W. Larry Kenney

Professor of Physiology and Kinesiology

W. Larry Kenney

Research Summary

Environmental and exercise physiology, particularly human thermoregulation, skin blood flow, and the biophysics of heat exchange.

Huck Affiliations

Most Recent Publications

Dam health effects: Drinking water salinity is a key risk factor for hypertension and dilute urine among Daasanach pastoralists in Northern Kenya

A Rosinger, William Kenney,

Manuscript writing for dummies: like sands through the hourglass

William Kenney, 2025, Journal of Applied Physiology

William Kenney, 2024, Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985)

Lower maximal skin wettedness in both warm-humid and hot-dry environments with advanced age (PSU HEAT project)

Kat G. Fisher, Daniel J. Vecellio, Rachel M. Cottle, Olivia K. Leach, S. Tony Wolf, W. Larry Kenney, 2024, Journal of Applied Physiology on p. 1549-1553

Quantification and interpretation of nitric oxide-dependent cutaneous vasodilation during local heating

S Wolf, G Dillon, Lacy Alexander, W. Larry Kenney, A Stanhewicz, 2024, Journal of Applied Physiology on p. 1418-1424

L Hospers, G Dillon, A McLachlan, Lacy Alexander, W. Larry Kenney, A Capon, K Ebi, E Ashworth, O Jay, Y Mavros, 2024, EClinicalMedicine on p. 102886

S.  Tony Wolf, W.  Larry Kenney, Nina G Jablonski, 2024, Photodermatology Photoimmunology and Photomedicine

Sex differences in heat stress vulnerability among middle-aged and older adults (PSU HEAT Project)

Olivia K. Leach, Rachel M. Cottle, Kat G. Fisher, S. Tony Wolf, W. Larry Kenney, 2024, American Journal of Physiology on p. R320-R327

A Williams, K Fisher, Lacy Alexander, W. Larry Kenney, 2024, Physiological Reports on p. e70002

Critical environmental core temperature limits and heart rate thresholds across the adult age span (PSU HEAT Project)

Rachel M. Cottle, Kat G. Fisher, Olivia K. Leach, S. Tony Wolf, W. Larry Kenney, 2024, Journal of Applied Physiology on p. 145-153

Most-Cited Papers

Brendon P. McDermott, Scott A. Anderson, Lawrence E. Armstrong, Douglas J. Casa, Samuel N. Cheuvront, Larry Cooper, W. Larry Kenney, Francis G. O'Connor, William O. Roberts, 2017, Journal of Athletic Training on p. 877-895

Anna E. Stanhewicz, W. Larry Kenney, 2017, Nutrition Reviews on p. 61-70

Daniel J. Vecellio, S. Tony Wolf, Rachel M. Cottle, W. Larry Kenney, 2022, Journal of Applied Physiology on p. 340-345

Jody L. Greaney, W. Larry Kenney, Lacy M. Alexander, 2015, Journal of the Autonomic Nervous System on p. 81-90

Anna E. Stanhewicz, W. Larry Kenney, 2015, Nutrition Reviews on p. 73-82

Anna E. Stanhewicz, Lacy M. Alexander, W. Larry Kenney, 2015, Clinical Science on p. 159-167

S. Wolf, Nina Jablonski, Sara B. Ferguson, Lacy M. Alexander, W. Larry Kenney, 2020, American Journal of Physiology on p. H906–H914

David A. Low, Helen Jones, N. Tim Cable, Lacy M. Alexander, W. Larry Kenney, 2020, European Journal of Applied Physiology

W. Larry Kenney, 2017, Journal of Applied Physiology on p. 1024-1038

Jody L. Greaney, Anna E. Stanhewicz, William Kenney, Lacy M. Alexander, 2015, Journal of Physiology on p. 2199-2211

News Articles Featuring W. Larry Kenney

The Surprising Health Benefits of Pain

Over the past decade, scientists have increasingly found that certain forms of pain and agitation, in moderate amounts, trigger benefits for mental and physical health

Older women more vulnerable to heat than their male peers, researchers find

A new study by researchers at Penn State has found that older women are physiologically more vulnerable to high heat and humidity than older men, and that women between the ages of 40 and 64 are as vulnerable as men 65 years of age or older.

Why ignoring high temperatures could be your worst health mistake

High temperatures especially risky for young and old, but it can harm anyone. Do you know how to be safe?

How to Know When High Temperatures Are Getting Dangerous—And What to Do to Stay Safe in a Heat Wave

The Midwest and East Coast are in the middle of a heat dome, with temperatures exceeding 100 degrees. Heat waves are getting hotter as global warming leads to more extreme weather, and 2023 was the hottest year on record. Some scientists say 2024 is poised to be even hotter overall.

Heat stress can turn deadly even sooner than experts thought. Are new warnings needed?

In the era of climate change and warming temperatures, the impact of extreme heat on people over the age of 65 is a serious public health issue because they are the most vulnerable to heat illness and death. New research from Penn State University found that extreme heat can begin to stress the human body at much lower levels of heat and humidity than previously thought.

Too hot for humans: Rising temperatures could soon make parts of Earth uninhabitable

Vast regions of our planet, where over half the global population resides, may soon become uninhabitable due to extreme heat

Climate-driven extreme heat may make parts of Earth too hot for humans

If global temperatures increase by 1 degree Celsius (C) or more than current levels, each year billions of people will be exposed to heat and humidity so extreme they will be unable to naturally cool themselves.

Extreme heat, coupled with chronic health issues, is killing elderly New Yorkers

As global warming temperatures rise people are more vulnerable because of age and medical conditions and face a greater danger

Your body can build up tolerance to heat. Here’s how.

Safe ways to train your body to build tolerance in the heat

Heat can kill on the job, and these workers are dying

Deaths from the heat waves have filled some hospitals to pandemic levels and OSHA is in the process of drafting a heat standard for work places.

As heat records fall, how hot is too hot for the human body?

Heat and humidity put people at greatly increased risk, and the combination gets dangerous at lower levels than scientists previously believed.

The heat index reached 152 degrees in the Middle East — nearly at the limit for human survival

As the Northern Hemisphere approaches summer’s peak, heat is testing the limits of human survival in Earth’s hottest spots — and demonstrating the extremes that are increasingly possible and probable against the backdrop of accelerating global warming.

As a summer heat wave pummels the US, an expert warns about the dangers of humidity – particularly for toddlers, young athletes and older adults

Dr. W. Larry Kenney, professor of physiology and kinesiology at Penn State University, who discussed why humid heat can be dangerous to human health and, in some cases, life-threatening.

Sweating keeps you cool, but climate change is making it harder

Our bodies couldn't endure the summer heat without sweating. But as the climate gets hotter, sweat isn't cooling us off like it used to.

Hot and getting hotter – 5 essential reads on high temps and human bodies

Launching the National Integrated Heat Health Information System (NIHHIS) and the heat.gov site on July 26, 2022, the Biden administration cited heat waves and the warming climate as serious health threats.

Why you need to worry about the ‘wet-bulb temperature’

Scientists think we need to pay attention to a measure of heat and humidity – and it’s edging closer to the limits of human survivability

Will Hot Drinks Keep You Cool on Hot Days?

Or is the idea an old wives' tale?

Unprecedented Heat And Stressed Grids Make Dangerous Power Outages Increasingly Likely

The electric bill Chantel Watkins pays every month costs more than a week of groceries for her family of four. Yet at any given moment, the power might flicker off, setting in motion a series of expensive and potentially deadly events.

Why Extreme Heat Is So Bad for the Human Body

Blistering temperatures aren’t just uncomfortable. They can quickly escalate to become life-threatening: According to data from U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention researchers, more than 700 people nationwide died from heat-related causes annually from 2004 to 2018.

Equilibrium/Sustainability — Wind farm targets picturesque Spanish seascape

The jagged Mediterranean shores from which Salvador Dalí produced some of his most celebrated work may soon become host to a disputed wind farm. Spanish government officials are preparing to approve the construction of a massive floating wind farm offshore of Port Lligat, a town about 100 miles north of Barcelona, The New York Times reported.

Why 100-degree heat is so dangerous in the United Kingdom

This week, it was hotter than ever in the United Kingdom. On Tuesday, parts of England hit a temperature above 40 degrees Celsius – or 104 degrees Fahrenheit — a first in the U.K.'s recorded history.

Young, healthy adults are vulnerable to high heat and humidity, too, Penn State study finds

The sun is blazing. The temperature is rising. You’re soaked with sweat. Ugh. But is it more than a matter of discomfort? Researchers at Pennsylvania State University are finding out that we humans can’t withstand as much heat and humidity as once thought.

How hot is too hot for humans? The answer depends on more than the temperature.

Heat waves are becoming supercharged as the climate changes — lasting longer, becoming more frequent, and getting just plain hotter. One question a lot of people are asking is: “When will it get too hot for normal daily activity as we know it, even for young, healthy adults?”

How hot is too hot for the human body?

Heat waves are becoming supercharged as the climate changes—lasting longer, becoming more frequent and getting just plain hotter. One question a lot of people are asking is: “When will it get too hot for normal daily activity as we know it, even for young, healthy adults?”

Record heat wave in the U.S. raises public health concern

More than 100 million Americans this week were under some sort of heat advisory, and were warned to stay indoors if possible. From Texas to California, a massive heat wave has set record temperatures, raising concerns about how hot is too hot.