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Victoria Bonnell

Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Molecular Biology Graduate Student

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Squire Booker

Evan Pugh Professor of Chemistry; Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Elucidating the chemical mechanisms by which enzymes containing iron-sulfur clusters catalyze chemical reactions. Most ongoing projects deal with members of the Radical S-adenosylmethionine Superfamily, a diverse group of enzymes that employ radical chemistry to catalyze transformations involved in post-transcriptional and post-translational modifications, cofactor biosynthesis, secondary metabolite biosynthesis, and enzyme activation.

Scott Boor

Collaboration & Conferencing

Seth Bordenstein

Director of the Microbiome Center; Huck Chair in Microbiome Sciences; Professor of Biology and Entomology
The evolutionary and genetic principles that shape symbiotic interactions between animals, microbes, and viruses and the major applications of these interactions to human health.

Chris Bowen

Research Technologist III - Szpara Lab

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Grace Bowland

Anthropology Graduate Student

Brady Bowman

Associate Professor of Philosophy

Elizabeth Boyer

Professor of Water Resources
Hydrology, Biogeochemistry, Water Quality, and Atmospheric Deposition.

John Boyette

Graduate Student

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Nina Boyle

Graduate Student

Natalie Boyle

Assistant Research Professor; Insect Biodiversity Center Program Coordinator

Jovana Bozic

Postdoctoral Researcher

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Brosi Bradley

Research Technologist

Daryl Branford

Director of Science-Art Initiatives
Daryl Branford is the Director of Science-Art Initiatives at The Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences, where he incorporates 3D visualization, spatial design, sound synthesis and live performance to bring research to life. Branford’s years of experience as a multi-instrumentalist musician and artist enables him to explore relationships within the arts and sciences. Daryl investigates the vast, and often untapped, patterns inherent in scientific data, and translates these into interactive user experiences and 3D visual/sonic representations. These fully immersive encounters offer new ways to understand and interpret data. In turn, he uses the data as a framework to expand the capabilities of technology, art, and design to communicate scientific concepts, creating a symbiotic relationship between art and science.

Rachel Brennan

Professor of Civil Engineering