18 People Results for the Tag: Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Nancy Dennis
Professor of Psychology
The cognitive and neural mechanisms that support learning and memory in young and older adults.
Patrick Drew
Interim Director, Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences; Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics, of Neurosurgery, of Biology, and of Biomedical Engineering
Optical imaging of brain dynamics during sleep and behavior; Role of blood flow and cerebrospinal fluid movement in neurodegenerative disease
Stephen Wilson
Professor of Psychology
Addictive behavior, with a specific focus on cigarette smoking.
Kevin Alloway
Professor Emeritus of Neural and Behavioral Sciences
Neural basis of sensorimotor integration neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, optogenetics.
Jonas Rubenson
Professor of Kinesiology
Integrating experimental and modeling approaches to study gait and skeletal muscle function during locomotion in both health and disease/impairment. In particular, the relationship between in vivo muscle mechanics and metabolic energetics and mechanisms underlying locomotor adaptation and optimization.
Thomas Neuberger
Director, High Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging Facility; Associate Research Professor
Emma Rose
Assistant Teaching Professor
Brain imaging and other methods (to help determine the impact of adversity and trauma on brain development in children and adolescents.