All work performed in any of the Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences shared facilities should be acknowledged in scholarly reports, presentations, posters, papers, and all other publications. Proper acknowledgment provides a visible measure of the impact of the Huck Institutes shared facilities and is essential for our continued funding.
When to Acknowledge or Provide Co-Authorship
- Include an acknowledgement any time the Flow Cytometry Facility provides services that support your research.
- If a staff member has made a significant intellectual contribution beyond routine sample analysis, please consider co-authorship.
Acknowledging The Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences Core Facilities
- Mandatory Minimum - Independent use of Huck resources
- “The co-authors would like to acknowledge the Huck Institutes’ Flow Cytometry Core Facility (RRID:SCR_024460) for use of the BD Fortessa Flow Cytometer.”
- Example 1 - Independent use of Huck resources and guidance from staff
- “The co-authors would like to acknowledge the Huck Institutes’ Flow Cytometry Core Facility (RRID:SCR_024460) for use of the BD Fortessa Flow Cytometer and staff X for helpful discussions on sample preparation.”
- Example 2 - Routine data collected by Huck Facility personnel (data interpreted by the user)
- “The co-authors would like to acknowledge the Huck Institutes’ Flow Cytometry Core Facility (RRID:SCR_024460) for use of the BD Fortessa Flow Cytometer and staff X for collecting the data shown in Figure Y."
Please always notify the relevant Facility when acknowledgment is made.
If we did more than above – please consider authorship.
NIH and NSF Grant Attribution
Language for how our facilities may be described in grant proposals to both the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation can be found here.