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Scott Selleck

Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Ayusman Sen

Distinguished Professor of Chemistry

Joseph (Joe) Servadio

Postdoctoral Researcher

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Idan Shalev

Assistant Professor of Biobehavioral Health
Interdisciplinary approach to identify mechanisms underpinning the biological embedding of stress across the lifespan with a special focus on biological aging.

Mingfu Shao

Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering
Our research interests are designing algorithms and developing methods for solving the various challenging problems in biology using combinatorial optimization and machine learning approaches. Current research topics include: transcript assembly, RNA-seq quantification, single-cell RNA-seq, computational cancer biology, genome rearrangements, protein folding.

Meiyu Shao

Biology Graduate Student - Luscher Lab

Arun Sharma

Associate Professor of Pharmacology

Victoria Sharp

Biology Graduate Student - Medina Lab

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Cooduvalli Shashikant

Former Chair, Intercollege Graduate Degree Program in Bioinformatics and Genomics
Developmental and evolutionary aspects of regulation of patterning genes.

Ashley Shay

Director, Metabolomics Core Facility
The implementation and expansion of liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry for the structural elucidation of novel lipid mediators and metabolites in various inflammatory diseases coupled with diverse cellular and in vivo approaches to determine functionality.

Katriona Shea

Professor of Biology; Alumni Professor in the Biological Sciences
The use of ecological theory in population management.

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Greg Shearer

Chair, Intercollege Graduate Degree Program in Integrative and Biomedical Physiology; Professor of Nutrition and Physiology
We seek to understand disease-related functional changes in the context of global changes in lipid mediators (bioactive metabolites of dietary fatty acids) and use them to identify markers of disease and better ways to prevent or manage disease

Amir Sheikhi

Huck Early Career Chair in Biomaterials and Regenerative Engineering ; Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering
Micro- and nanoengineered soft materials for medicine and the environment; microfluidic-enabled biomaterials for tissue engineering and regeneration; living materials; next-generation bioadhesives, tissue sealants, and hemostatic agents; hydrogels for minimally invasive medical technologies; self-healing and adaptable soft materials; smart coatings; hairy nanocelluloses as an emerging family of advanced materials.

Matthew Sheltra

Graduate Student
Breeding and population genetics of turfgrass Agrostis stolonifera, and mechanism of fungus-induced hermaphroditism in Bouteloua dactyloides

Yitao Shen

Graduate Student

Ben Sheng

Statistics Graduate Student -

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics