13 People Results for the Tag: Histology

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Heather Hines

Associate Professor of Biology and Entomology
Applies genomic, transcriptomic, phylogenomic, and bioinformatic approaches to study the evolution and genetics of diverse traits in bees and wasps. This includes study of mimetic color diversification, plant gall induction, novel morphologies, speciation, and social evolution.

Andrew Deans

Professor of Entomology, Director of the Frost Entomological Museum

Jared Ali

Associate Chair, Intercollege Graduate Degree Program in Ecology; Director of the Center for Chemical Ecology; Associate Professor of Entomology
Behavior and chemical ecology of multi-trophic interactions, including plant responses to below-ground herbivory and nematode. Insect community ecology, chemical ecology, and coevolution. Trophic cascades, above- and below-ground interactions, chemotaxis of soil nematodes, and evolution of plant defense strategies.

Neil Christensen

Professor of Pathology and Microbiology and Immunology

Keith Cheng

Distinguished Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and of Pharmacology
Computational phenomics, image informatics, and "Geometry of Life" based on x-ray histotomography, population, genomic, and functional genomic analyses of complex traits in human and zebrafish; web-based science resources.

Gabriele Monshausen

Associate Professor of Biology
Plant cell signaling. Hormonal and mechanical signal transduction in plant growth regulation. Live cell imaging of subcellular microdomains of ionic signaling.

Daniel Hayes

Director, Center of Excellence in Industrial Biotechnology; Huck Chair in Nanotherapeutics and Regenerative Medicine; Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Biomaterials engineering for applications ranging from regenerative medicine to lab-on-a-chip technologies. An emphasis on nanomaterials, macromolecules and composite structures. Ongoing efforts include development of optically and magnetically modulated drug delivery systems, quasi 3D cell sheet culture systems, cell encapsulation and delivery materials and hybrid in situ polymerizing grafts/augments.

Mechelle Lewis

Associate Professor Neurology and Pharmacology

Xiang Zhu

Assistant Professor of Statistics
Statistical Genetics and Genomics