8 People Results for the Tag: Weed

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David Hughes

Huck Chair in Global Food Security; Professor of Entomology and of Biology
Parasite manipulation of host behavior

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

David Huff

Professor of Turfgrass Breeding and Genetics
Population genetics. Plant evolution and ecology. Crop improvement. Physiological tolerance to biotic and abiotic stress.

Mary Ann Bruns

Professor of Soil Microbiology and Biogeochemistry; Faculty-in-Charge of Microbiome Sciences Dual-Title Degree Program
Compositions and functions of microbiomes in agriculture, ecological restoration, and engineered systems for ecosystem service provision and climate change adaptation

Heather Karsten

Associate Professor of Crop Production/Ecology

John Wallace

Assistant Professor of Weed Science

Carolyn Lowry

Assistant Professor of Plant Science

Megan Marshall

Associate Teaching Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Caio Brunharo

Assistant Professor of Weed Science
Weed adaptation to agricultural practices and climate change; Weed biology, ecology, and evolution; Abiotic stress; Herbicide resistance.