14 People Results for the Tag: Mortality

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Istvan Albert

Research Professor of Bioinformatics
Bioinformatics, large scale biological data analysis, microarrays and sequence analysis. Scientific programming, algorithm development. Database-driven web development.

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Ottar Bjornstad

Huck Chair of Epidemiology; Distinguished Professor of Entomology and Biology; Adjunct Professor in Statistics
Population ecology and population dynamics with particular emphasis on mathematical and computational aspects

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Margherita Cantorna

Director of the Center for Molecular Immunology and Infectious Disease; Distinguished Professor of Molecular Immunology
Understanding the working of the immune system. Utilizing animal models of several human diseases including enteric infections and inflammatory bowel disease to determine the cellular targets and molecular signals by which dietary components regulate immunity.

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

John Carlson

Professor of Molecular Genetics; Director, Schatz Center for Tree Molecular Genetics
Genome mapping, including genetic linkage mapping, molecular cytogenetics; studies of genetic diversity in forests.

Surinder Chopra

Professor of Maize Genetics
Regulation of flavonoid biosynthesis during plant development and plant-pathogen interaction. Epigenetic regulation and allele specific patterns.

Jessica Conway

Associate Professor of Mathematics
Viral infection dynamics and interplay with therapies for elimination or control

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Corina Drapaca

Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics

Matthew Ferrari

Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics; Huck Career Development Professor; Professor of Biology
Public Health, Quantitative Epidemiology, Population Ecology, Statistics, Computational and Mathematical Biology

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Bruce Gluckman

Director of the Center for Neural Engineering; Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics, of Neurosurgery, and of Biomedical Engineering
The dynamics of neural systems, how group dynamics form or emerge from the coupled dynamics of individual units, and how to measure and interact with these systems.

Molly Hall

Dr. Frances Keesler Graham Early Career Professor; Assistant Professor of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
Building tools to elucidate the complex genetic and environmental underpinnings of human disease. Integrating genetic (genotype, sequence, structural variation) and exposure (derived from surveys and metabolomics methods) big data to predict disease status.

Wendy Hanna-Rose

Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Head of BMB
Molecular Genetics of Metabolism and Development in C. elegans

Girish Kirimanjeswara

Emphasis Area Representative, Immunology and Infectious Disease; Associate Professor of Veterinary and Biomedical Science
Establishing the Virulence Factors

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Qunhua Li

Associate Chair, Intercollege Graduate Degree Program in Bioinformatics and Genomics; Professor of Statistics
Developing statistical and computational methods for analyzing complex omics data and improving quality and reproducibility of high-throughout data

Yingwei Mao

Professor of Biology
Regulation of neurogenesis using cellular and mouse models; analysis of abnormal neural progenitor cell (NPC) proliferation and its relationship to mental illnesses; identification of drugs that can reverse mouse models of psychiatric disorders.