Directory Search for "W"

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Denice Wardrop

Research Professor of Geography; Director of Riparia

Fhallon Ware-Gilmore

Graduate Student - McGraw Lab

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Jack Watson

Professor of Soil Science

Evelyn Weaver

Kinesiology Grad Student

Abby Weber

Graduate Student

Josephine Wee

Assistant Professor of Food Science

Wei Wei

Graduate Student

Xiaoyan Wei

Postdoctoral Researcher

Donghui Wei

Graduate Student
The mechanism of endocytosis of cellulose synthase complexes in Arabidopsis

Emily Weinert

Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
The mechanisms by which bacteria sense and respond to the environment, as well as how these signaling proteins/pathways affect competition, host colonization, and pathogenesis.

Lora Weiss

Senior Vice President for Research

Kristine Werling

Postdoctoral Researcher

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Laura Weyrich

Associate Professor of Anthropology
Reconstructing ancient oral microbiomes and supporting ancient DNA analysis of past humans, environments, and animals.

Shelley Whitehead

Entomology Graduate Student - Thomas Lab