Anuleka Dutta
Graduate Student
Developing plant-inspired actuated hybrid robots spanning from macro to nano scales
Kara Eckert
Agricultural and Environmental Plant Science Graduate Student
The effects of perennial forage crops on ecosystem services including the microbial communities associated with weed seeds in the seed bank.
Fernando Flores López
Plant Pathology & Environmental Microbiology Graduate Student
The ecological and evolutionary dynamics of plant pathogenic bacteria and their interactions with host plants
Ana Fonseca
Animal Science Graduate Student
Promoting poultry health and productivity through feed additives. Exploring poultry microbiome, resitome, metabolome and the immunity system.
Nicholas Gabel
Plant Pathology & Environmental Microbiology Graduate Student
Agaricus bisporus cultivation
Ali Ghazvinian
Architecture Graduate Student
The conversion of bio-based materials to the architectural context, working at the intersection of computational design, Biodesign, and material tinkering.
Maria Alejandra Gil Polo
Graduate Student
Measuring long-term adaptation of rhizobia and non-rhizobia bacteria to different alfalfa varieties
Abhinay Gontu
Graduate Student
Developing and characterizing broad-spectrum therapeutics and prophylactics against SARS-CoV-2
Richard Gonzalez Aquino
Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology Graduate Student
Antimicrobial resistance mechanisms in the bacterium Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni, which causes bacterial spot in stone fruits.
Rachel Herschlag
Plant Pathology & Environmental Microbiology Graduate Student