Brady Bowman

Associate Professor of Philosophy

Brady Bowman

Huck Affiliations

Most Recent Publications

Jacobi on Mind and Intuitive Certainty

Brady Bowman,

Notiones communes (Gemeinbegriffe)

Brady Bowman, 2023, on p. 7


Brady Bowman, 2023, on p. 5

Lloyd P. Gerson, Platonism and Naturalism: The Possibility of Philosophy. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2020)

Brady Bowman, 2021, Bryn Mawr Classical Review

The World Soul in German Idealism: Organic Life, Human Freedom, and the Unity of Nature

Brady Bowman, 2021,

“Actuality of the True. Certainty and Faith in Jacobi and Kant” [original title in German: “Die Wirklichkeit des Wahren. Gewissheit und Glauben bei Jacobi und Kant“]

Brady Bowman, 2021, on p. 25–43

Vorwort der Herausgeber

Brady Bowman, Myriam Gerhard, Jure Zovko, 2020, Hegel-Jahrbuch on p. 5

Dialektik bei Schleiermacher und Hegel [Dialectic in Schleiermacher and Hegel]

Brady Bowman, 2020, on p. 105–17

“Schelling on Eternal Choice and the Temporal Order of Nature”

Brady Bowman, 2020, on p. 115–37

Most-Cited Papers

Hegel’s first system program and the task of philosophy

Birgit Sandkaulen, Brady Bowman, 2017, on p. 3-30

Self- determination and ideality in hegel’s logic of being

Brady Bowman, 2017, on p. 219-241

Autonomy, negativity, and the challenge of spinozism in Hegel's Science of Logic

Brady Bowman, 2018, Journal of the History of Philosophy on p. 101-126

Religion and conscience in Kant and Hegel

Brady Bowman, 2017, Hegel-Jahrbuch on p. 81-90

Vorwort der Herausgeber

Brady Bowman, Myriam Gerhard, Jure Zovko, 2018, Hegel-Jahrbuch on p. 11


Andreas Arndt, Brady Bowman, Myriam Gerhard, Jure Zovko, 2017, Hegel-Jahrbuch on p. 11

Vorwort der Herausgeber

Brady Bowman, Myriam Gerhard, Jure Zovko, 2020, Hegel-Jahrbuch on p. 5

Skepticism and intellectual freedom: A post-kantian perspective

Brady Bowman, 2017, on p. 42-58