
Bioinformatic and Genomic Data

Conducting rigorous, original research is the most important requirement of graduate students in the Bioinformatics and Genomics program. Given the interdisciplinary nature of the program, students may choose from a seemingly endless array of basic and applied research topics on which to focus their dissertations. 

Participating in laboratory rotations with faculty experts at the start of the program helps students to narrow down their interests and identify specific research questions to pursue. During the course of their study, students learn to identify important outstanding questions in the biological sciences, design experiments and pursue other techniques for generating data around these questions, analyze data, and interpret data. The result is a body of work that students can be proud to publish in scientific journals. More importantly, students emerge from the program as scientists of the highest caliber, ready to enter the top careers in research.

Representative Research Areas

  • Algorithms and Computation
  • Statistical Genomics
  • RNA Structurome
  • Systems Biology
  • Data Integration
  • Epigenetic Regulation
  • Chromatin Remodeling
  • Environmental Stress
  • Fly Comparative Genomics
  • Primate Evolutionary Genomics
  • Anthropological Genomics and Paleogenomics
  • Mitochondrial Heteroplasmy
  • Neurodevelopmental Genomics