Kelli Hoover

Professor of Entomology

Kelli Hoover

Research Summary

Invasive species of forest insects; plant-insect-entomopathogen interactions; impacts of plants on pathogenesis; biological control of hemlock woolly adelgid

Huck Affiliations

Most Recent Publications

Timothy W. Moural, Sonu Koirala B K, Gaurab Bhattarai, Ziming He, Haoyang Guo, Ngoc T. Phan, Edwin G. Rajotte, David J. Biddinger, Kelli Hoover, Fang Zhu, 2024, Chemosphere

Kelli Hoover, Lidiia Iavorivska, Emily K. Lavely, Osariyekemwen Uyi, Brian Walsh, Emelie Swackhamer, Anne Johnson, David Eissenstat, 2023, Environmental Entomology on p. 888-899

Joseph A. Keller, Brian Walsh, Anne Johnson, Nina Jenkins, John Rost, Brianna Treichler, David Biddinger, Dennis D. Calvin, Kelli Hoover, Julie Urban, Richard T. Roush, 2023, Journal of Economic Entomology on p. 1211-1224

Joseph A. Keller, Kelli Hoover, 2023, Environmental Entomology on p. 759-767

Charles J. Mason, Michelle Peiffer, Kelli Hoover, Gary Felton, 2023, Journal of Chemical Ecology on p. 313-324

Jonathan Elmquist, David Biddinger, Ngoc T. Phan, Timothy W. Moural, Fang Zhu, Kelli Hoover, 2023, Journal of Economic Entomology on p. 368-378

Anne Johnson, Allison Cornell, Sara Hermann, Fang Zhu, Kelli Hoover, 2023, Bulletin of Entomological Research on p. 637-644

Erica Laveaga, Kelli Hoover, Flor E. Acevedo, 2023, Frontiers in Insect Science

Jonathan Elmquist, Kelli Hoover, David Biddinger, 2022, Great Lakes Entomologist on p. 53-65

Charles J. Mason, Michelle Peiffer, Gary W. Felton, Kelli Hoover, 2022, Journal of Invertebrate Pathology

Most-Cited Papers

Duane D. McKenna, Erin D. Scully, Yannick Pauchet, Kelli Hoover, Roy Kirsch, Scott M. Geib, Robert F. Mitchell, Robert M. Waterhouse, Seung Joon Ahn, Deanna Arsala, Joshua B. Benoit, Heath Blackmon, Tiffany Bledsoe, Julia H. Bowsher, André Busch, Bernarda Calla, Hsu Chao, Anna K. Childers, Christopher Childers, Dave J. Clarke, Lorna Cohen, Jeffery P. Demuth, Huyen Dinh, Harsha Vardhan Doddapaneni, Amanda Dolan, Jian J. Duan, Shannon Dugan, Markus Friedrich, Karl M. Glastad, Michael A.D. Goodisman, Stephanie Haddad, Yi Han, Daniel S.T. Hughes, Panagiotis Ioannidis, J. Spencer Johnston, Jeffery W. Jones, Leslie A. Kuhn, David R. Lance, Chien Yueh Lee, Sandra L. Lee, Han Lin, Jeremy A. Lynch, Armin P. Moczek, Shwetha C. Murali, Donna M. Muzny, David R. Nelson, Subba R. Palli, Kristen A. Panfilio, Dan Pers, Monica F. Poelchau, Honghu Quan, Jiaxin Qu, Ann M. Ray, Joseph P. Rinehart, Hugh M. Robertson, Richard Roehrdanz, Andrew J. Rosendale, Seunggwan Shin, Christian Silva, Alex S. Torson, Iris M.Vargas Jentzsch, John H. Werren, Kim C. Worley, George Yocum, Evgeny M. Zdobnov, Richard A. Gibbs, Stephen Richards, 2016, Genome Biology

Flor E. Acevedo, Michelle Peiffer, Ching Wen Tan, Bruce A. Stanley, Anne Stanley, Jie Wang, Asher G. Jones, Kelli Hoover, Cristina Rosa, Dawn Luthe, Gary Felton, 2017, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions on p. 127-137

Asher G. Jones, Charles J. Mason, Gary W. Felton, Kelli Hoover, 2019, Scientific Reports

Seung Ho Chung, Erin D. Scully, Michelle Peiffer, Scott M. Geib, Cristina Rosa, Kelli Hoover, Gary W. Felton, 2017, Scientific Reports

Charles J. Mason, Swayamjit Ray, Ikkei Shikano, Michelle Peiffer, Asher G. Jones, Dawn S. Luthe, Kelli Hoover, Gary W. Felton, 2019, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America on p. 15991-15996

Jie Wang, Michelle Peiffer, Kelli Hoover, Cristina Rosa, Rensen Zeng, Gary W. Felton, 2017, New Phytologist on p. 1294-1306

Ching Wen Tan, Michelle Peiffer, Kelli Hoover, Cristina Rosa, Flor E. Acevedo, Gary W. Felton, 2018, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America on p. 5199-5204

Paul A. Ayayee, Thomas Larsen, Cristina Rosa, Gary W. Felton, James G. Ferry, Kelli Hoover, 2016, Environmental Entomology on p. 66-73

News Articles Featuring Kelli Hoover

Spotted Lanternfly Returns

This Philadelphia-based broadcast TV segment features an interview with Kelli Hoover, professor of entomology.

NY's invasive lanternflies are coating the region with sweet, destructive poop

Invasive spotted lanternflies are harming plant life across New York by sucking sap from trees and vines at an alarming rate. But scientists say the insects’ poop, known as “honeydew,” is also a major cause for concern.

Squashing lantern flies isn’t enough. Here’s how to kill them.

About Lantern flies and how to get rid of them

Spotted lanternflies are still a pest but the smoky honey they help make could be good for you

New research shows honey connected to spotted lanternfly has medicinal potential as well as a fall flavor for foodies

Spotted Lanternflies Innocent???

Research found that the spotted lanternfly may cause less damage to certain trees, though they could still be harmful in other ways

Long-term spotted lanternfly study shows limited impact on hardwoods

Hardwood trees may not be less vulnerable to spotted lanternflies as previously thought

Can you eat a spotted lanternfly?

What is a spotted lanternfly and whether you should kill and can eat it

PSU study reveals impact of invasive spotted lanternflies on trees, environment

A recent Penn State on spotted lanternflies shows how they are affecting the environment.

Smashing lanternflies and smashing myths: Study finds they may not be as harmful as once thought

A recent study from Penn State shows lanternflys may not be as dangerous as thought

Invasive spotted lanternfly may not damage hardwood trees as previously thought

New long-term research about the spotted lanternfly led by Penn State has revealed that hardwood trees, such as maple, willow and birch, may be less vulnerable than initially thought.

Study examines the effects of using insecticides for spotted lanternfly control

Neonicotinoid insecticides used to control spotted lanternflies have the potential to harm pollinators, but the degree of risk depends on multiple factors, such as application timing, type of neonicotinoid, the species of tree being treated and pollinator species sensitivity.

Why spotted lanternflies climb before they fly

Spotted lanternflies’ love for tall, vertical surfaces as the perfect launching spot for their weak flights is the reason piles of the insects are showing up around places like office buildings, according to a Penn State researcher.

Study examines feeding damage caused by spotted lanternflies on young maples

Short-term, heavy feeding by adult spotted lanternflies on young maple trees inhibits photosynthesis, potentially impairing the tree’s growth by up to 50 percent, according to a new study by Penn State scientists.

Despite the collective rampage against spotted lanternflies, the pests are here to stay

Killing spotted lanternflies became part of U.S. culture this summer, and TikTok users spurred a flurry of bug hunting. Did it make a difference?

Spotted lanternflies make a tasty meal for some birds and other bugs

For several years, there was no known natural predator to the invasive spotted lanternfly. But, as more studies have cropped up, researchers are finding that several animals like to make a meal out of the pests. At Pennsylvania State University (PSU), one study has asked the public for help.

Penn State Extension publication offers guidance on managing spotted lanternfly

A new publication from Penn State Extension is a must-read for those who want the latest information about the spotted lanternfly. Authored by scientists and extension educators in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences, the Spotted Lanternfly Management Guide features comprehensive information, illustrations, charts and photos on the pest’s biology, behavior, plant damage and management, as well as a brief overview of ongoing research.

Mining for knowledge: Scientists identify bee that can aid black cherry recovery

A ground-nesting bee family — commonly known as miner bees — could play a heightened role in rebuilding black cherry populations in Pennsylvania and beyond, according to Penn State entomologists who investigated pollinators’ contributions to the valuable hardwood species.

National society to recognize two Penn State entomologists

Two entomologists in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences will receive prestigious awards from the Entomological Society of America during its 2021 annual meeting.

Asian longhorned beetle larvae eat plant tissues that their parents cannot

Despite the buzz in recent years about other invasive insects that pose an even larger threat to agriculture and trees — such as the spotted lanternfly, the stink bug and the emerald ash borer — Penn State researchers have continued to study another damaging pest, the Asian longhorned beetle.

Plants defend against insects by inducing 'leaky gut syndrome'

Plants may induce "leaky gut syndrome" — permeability of the gut lining — in insects as part of a multipronged strategy for protecting themselves from being eaten, according to researchers at Penn State.