30 People Results for the Tag: Trend

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Arthur Berg

Professor of Public Health Sciences, Statistics, Surgery, Neurosurgery, and Family & Community Medicine
Unlocking the mysteries of DNA and its connection to human health.

Kurt Vandegrift

Associate Professor
Disease ecology with an emphasis on the population dynamics of zoonotic parasites and reservoir hosts.

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Marc Abrams

Professor of Forest Ecology and Physiology
Community, historical and physiological ecology of tree species; global change biology.

David Eissenstat

Professor of Woody Plant Physiology
Plant physiological ecology. Root biology and physiology. Plant carbon and nutrient economies.

Joshua Lambert

Professor of Food Science
Dietary polyphenols in prevention of obesity and fatty liver disease; efficacy and mechanisms of action of food-derived phytochemicals in prevention of lung cancer; biotransformation, bioavailability and potential hepatotoxicity of dietary phytochemicals Impact of food and medicinal plants and phytochemicals on human health. Role of plant genetics, environmental factors, agronomic practices, and post-harvest processing in moderating the relationship between medicinal and food plants and human health

David Miller

Professor of Wildlife Population Ecology
Population ecology, quantitative ecology, avian and amphibian ecology, conservation decision analysis, life-history evolution.

Ethan Xingyuang Fang

Assistant Professor of Statistics

Herschel Elliott

Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Eric Burkhart

Teaching Professor, Ecosystem Science and Management

Michael Jacobson

Professor of Forest Resources

Sara Hermann

Assistant Professor of Arthropod Ecology and Trophic Interactions

Rachel Brennan

Professor of Civil Engineering

Christian Huber

Assistant Professor of Biology
How evolutionary mechanisms such as mutation, recombination, and natural selection shape genetic diversity and the variability between individuals and species.

Joel Landry

Assistant Professor of Environmental and Energy Economics
The welfare evaluation of current and proposed policies given the presence of pre-existing policy distortions and multiple market failures, and the evaluation of the incentives, institutions, and decision-making processes that explain why imperfect policies often emerge

Tong Qiu

Assistant Professor of Multifunctional Landscapes
Using monitoring studies and remote sensing to determine climate controls on biodiversity and forest dynamics in combination with extensive modeling to forecast future change

Gregory Jenkins

Professor of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, of Geography, and of African Studies
How lightning in particular and mineral dust aerosols can act as sources and sinks of tropospheric ozone in regions downstream of continental Africa