Brady Bowman

Associate Professor of Philosophy

Brady Bowman

Huck Affiliations

Publication Tags

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Georg W.F. Hegel Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Immanuel Kant Science Of Logic Hegel Science Self Determination Negation Thought Self Consciousness Infinity Baruch Spinoza Public Life Spinozism Negativity Dialectics Hegel's Logic German Idealism Naturphilosophie Autonomy Religion Philosophy Nihilism Logic Unconditional Debut

Most Recent Publications

Jacobi on Mind and Intuitive Certainty

Brady Bowman,


Brady Bowman, 2023, on p. 5

Notiones communes (Gemeinbegriffe)

Brady Bowman, 2023, on p. 7

The Vocation of Philosophy: Hegel on 'Speculative' Science and the Human Good

Brady Bowman, 2022,

Lloyd P. Gerson, Platonism and Naturalism: The Possibility of Philosophy. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2020)

Brady Bowman, 2021, Bryn Mawr Classical Review

The World Soul in German Idealism: Organic Life, Human Freedom, and the Unity of Nature

Brady Bowman, 2021,

“Actuality of the True. Certainty and Faith in Jacobi and Kant” [original title in German: “Die Wirklichkeit des Wahren. Gewissheit und Glauben bei Jacobi und Kant“]

Brady Bowman, 2021, on p. 25–43

“Schelling on Eternal Choice and the Temporal Order of Nature”

Brady Bowman, 2020, on p. 115–37

Dialektik bei Schleiermacher und Hegel [Dialectic in Schleiermacher and Hegel]

Brady Bowman, 2020, on p. 105–17

Birgit Sandkaulen Jacobis Philosophie. Über den Widerspruch zwischen System und Freiheit (Hamburg: Meiner 2019)

Brady Bowman, 2019, on p. 1024–34

Most-Cited Papers

Hegel’s first system program and the task of philosophy

Birgit Sandkaulen, Brady Bowman, 2017, on p. 3-30

Self- determination and ideality in hegel’s logic of being

Brady Bowman, 2017, on p. 219-241

Autonomy, negativity, and the challenge of spinozism in Hegel's Science of Logic

Brady Bowman, 2018, Journal of the History of Philosophy on p. 101-126

Religion and conscience in Kant and Hegel

Brady Bowman, 2017, Hegel-Jahrbuch on p. 81-90

Vorwort der Herausgeber

Brady Bowman, Myriam Gerhard, Jure Zovko, 2018, Hegel-Jahrbuch on p. 11

Vorwort der herausgeber

Brady Bowman, Myriam Gerhard, Jure Zovko, 2019, Hegel-Jahrbuch

Arbeit und Öffentlichkeit: Grundsätze des politischen Staats bei Hegel

Brady Bowman, 2014, Hegel-Jahrbuch on p. 381-389

Skepticism and intellectual freedom: A post-kantian perspective

Brady Bowman, 2017, on p. 42-58


Andreas Arndt, Brady Bowman, Myriam Gerhard, Jure Zovko, 2017, Hegel-Jahrbuch on p. 11