Carolee Bull

Professor of Plant Pathology; Bacterial Systematics Head; Director of Microbiome Sciences Dual-Title Degree Program

Carolee Bull

Research Summary

Bacterial systematics, epidemiology, and population biology of bacterial plant pathogens and biological control agents to develop alternatives to synthetic chemicals for plant disease management

Huck Graduate Students

Huck Affiliations


Most Recent Publications

Phylogeny of pectolytic bacteria associated with recent outbreaks of potato soft rot and blackleg in the United States

Rebecca Currland, Ryan McNally, B Webster, Amy Charkowski, Keith Perry, Jay Hao, Gary Secor, Carolee Bull, N. Rosenzweig, Steven Johnson, Robert Larkin, Carol Ishimaru,

Eoin O'Connor, Fabricio Rocha Vieira, Isako Di Tomassi, Rachel Richardson, Kevin L. Hockett, Carolee T. Bull, John A. Pecchia, 2024, Mycological Research on p. 2266-2273

Rarity of Pseudomonas agarici on Edible Mushrooms Associated with Susceptibility to Biological Competition

Mahsa Moallem, Mozhde Hamidizade, S. Mohsen Taghavi, Milad Aeini, Hamid Abachi, Shahrad Haghighi, Ardavan Soleimani, Kevin L. Hockett, Carolee Theresa Bull, Ebrahim Osdaghi, 2024, Plant Disease on p. 2778-2787

A qPCR assay for specific detection of Pseudomonas cannabina pv. alisalensis

Enoch Noh, Cameron Cedeno, Anthony Keinath, William Wechter, Carolee Bull, Hehe Wang, 2024, Plant Disease

Judicial Opinion 130

David R. Arahal, Carolee T. Bull, Henrik Christensen, Maria Chuvochina, Christopher Dunlap, Maria Del Carmen Montero-Calasanz, Charles T. Parker, Peter Vandamme, Antonio Ventosa, Stefano Ventura, Peter Young, Markus Göker, 2024, International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology

David R. Arahal, Carolee T. Bull, Henrik Christensen, Maria Chuvochina, Svetlana N. Dedysh, Pierre Edouard Fournier, Konstantinos T. Konstantinidis, Charles T. Parker, Antonio Ventosa, Peter Young, Markus Göker, 2024, International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology

Fabricio Rocha Vieira, Isako Di Tomassi, Isako Di Tomassi, Eoin O'Connor, Carolee T. Bull, John A. Pecchia, Kevin Hockett, 2023, Microbiology spectrum on p. 22 (unformatted)

David R. Arahal, Carolee T. Bull, Hans Jürgen Busse, Henrik Christensen, Maria Chuvochina, Svetlana N. Dedysh, Pierre Edouard Fournier, Konstantinos T. Konstantinidis, Charles T. Parker, Ramon Rossello-Mora, Antonio Ventosa, Markus Göker, 2023, International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology

Fungicidal control of anthracnose basal rot on an annual bluegrass putting green turf, 2022.

W Uddin, William Fescemyer, Md Tariqul Islam, Carolee Bull, 2023, Plant Management Disease Reports

David Arahal, Hans-Jürgen Busse, Henrik Christensen, Carolee Bull, Henrik Christensen, Maria Chuvochina, Svetlana N. Dedysh, Maria Chuvochina, Pierre Edouard Fournier, Svetlana Dedysh, Konstantinos T. Konstantinidis, Pierre-Edouard Fournier, Konstantinos Konstantinidis, Charles T. Parker, Charles Parker, Ramon Rossello-Mora, Antonio Ventosa, Ramon Rossello-Mora, Markus Göker, Antonio Ventosa, Markus Göker, 2023, International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology

Most-Cited Papers

Cedar Hesse, Frederik Schulz, Carolee T. Bull, Brenda T. Shaffer, Qing Yan, Nicole Shapiro, Karl A. Hassan, Neha Varghese, Liam D.H. Elbourne, Ian T. Paulsen, Nikos Kyrpides, Tanja Woyke, Joyce E. Loper, 2018, Environmental Microbiology on p. 2142-2159

Lucas Morinière, Alexandre Burlet, Emma R. Rosenthal, Xavier Nesme, Perrine Portier, Carolee T. Bull, Céline Lavire, Marion Fischer-Le Saux, Franck Bertolla, 2020, Systematic and Applied Microbiology

Rebecca D. Curland, Liangliang Gao, Carolee T. Bull, Boris A. Vinatzer, Ruth Dill-Macky, Leon Van Eck, Carol A. Ishimaru, 2018, Phytopathology on p. 443-453

Ebrahim Osdaghi, Samuel Martins, Laura Ramos-Sepulveda, Fabrício Rocha Vieira, Fabrício Rocha Vieira, John A. Pecchia, David Beyer, Terrence H. Bell, Yinong Yang, Kevin L. Hockett, Carolee T. Bull, 2019, Plant Disease on p. 2714-2732

William B. Whitman, Carolee T. Bull, Hans Jürgen Busse, Pierre Edouard Fournier, Aharon Oren, Stefano Ventura, 2019, International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology on p. 584-593

David J. Studholme, Emmanuel Wicker, Sadik Muzemil Abrare, Andrew Aspin, Adam Bogdanove, Kirk Broders, Zoe Dubrow, Murray Grant, Jeffrey B. Jones, Georgina Karamura, Jillian Lang, Jan Leach, George Mahuku, Gloria Valentine Nakato, Teresa Coutinho, Julian Smith, Carolee T. Bull, 2020, Phytopathology on p. 1153-1160

E. A. Newberry, T. M. Jardini, I. Rubio, P. D. Roberts, B. Babu, S. T. Koike, H. Bouzar, E. M. Goss, J. B. Jones, C. T. Bull, M. L. Paret, 2016, Plant Disease on p. 1397-1404

Mozhde Hamidizade, S. Mohsen Taghavi, Samuel J. Martins, Rachel A. Herschlag, Kevin L. Hockett, Carolee T. Bull, Ebrahim Osdaghi, 2020, Plant Disease on p. 1445-1454

Samuel Martins, Stephen Taerum, Lindsay Triplett, Joanne Emerson, Inga Zasada, Beatriz de Toledo, Jasna Kovac, Kendall Martin, Carolee Theresa Bull, 2022, Phytobiomes Journal on p. 184-200

News Articles Featuring Carolee Bull

Harnessing mushroom microbiomes for better crop development

Microorganisms collected from the material in which button mushrooms are grown may benefit the development of future fungi crops, according to a study led by researchers in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences and published in the journal Fungal Biology.

Research teams receive $1.1 million to study microbiomes in agriculture

Two Penn State-led research teams have received funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture for projects investigating the ways microbiomes — the microorganisms in a particular environment, such as in soil or a living organism — can affect disease dynamics in agriculture.

Penn State faculty member elected to plant pathology society leadership

Carolee Bull, professor of systematic bacteriology and plant pathology in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences, has been elected to the presidential lineage of the American​ Phytopathological Society (APS).

Bull steps down at Microbiome Center, looks forward to future innovation

After more than five years at the helm of Penn State’s Microbiome Center, founding director Carolee Bull has stepped down. Though she will continue serving as department head of plant pathology and environmental microbiology and as a professor of plant pathology and systematic bacteriology at Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences, Bull has handed off leadership of the Microbiome Center to recent Penn State hire Seth Bordentstein.

Alliance between College of Ag Sciences, University of Pretoria yields benefits

​Developing solutions to address threats to plant health is the centerpiece of a partnership between Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences and the University of Pretoria in South Africa. The partnership is designed to increase both organizations’ research, teaching and extension impact and growth opportunities, thereby increasing food security and environmental stewardship.

Bull elected fellow of American Phytopathological Society

Carolee Bull, professor of systematic bacteriology and plant pathology in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences, has been elected as a fellow of the American Phytopathological Society, an honor given to members in recognition of distinguished contributions to the discipline of plant pathology.

Penn State Microbiome Center and GALT enter collaboration to advance research

The Penn State Microbiome Center and General Automation Lab Technologies (GALT) announced their collaboration to advance plant pathology, environmental microbiology and human gut microbiome studies.

Mysterious Chinese seed packets are showing up all over the US, and the government is warning people not to plant them

Dozens of US states have reported mysterious seeds showing up in packages from China and are warning citizens not to plant them because they could be an invasive species.

Agriculture officials issue warning on seed packages from China

Agriculture officials in Georgia and at least 12 other states issued warnings Monday about unsolicited seed packages arriving from China that may be an invasive plant species and harmful to livestock, according to reports.

27 States Issue Warnings About Seed Packets From China

State agriculture officials are urging residents not to plant the seeds, which were mailed in pouches featuring Chinese characters.

How to manage plant pests and diseases in your coronavirus victory garden

Home gardening is having a boom year across the United States. Whether they’re growing their own food in response to pandemic shortages or just looking for a diversion, numerous aspiring gardeners have constructed their first raised beds, and seeds are flying off suppliers’ shelves. Now that gardens are largely planted, much of the work for the next several months revolves around keeping them healthy.

How to manage plant pests and diseases in your victory garden

Home gardening is having a boom year across the US, whether because of pandemic shortages or people wanting a diversion. Now that gardens are largely planted, much of the work for the next several months revolves around keeping them healthy.

Growth of Microbiome Centers Noted In Nature Microbiology.

Penn State has committed to hiring almost two dozen new faculty members to study the microbiome since the creation of its own center.

The Emergence of Microbiome Centres

As microbiome science expands, academic centres scramble to fill many needs, from service provider to industry liaison. A newly created network aims to share strategies and accelerate knowledge transfer, and invites others to join the efforts.

Plant pathologist awarded grant to aid global study of seedborne pathogens

A nearly $4 million grant awarded to Penn State will support an interdisciplinary, multi-university team of researchers as they explore bacterial pathogens causing leaf spot diseases that are damaging valuable agricultural crops such as watermelon and pumpkin.

New DAWG Chews On Microbiome Datasets

Mara Cloutier is passionate about researching microbiomes and opening up this rapidly expanding field of study to others through the Data Analysis Working Group.

Institutes of Energy and the Environment announces seed grant recipients

Several Huck researchers are among the recipients of 2018-19 IEE seed grants.