9 People Results for the Tag: Heating

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Melik Demirel

Huck Chair in Biomimetic Materials; Pearce Professor of Engineering
Prof. Dr. Melik Demirel holds a tenured professor position in engineering at Penn State, and has a decade of experience in biosensors and nanomaterials. Prof. Demirel’s achievements have been recognized, in part, through his receipt of a Young Investigator Award, an Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, an Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter Junior Fellowship, the Pearce Development Professorship at Penn State, a Boeing Distinguished Speaker Award. Prof. Demirel received his Ph.D. from Carnegine Mellon University and B.S. and M.S. degrees from Bogazici University.

W. Larry Kenney

Professor of Physiology and Kinesiology
Environmental and exercise physiology, particularly human thermoregulation, skin blood flow, and the biophysics of heat exchange.

James Adair

Professor of Material Science and Engineering
Nanoscale materials and phenomena for biological, optical and structural applications, property manipulation via novel chemical pathways for designer particles and materials, colloid and interfacial chemistry, powder characterization, powder processing, and commercialization and regulatory pathways for nanomedical human healthcare formulations

Lacy Alexander

Professor of Kinesiology
Dr. Alexander utilizes in vivo and in vitro approaches using the human cutaneous circulation to examine the underlying signaling mechanisms mediating microvascular dysfunction with primary human aging, hypercholesterolemia, and essential hypertension.

Phillip Savage

Department Head and Walter L. Robb Family Chair of Chemical Engineering
Chemical reaction kinetics, algae biofuel, catalysis, sustainability, supercritical fluids.

Julio Urbina

Professor of Electrical Engineering

Sibel Irmak

Research Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Megan Marshall

Associate Teaching Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering