Seminars and Events

Neuroscience Journal Club

Neuroscience trainees meet monthly for a journal club over lunch. To sign up for the journal club listserv, email journal club postdoc coordinators Joe Ricotta and/or Laurel Seemiller.

Past Neuroscience Events

Neuroscience Seminars:

Addiction and GLP-1: From rats to man

Sue Grigson, Hershey College of Medicine

008 Mueller Laboratory
University Park

Neuroscience Graduate Student Research Presentations

Sindhu Baskar (Sipe lab), Jake Gronemeyer (Sipe lab) and Twishi Puri (Mao lab)

008 Mueller Laboratory
University Park

The search for the location and functional significance of non-canonical circadian pacemaker(s)

Shin Yamazaki, UT Southwestern Medical Center

008 Mueller Laboratory
University Park

Building the axonal cytoskeleton

Shaul Yogev, Yale University

008 Mueller Laboratory
University Park

Signaling through primary cilia in neural development and diseases

Xuecai Ge, University of California, Merced

008 Mueller Laboratory
University Park

GABA, GABA, GABA… : From receptor trafficking to stress resilience

Bernhard Luscher, Penn State University

008 Mueller Laboratory
University Park

Twisting, writhing, breaking: the role of DNA mechanics in neuronal transcription

Ram Madabhushi, UT Southwestern Medical Center

008 Mueller Laboratory
University Park

Gut Feelings: Parkinson's Disease and the Gut-Brain Axis

Kirsteen Browning, Penn State University

008 Mueller Laboratory
University Park

Department of Biology Special Seminar: Roger Clem

Roger Clem

008 Mueller Laboratory
University Park

Regulation of social behavior by the developing amygdala

Nicole Ferrara, Rosalind Franklin Medical University

008 Mueller Laboratory
University Park