Microbiome sciences refers to a multidisciplinary research area investigating the structure, relationships, and functions of microbial communities and their environment (microbiomes). Studying microbiomes provides an understanding of microbe-microbe and host-microbe relationships, and their role in the health of individuals to ecosystems.
At least one credit of MBIOM 550 Current Issues in Microbiome Sciences is recommended. No more than six credits should be at the 400-level.
Suggestions for the quantitative requirement include:
- BMMB 852 Applied Bioinformatics (2)
- BMMB 551 Genomics (3)
- BMMB 554 Foundations in Data Driven Life Sciences (3)
- BIOL 439 Practical Bioinformatics (3)
- BIOL 482 Introduction to Computational Biology (3)
- STAT 502 Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments (3)
- STAT 555 Statistical Analysis of Genomics Data (3)
- PPEM 440 Introduction to Microbiome Analysis (3)
Remaining elective credits can be selected from the following list in consultation with your adviser:
- PPEM 456 Applied Microbial Ecology (3)
- BIOL 406 Symbiosis (3)
- BIOL 412 Ecology of Infectious Disease (3)
- ANTH 414 Microbial Anthropology (3)PPEM 405 Microbe-Plant Interactions (3)
- PPEM 454 Viral Ecology (3)PPATH 542 Epidemiology of Plant Diseases (3)
- ECLGY 526 Community Ecology (3)
- ECLGY 597* Analytical Techniques for Microbial Ecology (3)
- FDSC 517 Microbial Genomic epidemiology (3)
- ANSC 456 Animal Microbiomes (3)
- MICRB 401 Microbial Physiology and Structure (3)
- MICRB 450 Microbial/Molecular Genetics (3)
- MICRB 416 Microbial Biotechnology (3)
- MICRB 415 General Virology- Bacterial and Animal Viruses (3)
- MICRB 435 Viral Pathogenesis (3)
- PPEM 417 Phytobacteriology (3)
- PPEM 505 Fundamentals of Phytopathology (4)
- PPEM 425 Biology of Fungi (4)
- FDSC 526 Microbial Physiology of Foodborne Organisms (3)
- FDSC 597* Culture Based Analysis of Microorganisms (3)
- BIOL 597* Macroecology of Wildlife and Human Diseases (3)