uribe and Rudolf Schilder |
2024 | Chris Custer | Predicting the abundance and distribution of freshwater fishes under global change | PhD | Tyler Wagner |
2024 | Jessica Brown | "Tick""-et to Success: Unraveling the Ecology of Host-Tick Interactions in Small Mammals | PhD | Erika Machtinger |
2024 | Tarik Acevedo | Post-Reclamation Management of Mined Land Soils and their Impacts on Microbial Activity | PhD | Mary Ann Bruns |
2023 | B. Wren Patton | Changing minds: Fish Behavior and Cognition in Human Altered Habitats | PhD | David Hughes and Paola Ferreri |
2023 | Richard Novak | Novel approaches to the conservation and ecological study of northeastern turtles | MS | Julian Avery |
2023 | Darcy Gray | Landscape and Weather Influences on Honey Bee Seasonal Behavior and Beekeeping in European and African Honey Bees (Apis Mellifera) | MS | Christina Grozinger |
2023 | Chad Fautt | Competition and Virulence in Pseudomonas syringae | PhD | Kevin Hockett and Estelle Couradeau |
2023 | Lily Cao | The impact of cover crop inclusion on the belowground microbiome and root physiology of a perennial woody crop under different nutrient conditions | MS | Terrence Bell and Michela Centinari |
2023 | Karen Brzezinski Beatty | Space-use and movement of Canada geese in response to hunting pressure and anthropogenic land use | MS | Frances Buderman |
2023 | Katherine Altamirano | Spatial and Temporal Controls on Denitrification in an Urban Riparian Zone | MS | Jonathan Duncan |
2023 | Caylon Yates | Microbial Niche Modification Through Niche Space Alteration And Construction | PhD | Terrence Bell and Michela Centinari |
2023 | Laura Jones | Climate variation and pathogen pressure impact the ecology and evolution of bees in agroecosystems | PhD | Margarita López-Uribe and Rudolf Schilder |
2023 | Grace Gutierrez | Assessing The Roles of Thermal Tolerance and Species Distribution Associated With Invasion Potential of Non-Native Mason Bees | MS | Margarita López-Uribe |
2023 | Margarita Fernández | Impacts of anthropic disturbance on microarthropods: implications for sustainable management in Patagonian woodlands | PhD | David Eissenstat and Margot Kaye |
2023 | Sydney Bird | Developing Molecular and Analytical Tools For the Evaluation of Mating Frequency in Social and Solitary Bees | MS | Margarita López-Uribe |
2023 | Curt McConnell | Phosphorus Dynamics in a Changing Agroecosystem Landscape | PhD | Armen Kemanian and Jason Kaye |
2023 | Lilly Germeroth | Gardener Choice Impacts Monarch Survival: Milkweed Species Identity Influences Arthropod Communities and Monarch Predation | MS | Sara Hermann |
2023 | Emily Gagne | Delivering Bioinformatics and Genetics Workshops to Hybrid and Synchronous Audiences using Google Classroom | MS | George Perry |
2023 | Makaylee Crone | Nutritional Ecology of Solitary and Social Bee Species | PhD | Christina Grozinger and David Biddinger |
2022 | Rachel Rozum | Agroecosystem Landscape Design for Food and Energy Production Assisted by Modeling | PhD | Armen Kemanian |
2022 | Kaley Hallmark | Monarchs, Milkweed, and Migration: A Comparative Analysis of Morphology, Physiology, and Flight Energetics | MS | Rudolf Schilder and Jared Ali |
2022 | Dominika Dec Peevey | Counting and Accounting During an Outbreak: a Case Study of Measles in 2015-2016 Mongolia | MS | Matthew Ferrari and Ottar Bjornstad |
2022 | Vishnupriya Sankararaman | A framework for amphibian habitat conservation across spatial scales using community occupancy models | PhD | David Miller |
2022 | Bruna Rodrigues Do Amaral | Using big data to answer big questions: how are birds dealing with the challenges of living in the Anthropocene? | MS | David Miller |
2022 | Suzanne Fleishman | Belowground interactions at multiple scales in a grapevine-groundcover agroecosystem | PhD | David Eissenstat and Michela Centinari |
2022 | Noah Winters | Evolutionary and Functional Genetics of Disease Resistance in Theobroma cacao and its Wild Relatives | PhD | James Marden and Mark Guiltinan |
2022 | Devyn McPheeters | Soil Health Indicators as Tools to Understand the Effects of Disturbance | MS | Mary Ann Bruns |
2022 | Elyse McMahon | Connectivity and Plasticity of Physiological Mechanisms and Temperament | PhD | Sonia Cavigelli |
2022 | Catherine McClure | Spatiotemporal infection patterns and interpatch movement in Notopthalmus viridescens populations | MS | Tyler Wagner |
2022 | Jim Lor | Spatiotemporal infection patterns and interpatch movement in Notopthalmus viridescens populations | MS | David Miller |
2022 | Sarah Isbell | Ecological management for enhancing nitrogen ecosystem services on agriculture land through crop, soil, and microbiome interactions | PhD | Jason Kaye |
2022 | Miranda De Priest | The effect of environmental heterogeneity on bacteria within an agricultural soil community | MS | Terrence Bell |
2021 | Edward Primka | Fine root dynamics and their effect on soil CO2 efflux across a forested landscape with complex topography. | PhD | David Eissenstat |
2021 | Dustin Owen | Effects of Maternal Stress on Physiology and Morphology. | PhD | Tracy Langkilde |
2021 | Fiona Lunt | Development of integrated species distribution models to improve occupancy predictions of avian species of concern. | MS | David Miller |
2021 | Madalyn Meyers | Interval Timing Speed and Sleep-Promoting Cytokines are Modified During Zugunruhe in the Northern Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe). | MS | Paul Bartell |
2021 | Ellen Brandell | Disease invasion in Yellowstone: Exploring the effects of wolf social organization and trophic interactions | PhD | Peter Hudson |
2021 | Asia Murphy | #WhosEatingBambi: prey survival in a multiple predator landscape. | PhD | David Miller and Duane Diefenbach |
2021 | Jennifer Nieves | The Contribution of Dormant-bud Stump Sprouts to Forest Regeneration | MS | Kim Steiner |
2021 | Walter Espíndola Caceres | Estimation of population size and ecological consequences of a seabird colony on the terrestrial ecosystem of Mona Island | MS | Tomás Carlo-Joglar |
2020 | Melanie Kammerer | Enabling conservation: unravelling spatio-temporal drivers of wild-bee communities | PhD | Christina Grozinger and John Tooker |
2020 | Amanda Van Buskirk | Estimating The Effects Of Changes In Harvest Management On White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileous virginianus) Populations | MS | Duane Diefenbach |
2020 | Lauren Onofrio | Adaptation to climate in Juglans nigra: exploring how home climate shapes growth patterns of natural populations | MS | Laura Leites |
2020 | Courtney Davis | Advancing quantitative methods to disentangle population- and community-level processes at multiple scales | PhD | David Miller |
2020 | David Muñoz | Understanding range-wide responses of wildlife to global change | PhD | David Miller |
2019 | Braulio De Almeida Assis | Honest signals and sexual conflict - perspectives from Eastern fence lizards | PhD | Tracy Langkilde |
2019 | Carli Dinsmore | The Influence of Food Availability on Life-History Trajectories | MS | David Miller and Julian Avery |
2019 | Sarah Rothman | Wildflower meadow restoration on surface mines | MS | C. Andrew Cole |
2019 | Benjamin Dillner | If a tree falls: plant regeneration and soil trends in a Pennsylvania tree tip-up chronosequence | MS | Jason Kaye |
2019 | Rondy Malik | Consumers of live and dead plant matter: at the root of decomposers, herbivores and mycorrhizae in trophic ecology | PhD | David Eissenstat and Terrence Bell |
2019 | Shannon White | The significance of intraspecific diversity for the conservation of an imperiled fish species | PhD | Tyler Wagner |
2019 | Erynn Maynard-Bean | Shedding light on invasive shrubs in eastern deciduous forests of North America | PhD | Margot Kaye and Eric Burkhart |
2019 | Lake Graboski | A Quantitative Analysis of Oak Seedling Success in Regenerating Forest Stands | MS | Kim Steiner |
2019 | Brady Boyer | Rates and prevalences of predispersal seed predation on plant communities across a latitudinal gradient | MS | Tomás Carlo-Joglar |
2019 | Staci Amburgey | Coarse and fine-scale determinants of species range boundaries | PhD | David Miller |
2019 | Joseph Keller | Timing matters: Climate change, phenology, demography, and management of the invasive weed Carduus nutans | PhD | Katriona Shea |
2018 | Kathryn Barlow | Restoring Plant Communities After Natural Resource Development | PhD | David Mortensen |
2018 | Shauna-Kay Rainford | An integrative assessment of soil organic carbon dynamics in wetland environments | PhD | Patrick Drohan |
2018 | Andrea Chan | Climate Change Effects on Coral Symbioses | PhD | Iliana Baums |
2018 | William Miller | The Genetic Structure of White-tailed Deer to Evaluate the Potential Epizootiology of Chronic Wasting Disease in an Area of Recent Emergence | PhD | W. David Walter |
2018 | Chad Nihranz | Stressful Memories: Consequences of herbivory and inbreeding in Solanum carolinense | PhD | Andrew Stephenson |
2018 | Benjamin Vizzachero | The advantage of the rare: field experiments on density-dependent seed dispersal by avian frugivores | MS | Tomás Carlo-Joglar |
2018 | Megan Schall | A multidisciplinary approach to evaluating population status and disease dynamics of smallmouth bass | PhD | Tyler Wagner |
2018 | Spencer Carran | Equity in Disease Management | PhD | Matthew Ferrari |
2018 | Christina Aiello | A multi-level study of disease dynamics in desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) with implications for translocation risk assessments | PhD | Peter Hudson |
2017 | Matthew Toenies | Long-term avian community response to hemlock decline | MS | David Miller |
2017 | Emilia Sola Gracia | Social Insects as Solitary Vehicles | PhD | David Hughes |
2017 | Colbie Reed | The Physiological Ecology of an Entomopathogenic Fungus: Examining Host-niche Through Metabolic Footprinting of Ophiocordyceps unilateralis s.l. | MS | David Hughes |
2017 | Laura Radville | Root phenology in a changing world | PhD | David Eissenstat |
2017 | Douglas Manning | Short-term Vegetation Responses Following Natural Disturbance on Preserved Forest Lands | MS | Margot Kaye |
2017 | Shuang Liang | Simulating the Effects of Climate Chage, Wildfire and Fuel Treatment on Sierra Nevada Forests | PhD | Matthew Hurteau |
2017 | Lillian Hill | Lithological Controls on Soil Properties of Temperate Forest Ecosystems in Central Pennsylvania | MS | Jason Kaye |
2017 | Timothy Gould | Coarse Woody Debris in Riparian Corridors of Central Pennsylvania: How Abundance, Characteristics, and Dynamics Vary with Anthropogenic Disturbance | MS | Robert Brooks |
2017 | Ethan Davis | Evaluating Agricultural Land Use Patterns in Relation to Food Systems, Bioenergy, and Carbon Mitigation | PhD | Erica Smithwick |
2017 | Weile Chen | Mycorrhizal-mediated Nutrient Foraging Strategies of Temperate Tree Species | PhD | David Eissenstat |
2016 | David Watts | Arctic Vegetation Responses to Global Change Reproduction, Growth, and Consequences for Biodiversity | PhD | Eric Post |
2016 | Christopher Thawley | The causes and consequences of adaptation to a novel invader in the Eastern fence lizard (Sceloporus undulatus) | PhD | Tracy Langkilde |
2016 | Xin Peng | Potential Use of N2-Fixing Cyanobacteria For Establishing Renewable Biological Soil Crusts and Modulating Soil Nitrogen in Agroecosystems | PhD | Mary Ann Bruns |
2016 | Alexandra Orr | Topographic Controls on Root Partitioning Patterns in a Temperate Forest | MS | David Eissenstat |
2016 | Gail McCormick | Factors affecting the physiological consequences of stress in eastern fence lizards (Sceloporus undulatus) | PhD | Tracy Langkilde |
2016 | Christian John | Against the Spring Wave: Ungulate Migration Phenology in a Changing Arctic | MS | Eric Post |
2016 | Lauren Chaby | Are there sex differences in the way guppies (Poecilia reticulata) navigate their environment? | MS | Victoria Braithwaite |
2015 | Jennifer Tennessen | The ecological and evolutionary consequences of noise-induced acoustic habitat loss | PhD | Tracy Langkilde |
2015 | Danelle Laflower | Projecting the effects of climate change and management in forests of the Puget Sound Lowlands | MS | Matthew Hurteau |
2015 | Jeffrey Kerby | Phenology in a chancing Arctic: Linking trophic interactions across scales | PhD | Eric Post |
2015 | Anjel Helms | Eavesdropping plants: Plants perceive and respond to insect odors by priming their anti-herbivore defenses | PhD | John Tooker |
2015 | Jacquelyn Harth | Zucchini yellow mosaic virus: Post-infection impacts on the Cucurbita pathosystem | PhD | Andrew Stephenson |
2015 | Christen Grettenberger | Microbial Communities In Acid Mine Drainage Ecosystems | PhD | Jennifer Macalady |
2015 | Alison Grantham | Improving Nitrogen Management in Agriculture: Opportunities Gleaned from Organic Systems | PhD | Jason Kaye |
2015 | Katie Gaines | Forest Ecohydrology in a Central Pennsylvania Catchment: A Stable Isotope Approach | PhD | David Eissenstat |
2015 | Denise Finney | Diversity, disturbance, and nitrogen: using ecologically-based nutrient management to design multifunctional agroecosystems | PhD | Jason Kaye |
2015 | Courtney Davis | Dynamic approaches to modeling wetland community responses to changing water availability | MS | David Miller |
2015 | Sean Cahoon | The biophysical and carbon-climate feedbacks of shrub expansion in the Arctic | PhD | Eric Post |
2015 | Jennifer Berkebile | Models of Growth and Mortality Following Long-term Translocation of Wild Ash Populations | MS | Kim Steiner |
2015 | Emily Almberg | The invasion, dynamics, and impacts of infectious disease in Yellowstone's wolf population | PhD | Peter Hudson |
2014 | Larry York | Integration of root phenes affecting nitrogen acquisition in maize | PhD | Jonathan Lynch |
2014 | Morgan Wiechmann | Ecosystem carbon dynamics following fire risk mitigation treatments in a mixed-conifer forest, Sierra Nevada, California | MS | Matthew Hurteau |
2014 | Brittany Teller | Dispersal under Duress: The Ecology of Phenotypically Plastic Passive Dispersal by the Invasive Species Carduus Nutans | PhD | Katriona Shea |
2014 | Lindsey Swierk | Mate choice and competition in the eastern fence lizard, Sceloporus undulatus | PhD | Tracy Langkilde |
2014 | Christine Rollinson | Influences Of Climate And Biotic Interactions On Realized Niches And Tree Species Distribution In The Central Appalachians | PhD | Margot Kaye |
2014 | Sarah Johnson | Native American Land Use Legacies in the Present Day Landscape of the Eastern United States | PhD | Marc Abrams |
2014 | Kristin Haider | The effect of cropping rotation and management on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a sustainable dairy cropping system | MS | Roger Koide |
2014 | Christopher Fernandez | Biochemistry of ectomycorrhizal fungi: from functional traits to ecosystem processes | PhD | Roger Koide |
2014 | Bradley Carlson | The evolutionary ecology of intraspecific trait variation in larval amphibians | PhD | Tracy Langkilde |
2014 | Aliana Britson | Impacts of Surrounding Land-use on Denitrification and Carbon Storage in Headwater Wetlands of Central Pennsylvania | PhD | Denice Wardrop |
2014 | Thomas Bentley | Plant volatiles from an ecological perspective: Interactions with herbivores and pollinators in Solanum and Nicotiana | PhD | Mark Mescher |
2014 | Kristine Averill | The influence of white-tailed deer and landscape composition and structure on exotic plant success | PhD | David Mortensen |
2014 | Thomas Adams | The controls and constraints of fine-root lifespan | PhD | David Eissenstat |
2013 | Molly Steele | Genetic Differentiation of Populations of European Wild Rabbits at Different Spatial Scales | MS | Isabella Cattadori |
2013 | Lauren Smith | Aboveground Carbon Distribution across a Temperate Watershed | MS | Margot Kaye |
2013 | Laura Russo | Plant-pollinator mutualisms: community structure, function, and management | PhD | Katriona Shea |
2013 | Melanie Kammerer | Investigating the Role of Local Florisitc Diversity in Provisioning Wild Bees in Pennsylvania Apple Orchards | MS | David Mortensen |
2013 | Marc Goebel | Decomposition of fine root organic matter among temperate trees species | PhD | David Eissenstat |
2013 | John Franklin Egan | Plant Biodiversity in Agricultural Landscapes and the Next Generation of Herbicide-resistant Crops | PhD | David Mortensen |
2013 | Kelly Brossman | Tails and toxins: Exploring life history traits and predator-induced defenses in Eastern Red-spotted Newts (Notophthalmus viridescens viridescens) | MS | Tracy Langkilde |
2012 | Jeffrey Law | Granivorous Invertebrates and Weed Seed Predation: An Ecological Approach to Weed Management | PhD | Tomas A. Carlo-Joglar |
2012 | Cara Hotchkin | Vocal noise compensation in nonhuman mammals: modification types and usage patterns | PhD | Susan Parks |
2012 | Michael Luke McCormack | Measuring and modeling fine root dynamics in temperate forests | PhD | David Eissenstat |
2012 | Jason Hill | Population Ecology of Grassland Sparrows on Reclaimed Surface Mine Grasslands in Pennsylvania | PhD | Duane Diefenbach |
2012 | Steven Beri | Cognitive Ecology: How the threat of predation influences information processing and decision making | MS | Victoria Braithwaite |
2012 | Andrew Van Kuren | Stimuli Promoting the Arrested Development of Gastrointestinal Helminths in the European Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus): The Role of Climate, Host Immunity, and Intensity of Infection | MS | Carolyn Mahan |
2012 | Lauren Seiler | Effectiveness of Ailanthus Altissima as a Bioindicator of Ozone Pollution | MS | Dennis Decoteau |
2012 | Catherine Airey | Fire and the Persistence and Decline of Montane Chaparral in Mixed-Conifer Forests in the Southern Cascades, Lassen Volcanic National Park, CA | MS | Alan Taylor |
2012 | Jason Gleditsch | Habitat Modeling, Validation and Creation using 2nd Pennsylvania Breeding Bird Atlas Data. | MS | Tomas Carlo-Joglar |
2012 | Nicholas Polato | Living With Aliens: The Effect of an Invasive Shrub on Avian Nesting Ecology | PhD | Iliana Baums |
2012 | Kristen Granger | Interactions between Environmental Stress and Genetic Diversity in Reef Building Corals | PhD | Robert Gallagher |
2012 | Jessica Moon | Mitigation of Drought-Induced Reductions in Wild Oat Seed Quality by Elevated Carbon Dioxide | PhD | Denice Wardrop |
2012 | Leah Wasser | Understanding the Impacts of Human-Induced Disturbance on Wetland Soil Microbial Processing | PhD | Alan Taylor |
2012 | Tricia Miller | Assessing Forest Riparian Buffer Ecological Integrity using Lidar Data | PhD | Robert Brooks |
2011 | Quanying Du | The Influence of Nitrogen Deposition on Root Lifespan in Northeastern Temperate Forests | MS | David Eissenstat |
2011 | Erica Stuber | Fat and Migration: Relationship between Seasonal Regulation of Adipokines and Behavior | MS | Paul Bartell |
2011 | David Lieb | The Ecology, Distribution, Conservation, and Management of Pennsylvania's Surface-Dwelling Crayfish Fauna with an Emphasis on the Eastern Part of the State | PhD | Robert Carline & Eric Post |
2011 | Rebekah Wagner | Phenology, Morphology and Physiology of Eastern Deciduous Seelings under Increased Temperature and Precipitation Treatments | PhD | Margot Kaye |
2011 | Kevin Mueller | The Influence of Trees on Soil Biogeochemistry | PhD | David Eissenstat |
2011 | Daniel Grear | Patterns and Process of Parasite Infection and Transmission | PhD | Peter Hudson |
2011 | Andrea Nord | The Role of Environmental Factors in Population Growth and Control of Microstegium vimineum | PhD | David Mortensen |
2010 | Collin Shephard | Comparison of Pennsylvania Residents' and Regional Scientists' Perceptions, Values, and Attitudes toward Management of Old-Growth Forests | MS | Kim Steiner |
2010 | Nelson DeBarros | Floral Resource Provisioning for bees in Pennsylvania | MS | David Mortensen |
2010 | Emily Kuhns | Identification and Characterization of a Lepidopteran Aminoacylase, A Hydrolast of Fatty Acid Amino Acid Conjugates | PhD | James Tumlinson |
2010 | Stephanie Lessard-Pilon | The role of habitat-modifying fauna in deepwater coral and cold seep communities in the Gulf of Mexico | PhD | Charles Fisher |
2010 | Ruscena Wiederholt | Effects of Environmental Variation on Ateline Primate Population Dynamics | PhD | Stephen Beckerman |
2010 | Angela Luis | Modeling External Forcing on Microparasite Dyanmics: A Tool for Understanding Observed Ecological Patterns and Forecasting Dynamics | PhD | Ottar Bjornstad |
2010 | Shawn Rummel | Evaluation of the Post-Stocking Loss of Three Species of Hatchery-Reared Salmonids in Pennsylvania | PhD | William Sharpe |
2010 | Matthew Ryan | Energy Usage, Greenhouse Gases, and Multi-Tactical Weed Management in Organic Rotational No-Till Cropping Systems | PhD | David Mortensen |
2010 | Laurie Goodrich | Stopover Ecology of Autumn-Migrating Raptors in the Central Appalachians | PhD | Margaret Brittingham-Brant |
2009 | James Julian | Evaluating amphibian distribution models and the importance of small, temporary wetlands on amphibian biodiversity in the Delaware Water Gap NRA | PhD | Robert Brooks |
2009 | Michelle Williams-Tober | Relative Nitrogen Availability along a Disturbance Gradient in Headwater Wetlands in the Upper Juniata Watershed, Pennsylvania (Masters paper) | MS | Eric Smithwick |
2009 | Andrew Wilson | Bird Population Responses to Conservation Grasslands in Pennsylvania | PhD | Margaret Brittingham-Brant |
2009 | Randa Jabbour | Management effects on epigeal arthropods and soil-dwelling communities during the transition to organic agriculture | PhD | Mary Barbercheck |
2009 | Genevieve Romanello | Microstegium vimineum Invasion in Central Pennsylvanian Slope, Seep Wetlands: Site Comparisons, Seed Bank Investigation and Water as a Vector for Dispersal (Master's paper) | MS | Andrew Cole |
2009 | Naomi Gebo | A Landscape Perspective for Refining Wetland Mitigation in Pennsylvania (Masters paper) | MS | Rober Brooks |
2009 | Andrew Scanlan | Assessing Diatom Assemblage Changes in Stream Biofilms Along a Biogeochemical Gradients (Masters paper) | PhD | Hunter Carrick |
2008 | Angela Anders | Effects of Large-Scale Climate on Avian Population Dynamics Across Species' North American Breeding Distributions | PhD | Eric Post |
2008 | Eric Nord | Patience is a Virtue: Delayed Phenology is an Adaptive Response for Plants in Soils with Low Phosphorus Availability | PhD | Jonathan Lynch |
2008 | Christopher Ross | Labile C Constrains Soil Respiration in Ponderosa Pine Forests during Short-Term Precipitation Manipulation and Log-Term Crown Fire Recovery (Masters paper) | MS | Jason Kaye |
2008 | Glenn Stauffer | Nesting Ecology and Site Fidelity of Grassland Sparrows on Reclaimed Surface Mines in Pennsylvania (Maters Paper) | MS | Duane Diefenbach |
2008 | Katherine Marchetto | Abiotic and Biotic Factors Affecting Seed Release and Dispersal of the Invasive Thistles Carduus nutans and Carduus acanthoides (Masters paper) | MS | Kartriona Shea & Stephen Schaeffer |
2008 | Anna Starovoytov | Residue Management for Enhancing Sequestration of Legume-Base Nitrogen (Masters paper) | MS | Robert Gallagher |
2007 | Joseph Dauer | From Emergence to Impact: Conyza canadensis Adaptations that Facilitate Seed Dispersal | PhD | David Mortensen |
2007 | Zeynep Sezen | Interactions of the Invasive Thistle Carduus Nutans and Its Biocontrol Agent Rhinocyllus Conicus in Heterogeneous Environments | PhD | Katriona Shea |
2007 | Glenna Malcolm | Metabolic Response to Temperature by Soil Microorganisms | PhD | Roger Koide |
2007 | Jeremy Zidek | Phakopsora Pachyrhizi Urediniospore Escape from a Soybean Canopy | MS | Scott Isard |
2007 | Michelle Gresalfi | MS | Jason Kaye | |
2007 | Jill Cromp-Pestka | Analysis of Habitat-Based Viola Sagitta Populations for Regal Fritillary Butterflies at Pennsylvania's National Guard Training Center | MS | Ke Chung Kim |
2007 | Andrew Filipczak | Development of a forest vegetation Inventory and monitoring program for the eastern rivers and mountains network of the national park service | MS | James Findley |
2007 | Zeynep Sezen | Interactions of the invasive thistle (Carduus nutans) and its biocontrol agent (Rhinocyllus conicus) in hetergeneous environments. | PhD | Katriona Shea |
2006 | Tiffany Bogich | Optimization models for the monitoring and management of an invasive species | MS | Katriona Shea |
2006 | Loren Benton Byrne | Effects of Urban Habitat Types and Landscape Patterns on Ecological Variables at the Above Ground- Below Ground Interface | PhD | Mary Ann Bruns and Ke Chung Kim |
2006 | Matthew Ferrari | Mixing models and Geometry of Epidemics | PhD | Ottar Bjornstad |
2006 | Casey Godwin | Biomass, Stoichiometry and Nutrient Limitation of Periphyton in a temperate and spring-fed stream | MS | Hunter Carrick |
2006 | Zaneta Hough | Decomposition in Riparian Depression and Slope Wetlands of Central Pennyslyvania | MS | Andy Cole |
2006 | Ningning Kong | Topographically Based Landscape-Scale Ecological Mapping In Pennsylvania | PhD | Wayne Myers |
2006 | Robert Kuhn | Community Dynamics of Streamside Forests: Lessons from the Conestoga River Drainage, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania | PhD | Marc Abrams |
2006 | Matthew Lisy | Systematics and Browser-Building Behavior of the Tramitichromis Eccles and Trewavas (Telosti: Chichlidae) from the Southeast Arm of Lake Malawi | PhD | Jay Stauffer |
2006 | Emily Rauschert | Competitive interactions and associations of the invasive thistles Carduus nutans and C. acanthoides | PhD | Katriona Shea |
2006 | Shawn Rummel | Short Term Effects of Forest Liming on Soil Chemistry and Terrestrial Macroinvertebrates | MS | Bill Sharpe |
2006 | Carrie Schwartz | The Role of Habitat Heterogeneity in Population Dynamics: From Individual Behavior to Metapopulation Structure | PhD | Ottar Bjornstad and Mike Saunders |
2005 | Garneau, Danielle | Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of a Multiple Predator-Single Prey System | PhD | Eric Post |
2005 | Edwards, Jenny | Reasons for Differential Leaf Calcium Concentration in Forest Trees | MS | Dave Eissenstat |
2005 | Hoeltje, Stacey | Functional Assessment of Created and Natural Wetlands in Central Pennsylvania | MS | Andy Cole |
2005 | Long, Eric | Landscape and Demographic Influences on Dispersal of White-tailed Deer | PhD | Duane Diefenbach |
2005 | Orendovici, Teodora | The Response of Black Cherry and Hybrid Poplar to Ozone Under Varying Environmental Conditions | PhD | Donald Davis and John Skelly |
2005 | Peskin, Nora | Habitat Suitability of Japanese Stillgrass Microstegium Vimineum in an Appalachian Forest | MS | Dave Mortensen |
2005 | Laubscher, Susan | Aquatic Macroinvertebrates in Pennsylvania Riverine Systems: Their Ecology and Utility as Bioindicators of Condition | MS | Robert Brooks |
2005 | Ryan, Patrick | Decomposition Dynamics Mediated by Litter Quality in Headwater Floodplain Wetlands in Pennsylvania | MS | Denice Wardrop |
2005 | Sughrue, Karen | The Hormonal Control and Endocrine Effects of Contaminants on Avian Secondary Sex Characteristics | PhD | Margaret Brittingham |
2005 | Turns, Michael | The Potential for Reducing the Ecological Footprint of Contemporary Housing: The Case of Central Pennsylvania | MS | Chris Uhl |
2005 | Withington, Jennifer | Fine Root Production and Lifespan in Eleven Temperate Tree Species Growing in a Common Garden in Poland | PhD | Dave Eissenstat |
2004 | Ahn, Mi-Youn | Incorporation of Chlorophenols and Humic Monomer into Soils by Metal Oxides and a Fungal Laccase | PhD | Jerzy Dec and Jean-Marc Bollag |
2004 | Slawson, Deborah | Physical Habitat Recovery in a Former Dam Impoundment | PhD | Chris Uhl and Ken Tamminga |
2004 | Thompson, Jacob | Soil Fertility, White-Tailed Deer and Three Trillium Species: A Field Study | MS | Bill Sharpe |
2004 | Besmer, Ylva | Role of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Subsistence Agroecosystems in the Semi-Arid Tropics of Zimbabwe | PhD | Roger Koide |
2004 | Castillo Gonzalez, Hugo | Microbial Ecology of Biofilms in Swine Wastewater Treatment Systems for Odor Abatement | PhD | Mary Ann Bruns |
2004 | Dauer, Joseph | Long-Distance Wind Dispersal of Horseweed Conyza canadensis L.Seed | MS | Dave Mortensen |
2004 | Fei, Song Lin | Early Development of Mixed-Oak Forest Stands | PhD | Kim Steiner |
2004 | Kaeser, Adam | Ecological Components of Whirling Disease (Mxyobolus cerebralis) among Wild Trout Populations in Pennsylvania | PhD | Bill Sharpe |
2004 | Rubbo, Jennifer | The Effects of the Invasive Species, Reed Canary-Grass (Phalaris arundinacea) on the Germination and Growth of Native Riparian Tree Species | MS | Robert Brooks |
2004 | Tonegawa, Masami | Use of Peroxidase-Containing Plant Material for the Decontamination of Wastewater and Deodorization of Animal Wastes | PhD | Jerzy Dec |
2003 | Conklin, Angela | Macroinvertebrate Communities as Biological Indicators of Condition in Pennsylvania Depressional Wetlands | MS | Robert Brooks |
2003 | Schoss, Anya | Indices of Biotic Integrity as Indicators of Stream Condition at the National Guard Training Center, Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania | MS | Bill Sharpe |
2002 | Ellis, Alicia M. | Predicting Population Response to Climate Change: Implications for the Dynamics and Stability of Wolves on Isle Royale | MS | |
2002 | Kauffman, Misty E. | Stand Dynamics Following a Tornado in an Oak-Dominated Forest in the Allegheny National Forest, Forest County, Pennsylvania | MS | |
2002 | Laughlin, Daniel C. | Limestone Prairies and the Threatened Grass, Bouteloua curtipendula, in Pennsylvania | MS | |
2002 | Morgan, Robert | Assessing a New Biomonitoring Technology Using the Freshwater Bivalve Elliptio complanata | MS | |
2002 | Novak, Kristopher J. | Ozone Air Pollution and Foliar Injury Development on Native Forest Plants of Switzerland | MS | |
2002 | Phillips, Emily E. | Brook Trout and Associated Fish Species as Indicators of Episodic Stream Acidification | MS | |
2002 | Roen, Keely T. | Habitat Use and Feeding Behavior of Avian Scavengers in Gettysburg National Military Park | MS | |
2002 | Scheffler, Pamela Y. | Dung Beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Ecology in the Intact and Modified Landscape of Eastern Amazonia | PhD | |
2001 | Bergquist, Derk C. | Life History Characteristics and Habitat-Structuring by Vestimentiferan Tubeworms from Gulf of Mexico Cold Seeps | PhD | |
2001 | Gerwing, Jeffery J. | Liana Ecology and Management in the Eastern Amazon | PhD | |
2001 | Joyce, Brian J. | Scaling Physiological Processes in Trees | PhD | |
2001 | Keller, Gregory S. | Community Structure and Distributional Patterns of Avifauna in Isolated Deciduous-Forest Patches in South-Central Pennsylvania | PhD | |
2001 | Mahaney, Wendy M. | Impacts of Human-Mediated Stressors on Wetland Plant Community Development | MS | |
2001 | Plowden, J. Campbell | The Ecology, Management and Marketing of Non-Timber Forest Products in the Alto Rio Guama Indigenous Reserve (Eastern Brazilian Amazon) | PhD | |
2001 | Rodewald, Paul G. | Ecology and Behavior of Migratory Songbirds during Stopover Periods | PhD | |
2001 | Schaub, Marcus | Interactions between Soil Moisture and Ozone on Three Hardwood Tree Species | PhD | |
2001 | Sheffer, Eric A. | Energy Conservation and Food Production in Local Food Systems | MS | |
2001 | Tzilkowski, Caleb J. | Humans Versus Fishes as Samplers of Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Communities: Implications for Current and Historical Biomonitoring | MS | |
2001 | Walk, Seth T. | Competition between Two Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli Strains in Two Harsh Environments | MS | |
2000 | Bishop, Joseph A. | Associations between avian functional guild response and regional landscape properties for conservation planning | MS | |
2000 | Del Corso, Ellyn Joan | Effects of Manganese-Laden mine drainage on stream macroinvertebrates | MS | |
2000 | Flanary, Elizabeth A. | Spatial and temporal changes in macroinvertegrate and fish assemblages in the upper Delaware River in the vicinity of a landfill near Narrowsburg, New York | MS | |
2000 | Penrod, Kathy A. T. | Ecology of Hay-Scented Fern: Spore Production, Viability and Germination | PhD | |
2000 | Poulton, Jennifer L. | Effects of Mycorrhizal Infection and Soil Phosphorus Availability on the Male Function of Reproduction in Lycopersicon esculentum Mill | PhD | |
2000 | Redman, Ahnya M. | Induced Defense in Two Solanaceous Plants, Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) and Eastern Black Nightshade (Solanum ptycanthum): Costs, Benefits, and Ecological Consequences | PhD | |
2000 | Rodewald, Amanda Dumin | The influences of Landscape composition on forest bird communities | PhD | |
2000 | Stecko, Timothy D. | Shape Analysis of Fish Scales of the Families Centrarchidae and Percidae (Teleostei) Native to Pennsylvania | MS | |
2000 | Urban, Christopher Allen | Early Ecosystem development in created wetlands of Northwestern New York | MS | |
2000 | Walrath, David Carlton | Multiscale analysis of Avian distributions in Pennsylvania | MS | |
2000 | Ward, Rachel Tracy | Community composition and successional trends in Gulf of Mexico upper Louisiana slope seep Vestimentiferan Communities | MS | |
1999 | Bennett, Robin J. | Examination of macroinvertebrate communities and development of an Invertebrate Community Index (ICI) for central Pennsylvania wetlands | MS | |
1999 | Blackburn, Timothy E. | Bat community ecology of Canoe Creek State Park with an emphasis on Myotis | MS | |
1999 | Dunmore, Daniel Edward | The effect of Hematophagous Ectoparasites on the Hematology and Morphology of the Eastern Blue Bird (Siallia sialis), House Wren (Troglodytes aedon) and Tree Swallow (Tachycineta biocolor) | MS | |
1999 | Johnson, Glen D. | Landscape Pattern analysis for Assessing Ecosystem Condition: Development of a multi-resolution method and application to Watershed- delineated landscapes in Pennsylvania | Ph.D | |
1999 | Kaeser, Adam Jude | The influence of acidic runoff episodes on slimy sculpin reproduction | MS | |
1999 | Leary, Adrian | Temporal and spatial dynamics of predator/prey relationships in a potato agroecosystem | MS | |
1999 | Mangan, Brian P. | The influence of flow on habitat use by fish in a large river | PhD | |
1999 | O'Connell, Timothy John | Bird Communities in the Mid-Atlantic High lands: Relationships to landscapes and implications for conservation | Ph.D | |
1999 | Pereira, Henrique S. | Common property regimes in Amazonian fisheries | PhD | |
1999 | Reinhardt, Carrie Helen | Historical analysis of wetland plant community response to disturbance | MS | |
1999 | Saari, Steven A. | Paradise Lost? An examination of the ecological, economic, and educational impacts of the suburban and university landscape | MS | |
1999 | Talbott, Susan C. | Temporal and spatial use of diversity cuts by bird communities in two state forests of central Pennsylvania | MS | |
1999 | Vanderheyden, David J. | Tropospheric ozone effects on native plans of southern Switzerland: determining exposure/response relationships | MS | |
1999 | Williard, Karl William James | Factors affecting stream nitrogen concentrations in mid-Appalachian forested watersheds | PhD | |
1998 | Cochrane, Mark Alan | The current and future ecological significance of fire in the eastern Amazon: fire effects and feedbacks in tropical lowland forest | PhD | |
1998 | Dolte, Shannon James | Effects of episodic stream acidification on wild brook trout distribution in Stone Run | MS | |
1998 | Giocomo, James John | Openings in Contiguous Forest and Reproductive Success of Forest Songbirds | MS | |
1998 | Gray, Ellen Van Snik | Effects of species packing and introduction events on resource use by Darters (Teleostei: Percidae) | PhD | |
1998 | Laposata, Matthew M. | Effects of treated wastewater effluent irrigation on vernal pond-breeding amphibians | PhD | |
1998 | Lentz, Kendra A. | Ecology of endangered northeastern bulrush, Scirpus ancistrochaetus schuyler | PhD | |
1998 | Lieb, David Andrew | The effects of urban runoff on the benthic macroinvertebrate community of Thompson Run, Centre County, Pennsylvania | MS | |
1998 | Manyin, Teresa | Iron retention and acid neutralization in compost wetland mesocosms treating acid mine drainage | MS | |
1998 | Mertz, Tawna | Habitat use by house finches (Carpodacus mexicanus) in central Pennsylvania | MS | |
1998 | Niewinski, Amy Thomas | The reproductive Ecology of Japanese Knotweed (polygonum cuspidatum) and giant Knotweed (Polygonum sachalinensis) Seed. | MS | |
1998 | Nord, Andrea Nafziger | Ecological effects of municipal biosolids application in reclamation of surface coal mines | MS | |
1998 | Nord, Eric Andrew | Agroecosystem nutrient dynamics in a central Pennsylvania watershed | MS | |
1998 | Prosser, Diann Jean | Avian use of different Successional stage ponds in Pennsylvania | MS | |
1998 | Swineford, Patricia A. | The effects of herbivory by the clover root curculid, Sitona hispidulus (F.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), on nitrogen fixation in alfalfa, (Medicago sativa) | MS | |
1998 | Urban, Margaret M. | Species richness of the diatom genus Eunotia associated with habitat type and water chemistry variables in five ecoregions of Pennsylvania | MS | |
1997 | Cipollini, Donald F. | The Influence of Induced Alterations in Morphology and Physiology on the Tolerance and Resistance of Plants to Pests | PhD | |
1997 | Dearborn, Jennifer L. | Genetic diversity in Rhizobium loti populations among clones of host plant Lotus corniculatus | MS | |
1997 | Ferdinand, Jonathon A. | Leaf morphology and physiology in relation to ozone sensitivity of black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.) trees by tree size, genotype, and light environment | MS | |
1997 | Hale, Elisabeth A. | An investigation of the utility of feeding angles among Lake Malawi rock-dwelling cichlids (Teleostei: cichlidae) | PhD | |
1997 | Kellogg, Karen A. | Lake Malawi cichlid mating systems: factors that influence mate selection | PhD | |
1997 | Kulakowski, Dominik W. | Sustainability and The Pennsylvania State University: A Case Study in Urban Ecology | MS | |
1997 | Mangan, Brian Patrick | The influence of flow on habitat use by fish in a large river. | PhD | |
1997 | Skaggs, Jennifer D. | Genetic Diversity in Rhizobium loti Populations Among Clones of Host Plant Lotus corniculatus | MS | |
1997 | Suomi, Laura J. | Effects of red pine needles and red pine needle components on the growth of several species of Ectomycorrhizal fungi | MS | |
1997 | Wardrop, Denice Heller | The occurrence and impact of sedimentation in central Pennsylvania wetlands | PhD | |
1997 | Xu, Zhenkang | Variability in the morphology, ecology, toxicology, and genetics of Colpoda infala from five biogeographic realms, and its application in environmental assessment and bioremediation | PhD | |
1996 | Campbell, Deborah Ann | Comparing the performance of created wetlands to natural reference wetlands: a spatial and temporal analysis | MS | |
1996 | Joly, Kyle | Mammalian biodiversity in Pennsylvania at the USEPA 635 square kilometer hexagonal scale | MS | |
1996 | Lewis, Amy R. | Effects of forest management on abundance and distribution of eastern towhees in central Pennsylvania | MS | |
1996 | Ross, Bradley D | Associations between habitat and bird variables using geographic information systems and avian data | MS | |
1995 | Agnew-Lyon, Johnathan | The occurrence and impact of sedimentation in central Pennsylvania wetlands | PhD | |
1995 | Balczon, Joseph M. | Feeding ecology of two surface-associated algivorous protozoa | PhD | |
1995 | Crutchfield, Tracy M. | Conservation and Consequence: Tenure, Inheritance, and Conservation | MS | |
1995 | Floyd, Albert E. | Top-Down and Bottom-Up Impacts on Creosotebush Herbivores | PhD | |
1995 | Kepner, Raymond L., Jr. | Investigations of surface-associated bacterial and protozoan populations in laboratory systems | PhD | |
1995 | Kouterick, Kyle B. | Comparisons of foliar injury, leaf gas exchange, and biomass response to ozone among black cherry (Prunus serotina) genotypes | MS | |
1995 | Leskey, Tracy C. | Influence of flowering of Acer saccharum Marsh on reproduction of Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel) (Thysanoptera: thripidae) | MS | |
1995 | Pickens, Callie Jo | Early Indicators of Acidification: A whole watershed approach to studying forest response to additions of Nitrogen and Sulfer. | PhD | |
1995 | VerÝssimo, Adalberto | Zoning of logging in the Brazilian Amazon: a test case using Parß State | MS | |
1994 | Aiello, Christine R. | Use of a sludge-fly ash mixture as a substitute for topsoil to vegetate steep coal refuse banks | MS | |
1994 | Balcom, Betsie J. | Microhabitat and landscape characteristics associated with Allegheny woodrat (Neotoma magister) sites in Pennsylvania | MS | |
1994 | Bishel, Laurie | Soil properties of natural reference wetlands and wetland mitigation projects in Pennsylvania | MS | |
1994 | DeLong, Colleen Anna | Relative abundance of small mammals and seed predation on planted acorns in three forest treatments in central Pennsylvania | MS | |
1994 | Eddy, David P. | Treatment of acid mine water using a sequential cell simulated wetland: A mesocosm experiment | MS | |
1994 | Glackin, Marie E. | Effects of acidification on algal assemblages in temporary ponds: a multilevel study | MS | |
1994 | Goslee, Sarah C. | Plant indicators of wetland hydrology in central Pennsylvania | MS | |
1994 | Horne, Michael T. | Metals as potential limiting factors for amphibians which breed in temporary ponds | PhD | |
1994 | Hurst, Deanna M. | Ecological classification and gradient analysis in the Monongahela National Forest, West Virginia | MS | |
1994 | McGuinness, Barbara J. | Consensus Building and Biodiversity: Tools for Conservation | MS | |
1994 | Penrod, Kathy A. | Distribution, dispersal and abundance of hayscented fern spores in mixed hardwood stands | MS | |
1994 | Sandifer, Elisabeth | Incidence of Ozone-Induced Foliar Injury on Sensitive Hardwood Species in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia, 1991-1992 | MS | |
1994 | Simpkins, Micheal Arthur | Ecology of Hydrocarbon Seep Vestimentiferans: Growth and Condition in a Variable Environment | MS | |
1994 | White, Laura R. | Identification of freshwater mussel glochidia on host fishes from French Creek, Pennsylvania, using molecular techniques | PhD | |
1993 | Audley, Douglas E. | Evaluation of crown condition and nutrient status of red spruce (Picea rubens) (Sarg) in West Virginia | MS | |
1993 | Bowers, Nancy J. | A revision of the Genus Melanochromis (Teleostei: cichlidae) from Lake Malawi, Africa, using morphological and molecular techniques | PhD | |
1993 | Fink, Michelle M. | An artificial intelligence software system as a preliminary research tool in landscape ecology and biodiversity | MS | |
1993 | Quesada, Mauricio | Genetic and Environmental Factors that Affect Pollen Performance and Progeny Vigor | PhD | |
1993 | Subler, Scott Emerson | Mechanisms of nutrient retention and recycling in a chronosequence of Amazonian agroforestry systems: comparisons with natural forest ecosystems | PhD | |
1993 | Tarutis, William John, Jr. | Iron and manganese diagenesis in constructed wetlands receiving mine drainage | PhD | |
1993 | Wohl, Neil Eric | An ecological assessment of sediment loads from three streams in the spring creek basin, Centre County, Pennsylvania. | MS | |
1991 | Balczon, Joseph M. | A comparison of the responses of two microecosystems to copper stress | MS | |
1991 | D'Silva, Elizabeth Tara | Effects of liming on the colonization of benthic macroinvertebrates in two acidic streams in central Pennsylvania | MS | |
1991 | Friday, Martin A | Growth and survival of the pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus) in an acidified lake | MS | |
1991 | Grippo, Richard S. | Net body ion loss from aquatic organisms as an indicator of acid and metal toxicity of coal mine polluted streams | PhD | |
1991 | McKenna, Ilda Melo | Effects of plant zinc and plant species on plant cadmium bioavailability to animals | PhD | |
1991 | Miller, Joseph N. | Landscape patterns and biotic community characteristics | MS | |
1991 | Orwig, David A. | Age structure and composition of successional forests of Spotsylvania Battlefield, Virginia | MS | |
1991 | Pickens, Callie Jo | Response of red oak and red maple seedlings to simulated acid precipitation, soil acidification, and deer browsing | MS | |
1991 | Raesly, Richard L. | Genetic and Morphological Consequences of a Founder Event in an Introduced Population of the Banded Darter,Etheostoma zonale (Cope) (Teleostei: Percidae) | PhD | |
1991 | Ronen, Zeev | Bioremediation of subsurface sediment and groundwater contaminated with pyridine and pyridine derivatives | PhD | |
1991 | Sadinski, Walter J., Jr. | Direct and indirect effects of low pH on the communities of temporary ponds | PhD | |
1991 | Shuttleworth, Kay L. | Toxicity and sorption of heavy metals to filamentous bacteria | PhD | |
1991 | Wegner, Dennis C. | Stream Corridor Width as an Environmental Variable Influencing the Demographics of the White-Footed Mouse,Peromyscus leucopus | MS | |
1990 | Bridi, Jeffrey S. | The effects of acid precipitation on aquatic organisms: a review | MS | |
1990 | Downs, Julie Ann | Composition and structure of an old-growth versus a young-mature white oak forest in southwestern Pennsylvania | MS | |
1990 | Irby, Cherie A. | Avian community structure in a fragmented farmland habitat | MS | |
1990 | Rocha, Oscar J. | The Effects of Nonrandom Seed Abortion on Progeny Vigor in Phaseolous coccineus L. (Leguminosae) | PhD | |
1990 | Rottiers, Donald Victor | Potential indices of smoltification of Atlantic salmon in fresh water: volitional migration and elemental composition of the body and bone | PhD | |
1989 | Aloni, Irith | Kinship and the function of allo-grooming in primates | MS | |
1989 | Bryla, David R. | The role of mycorrhizal infection in the growth and reproduction of wild and cultivated Lycopersicon esculentum mill | MS | |
1989 | Coombs, Marjorie C. | Mineral composition and growth rates of brook trout in four Pennsylvania streams of different mineral content | MS | |
1989 | Galeone, Daniel G. | Temporal trends in water quality, determined by time series and regression analysis for streams on undisturbed, cut and herbicide-treated watersheds in the Appalachian Mountains | MS | |
1989 | Hartzel, Lori M. | The Effects of Seed Weight, Seed Size Category, Pollen Load, Maternal, and Paternal Parent on Progeny Performance in Cucurbita pepo (Cucurbitaceae) | MS | |
1989 | Ke, Jing | Evaluation of foliar symptoms on Norway spruce and relationship to nutrient status | MS | |
1989 | Lewis, James D. | The Effects of Phosphorus Availability and Mycorrhizal Infection on Growth, Reproduction, and Offspring Vigor in Annual Plants | MS | |
1988 | Barrera, Roberto | Multiple Factors and Their Interactions on Structuring the Community of Aquatic Insects of Treeholes | PhD | |
1988 | Boltz, Jeffrey M. | Geographic variation in morphology of Aphredoderus sayanus | PhD | |
1988 | Jarvis, Celeste R. | Using field data to model food limitation in tiger beetle communities | MS | |
1988 | Mastrota, Francis N. | Diversity and abundance of an microhabitat use by small mammals in a waste-water irrigated forest | MS | |
1988 | Rollfinke, Brian F. | Avian communities in waste-water irrigated deciduous forests in central Pennsylvania | MS | |
1987 | Alberici, Theresa M. | Metal Concentrations in Soil, Vegetation, and Microtus pennsylvanicus on Strip Mines Reclaimed Conventionally and with Municipal Sludge | MS | |
1987 | Burgess, Wilella D | Mutualistic integration between the sea anemoneCondylactus gigantea and the alga Gymnodinium microadriaticum | MS | |
1987 | Butterworth, James S. | Regeneration growth of thinned oak stands in white-tailed deer exclosures | MS | |
1987 | Johnson, Glen D. | Mutagenicity and organic matter degradation of sewage sludge-amended soil | MS | |
1986 | Borowicz, Victoria A. | Fruit dispersal of two Cornus spp.: Patterns and processes | PhD | |
1986 | DiMarcello, David B. | Effects of site preparation on establishment of northern red oak and Japanese larch following clearcutting of a mature red pine plantation | MS | |
1986 | Gagen, Charles J. | Aluminum toxicity and sodium loss in three salmonid species along a pH gradient in a mountain stream | MS | |
1986 | McKenna, Ilda M. | Aluminum Detoxifying Capacity of Forest Litter Leachates | MS | |
1986 | Melo, Ilda Fernando da Silva | Aluminum detoxifying capacity of forest litter leachates | MS | |
1986 | Paul, Eric A. | Evaluation of the removal of catch-and-release, fly-fishing only regulations from a wild brown trout population | MS | |
1985 | Freda, Joseph | The Influence of Acidic Precipitation on Amphibians | PhD | |
1985 | Thorarinsson, Kristjan | Functional response of the third kind? --Towards an explication of the functional response concept | MS | |
1985 | Williams, Terry M. | The biology of Thiothrix spp. and eikelboom type 021N bacteria | PhD | Richard Unz |
1984 | Bronaugh, Whitcomb M. | Prey selection, handling, and strike distance in four neotropical insectivorous birds | MS | |
1984 | Jones, Eric N. | The effect of forage availability on the home range and population density of the meadow vole | ||
1984 | Krauss, Gary D. | Survival of wild and game farm male pheasants released in southeastern Pennsylvania | MS | |
1984 | Miller, James D | Effects of migration of Gammarus minus on population structure in a spring-fed stream | MS | |
1984 | Zak, Margaret A. | Mass Marking American Shad and Atlantic Salmon with the Rare Earth Element, Samarium | MS | |
1983 | Hale, Virginia M. | White-tailed deer use of three ages of aspen | ||
1983 | Ingerson, Lawrence A. | Ultraviolet floral coloration and floral change within selected plant communities in central Pennsylvania | MS | |
1983 | Light, Robert W. | Growth and reproductive ecology of the eastern brook trout in streams of differing vulnerability to acidic atmospheric deposition | ||
1983 | Pluto, Thomas G. | Habitat utilization and movement of the map turtle | PhD | |
1983 | Schuster, William S. | Strip mine test plantings in the Pennsylvania bituminous region after thirty-five years | MS | |
1983 | Umbach, David M. | Species, dosage, humidity, and temperature effects on severity of sulfur-dioxide-induced leaf necrosis on tree seedlings | MS | |
1983 | Wichlacz, Paul L. | Kinetics of ferrous iron oxidation by attached bacteria | PhD | |
1982 | Bachman, Robert A. | Foraging behavior of free-ranging wild brown trout in a stream | PhD | |
1982 | Brauning, David W. | The role of cavity availability and cavity temperatures in nest site selection of the American Kestrel | ||
1982 | Choe, Jae C. | Community ecology of ectoparasites on the Alaskan seabirds | MS | |
1982 | Hill, James R. | Reproductive success in the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica): Effects of nest reuse and age | MS | |
1982 | Lacy, Gerald F. | First-year effects of salvage clearcut logging upon stream populations of wild brook and brown trout in the northcentral highland region of Pennsylvania | MS | |
1982 | Pierce, Gregory J. | The use of a former stream channel by wild brown trout following changes in depth, flow and substrate topography | MS | |
1981 | Brown, Mark W. | The role of Ooencrytus kuvanae in the population dynamics of the gypsy moth | MS | |
1981 | Cummins, Richard A. | Population characteristics of meadow voles in relation to habitat, sex, season, and age | MS | |
1981 | Scott, Thomas W. | A simulation model for the transmission of a mosquito-borne avian virus, turlock | MS | |
1981 | Stringfellow, Joseph C. | Feeding preferences of the white-tailed deer on planted red oak, white ash, sugar maple, and yellow-poplar seedlings | PhD | |
1981 | Williams, Regan S. | The effects of eutrophication on the white sucker in Spring Creek | MS | |
1980 | Barrett, James R. | Island biogeography: mathematical models and diatom colonization experiments | PhD | |
1980 | Carrello, Mario P. | Influence of sulfur dioxide on plant stomatal action | MS | |
1980 | Houck, Marilyn A. | Predatory behavior of Stethorus punctum in response to the prey Panonychus ulmi and Tetranychus urticae | PhD | |
1980 | Johanos, Thea C. | Reproductive strategies and parental investment patterns of the feral ass on Ossabaw Island, Georgia | MS | |
1980 | Lane, Elizabeth A. | A study of the internal Ph of acid-tolerant and acid-tolerant algae | MS | |
1980 | McCort, William D. | The behavior and social organization of feral asses on Ossabaw Island, Georgia | PhD | |
1980 | Nichols, John T. | MS | ||
1980 | Rudzinski, Donald R | Behavioral interactions of penned red and arctic foxes | MS | |
1980 | Strauss, Richard E. | Genetic and morphometric variation and the systematic relationships of eastern North American sculpins | PhD | |
1980 | Szal, Gerald M. | Prey size utilization in four contiguous instars of Libellula julia | MS | |
1979 | Elbin, Susan B. | Social organization in a group of free-ranging domestic guinea fowl | MS | |
1979 | Gage, Timothy B. | Division synchrony and the dynamics of microbial populations: a model | MS | |
1979 | LaPrade, H. Renee | Effects of breeding phase, harem size, and retesting on the aggressive responses of female red-winged blackbirds to female models | MS | |
1979 | Walczak, Cheryl A | Effects of Population Density and Sex Ratio on the Number and Type of Interactions Observed among Water Striders of the Species Gerris remigis Say (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) | MS | |
1979 | Weir, Nancy L. | The use of sonagraphic analysis of the American woodcock peent call as a method for identifying individual males | MS | |
1979 | Young, John R. | Behavioral responses of smallmouth bass to increased turbidity | MS | |
1978 | Barabas, Joseph J. | Characterization of primary productivity in natural streams | MS | |
1978 | Bender, Patricia M. | Studies on the Periphyton communities of two infertile mountain streams with differing pH | MS | |
1978 | Hale, Alan B. | A comparative study of the insect communities in two woodland streams with differing pH, with notes on the growth and fecundity of two species of Leuctra | MS | |
1978 | Thomas, Robin | Population characteristics of meadow vole in crownvetch and in grass habitats | MS | |
1977 | Borghi, Louis C. | The effects of prescribed burning on the nutrient status of the forest floor of a bear oak community | MS | |
1977 | Cockley, David E. | The effect of decreasing pH on cover seeking and activity behaviors in small-mouth bass (Micropterus dolomieui) | MS | |
1977 | Falk, Douglas L. | Benthic insect abundance and distribution in a naturally acid, bog stream | MS | |
1977 | Galligan, John H. | A survey of timber rattlesnake populations in Pennsylvania | MS | |
1977 | Johnson, Kenna M. | A study of dissolved oxygen in Chincoteague Bay, Virginia | MS | |
1977 | Lewis, Stephen J. | Avian communities and habitat components in natural and wastewater-irrigated environments | MS | |
1977 | Motts, R. Lynn | Biomass accumulation and nutrient distribution of mixed oak stands following disturbances | MS | |
1977 | Saber, Peter A. | Toxicity of bog water of embryonic and larval unuran amphibians | MS | |
1977 | Spring, Jeffrey D. | Characteristics of small mammal populations in forested and old field habitats prior to effluent spray irrigation | MS | |
1977 | Steinberg, Howard | Behavioral responses of the white-tailed deer to olfactory stimulation using predator scents | MS | |
1977 | Strauss, Richard E. | Morphometric and electrophoretic analysis of the systematic status of Coltus girardi robins | MS | |
1976 | Carter, Joseph H., Jr. | Effects of high intensity AC electric fields on the electroencephalogram and electrocardiogram of domestic chicks | MS | |
1976 | Everett, Jeffrey J. | Heavy metals and population characteristics of muskrats in relation to water quality in southeastern Pennsylvania | MS | |
1976 | Jenkins, Thomas H. | Behavioral processes underlying sexual selection in domestic fowl | MS | |
1976 | Markarian, Ralph K. | The effects of varying temperature regimes on the growth, emergence, and distribution of five species of aquatic insects in a small mountain stream | MS | |
1976 | Meade, James W. | Advances in the intensive rearing of brine shrimp (Artemis salina) | MS | |
1976 | Rosenberg, Carl R. | Forest species composition at varying distances from a coal-burning power plant | MS | |
1976 | Shelly, Todd E. | The effect of rock size upon the distribution of riffle insects | MS | |
1976 | Trunzo, Floyd F. | The paper grocery bag--An analysis of consumer behavior | ||
1975 | Brenneman, Ronnie E. | A study of deer and vegetation in a regenerating mixed-oak clearcut | MS | |
1975 | Hoff, Thomas B. | Comparative response to artificial overhead cover among various strains of domestic brook trout | MS | |
1975 | Young, Kenneth P. | Hematological responses of the meadow vole to beta-nitropropionic acid | MS | |
1975 | Zaplitny, Barry W. | An evaluation of a catchable trout stocking in a marginal reservoir habitat | MS | |
1974 | Berger, Roger J. | Skeletal morphology, variability, and ecology of the bryozoan species Idmonea atlantica in the modern reefs of Bermuda | MS | |
1974 | Kaminsky, John | Some environmental factors influencing the distribution of macroinvertebrates within submerged, lotic plant colonies | MS | |
1974 | Linder, Donna L. | Some possible inadequacies of the coliform test as an indicator of bacterial pathogens | MS | |
1974 | Mahaley, Shirley L. | The development of responsiveness to the non-social environment in Gallus domesticus | PhD | |
1973 | Blair, David A. | The effects of stream channelization of fish populations | MS | |
1973 | Saga, Joseph J. | Population dynamics of the cutlips minnow from a hard-water and a soft-water stream | MS | |
1973 | Specht, Winona L. | The effects of heavy metals upon the diversity and abundance of benthic macroinvertebrates | MS | |
1960 | Brenner, Frederic J. | Life history and general ecology of the beaver in Crawford County, PA | MS | |
1953 | Bellis, David E. | The effects of temperature on the breeding calls of some Oklahoma Salientians | MS |