Centers of Excellence Membership

Appointment of faculty members 
Appointment of Faculty Members to the Center is based upon the applicants' commitment to excellence in research and willingness to participate in all activities related to growth and sustenance of the Center A member of the Center faculty shall submit nomination for Center membership to the Chair of the Steering Committee for review. Recommendations by the committee for membership will be forwarded to the Director for distribution to all Center faculties. Approval of membership requires a majority vote of ballots returned from Center Faculty. Membership shall be for a period of five years. Steering Committee is responsible for evaluating the Center faculty for reappointment.

The Center faculty shall conduct the Centers of graduate training, research and public service. All members of the Center faculty share the responsibility of maintaining the highest standards for fostering academic and professional excellence.

It is expected that the main research effort of the faculty shall be in the area of specialization in accordance with their interest and available financial support from their own department, the Center or external sources.

The public service responsibility of each member of the Center shall be consistent with the missions and goals of the Center and with the individual's position.

Members of the faculty shall contribute to the governance of the Center to the extent feasible with responsibilities in their home department.

The faculty at faculty meetings and through their representatives on the Steering Committee shall advise the Director upon matters of educational policy and governance.

Conduct of faculty meetings
The faculty shall meet at least once during each academic semester to consider proposals for faculty action, review Center progress, and discuss matters of educational policy and Center governance. The Center Director shall normally preside, but in the absence of the Center Director the chair of the steering committee is designated to preside.

Meetings shall be called by the Center Director on his/her own initiative, or upon receipt of a written request signed by at least one-third of Center faculty or a request from a majority of the members of the Center Oversight committee. Such meetings shall be held within two weeks of the date of receipt of the request.

The Agenda shall be developed by the Center Director in consultation with the chair of the Center Oversight committee. Prior to each meeting, a tentative agenda will be sent to all Center faculties including a call for additional agenda items, which will be scheduled if time allows. The final agenda shall be distributed to the Center faculty at least four-week days prior to the meeting.

A quorum shall consist of one-half plus one of the Center faculties not on sabbatical or other official leave of absence. No decisions shall be made or action taken unless a quorum is present. Actions may be taken by majority vote of a quorum of the Center faculty. Any Center member may request a secret ballot.

Robert's Rules of Order shall apply to all Center meetings to the extent that its provisions are consistent with the University statutes and these Bylaws.

The Center’s staff assistant shall record the minutes of each Center meeting. The minutes, including committee reports, shall be distributed to all faculty members by electronic mail and shall be filed for ready availability to others with a legitimate claim of access.

Any Center member may request the invitation of guests to speak on appropriate issues of concern to the Center. Members shall submit their invitation request to the Center director or to the chair of the Center Oversight committee.