Funding Sources


You will be guaranteed financial support — in the form of a stipend plus tuition grant-in-aid — through year five of your Ph.D. studies, provided that you fulfill the following requirements:

  • remain in good academic standing
  • maintain satisfactory research performance
  • satisfactorily fulfill your assistantship duties
  • adhere to all University policies and standards
  • conduct yourself professionally at all times

J. Lloyd Huck Graduate Fellowship

The prestigious J. Lloyd Huck Graduate Fellowship is named in honor of J. Lloyd Huck — Penn State alumnus and philanthropist, and former chairman of Merck & Co. — and is made possible by Mr. Huck’s commitment to Penn State and the life sciences through the endowment and formation of the Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences.

In keeping with the Huck Institutes' dedication to fostering potential in the work of distinguished students and faculty, this fellowship is awarded competitively to individuals who have demonstrated exceptional academic achievement.

National Institutes of Health Training Programs

T32 training grants are funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to provide career development opportunities to grad students and postdoctoral researchers.

Other Awards

Ag Springboard Competition
Ag Springboard is an annual business pitch competition open to all students at Penn State. Teams of 2-5 students present polished pitches of their concepts for new businesses or non-profit organizations. At least one student on the team must be enrolled in the College of Agricultural Sciences.

Graduate Adviser to the Huck Institutes
The Graduate Adviser to the Huck Institutes acts as a voice of their peers in the Huck Institutes by serving as a liaison to the Huck administration.

J. Brian Horton Memorial Award
An award to recognize outstanding achievement and service to the graduate community by a student in the Intercollege Graduate Degree Program in Ecology.

Travel Awards

Huck Institutes Graduate Travel Award
The Huck Institutes Travel Award Fund is intended to provide doctoral students of the Huck Institutes with greater experience and networking opportunities by attending scientific meetings and to help elevate the profile of our graduate programs by supporting more students to present their research. This award provides up to $750 for domestic travel and up to $1500 for international travel according to the following eligibility, travel, and reimbursement guidelines.

J. Jeffrey and Ann Marie Fox Graduate School Professional Meeting Travel Award
A maximum award of $200 per student to help defray travel costs to a national or international scientific meeting. This award is available to Ecology, Plant Biology, and Physiology students.

Frank A. Andersen Travel Award
A $500 award available to all enrolled Ecology graduate students to recognize those who have achieved excellence in their research and will benefit from participation at an approved professional conference.

More information on funding may be found through the Office of Student Aid