15 People Results for the Tag: Tyrosine

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Ira Ropson

Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Folding, stability and function of proteins.

Emily Bell

Associate Research Professor

Joan Richtsmeier

Professsor of Anthropology
Analysis of craniofacial phenotypes.

Colin Barnstable

Professor and Chair of Neural Behavioral Sciences
How interacting networks of transcription factors and signal transduction molecules guide the development of precursor/stem cells into mature neurons. Role of these networks in neurodegenerative diseases. Factors that can act as neuroprotective agents.

Rosalyn Irby

Associate Professor of Cancer Research

Tatiana Laremore

Director, Proteomics and Mass Spectrometry Core Facility; Associate Research Professor

Amie Boal

Professor of Chemistry and of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
The structural differences between members of large metalloenzyme superfamilies that share common features but promote different reactions or use distinct cofactors.

Parisa Kalantari

Assistant Professor of Immunology
Host-parasite interactions using Schistosoma mansoni-induced liver inflammation in mouse models. Modulation of immune responses by the parasite as well as the role of inflammasomes in inducing schistosomiasis.

Divya Prakash

Assistant Research Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

David Boehr

Associate Professor of Chemistry
The role of protein dynamics in enzyme function, coordination and regulation