49 People Results for the Tag: Environmental Factors
Sonia Cavigelli
Chair, Intercollege Graduate Degree Program in Neuroscience; Associate Professor of Biobehavioral Health
Development of temperament/personality; relationship of temperament and social status to stress and health; individual differences in stress and health in the natural environment.
Nita Bharti
Huck Early Career Professor; Associate Professor of Biology
The Bharti lab investigates the underlying links between humans, pathogens, and the environment. We work to identify the mechanisms that give rise to heterogeneities in host disease burden and risk across scales, across spatial and temporal scales. We study the dynamics of host-environment interactions that drive movement and contact patterns as they relate to to pathogen transmission and access to health care.
Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics
Catharine Ross
Professor in Nutritional Science; Dorothy Foehr Huck Chair
Vitamin A metabolism; hepatic retinoid function and gene expression; vitamin A in infection and immunity.
Douglas Cavener
Huck Distinguished Chair in Evolutionary Genetics; Professor of Biology; Former Dean, Eberly College of Science
Regulation of protein synthesis and control of translation initiation of mRNAs in higher eukaryotes and the evolution of tissue specific transcriptional regulation.
Harland Patch
Assistant Research Professor; Research Associate of Entomology
Paul Bartell
Associate Professor of Avian Biology
The regulation of biological clocks in birds at the systems level.
Donald Bryant
Ernest C. Pollard Professor of Biotechnology; Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Photosynthesis, structure-function relationships of proteins, gene regulation, and microbial physiology. Cyanobacteria and green sulfur bacteria. Genomics of photosynthetic bacteria.
Marc Abrams
Professor of Forest Ecology and Physiology
Community, historical and physiological ecology of tree species; global change biology.
Kathleen Brown
Professor of Plant Stress Biology
Regulation of root development. Root responses to edaphic stress. Identification and genetic mapping of traits for adaptation to edaphic stress.
Mark Guiltinan
Director, Plant Institute; J. Franklin Styer Professor of Horticultural Botany; Professor of Plant Molecular Biology
Plant functional genomics, metabolomics and biotechnology. Identification of key genes for disease resistance and important traits in the tree crop Theoboma cacao, the Chocolate tree.
Siela Maximova
Research Professor of Plant Biotechnology Co-Director, Endowed Program in the Molecular Biology of Cocoa
Molecular basis of plant-pathogen and plant-endophyte interactions. Biotechnology of tree crops. Development of sustainable energy crops.
Carolyn Mahan
Professor of Biology
The study of biodiversity in threatened ecosystems, the effects of human-modified landscapes on wildlife, and behavioral ecology of sciurids. Dr. Mahan teaches introductory biology, environmental studies, field ecology, and evolution.
Laura Leites
Research Professor of Quantitative Forest Ecology
Adaptation to climate in forest trees, seed movement under a changing climate, forest ecosystem modeling.
Tatiana Laremore
Director, Proteomics and Mass Spectrometry Core Facility; Associate Research Professor
Karl Zimmerer
Professor of Geography
Land use and agricultural change/global change, Economic development/globalization/neoliberalism, Nature-society and human-environment theory, Environmental impacts (biodiversity/soils/water/conservation), Food/producer-consumer networks/sustainability.
Bronwen Powell
Associate Professor of Geography, African Studies and Anthropology
Felipe Montes
Assistant Research Professor
Modeling of agricultural production systems, greenhouse gas emissions, water quality and environmental impacts; Advanced instrumentation and field research techniques for collecting data to feed the process-based models; Bioenergy and biomass production, green house mitigation, life cycle analysis and carbon footprint determination, whit emphasis on shrub coppice willow
Liana Burghardt
Director of the Center for Root and Rhizosphere Biology; Huck Early Career Chair of Root Biology and Rhizosphere Interactions; Assistant Professor of Plant Science
Plant-microbe-climate interactions; the evolution and ecology of legumes and nitrogen-fixing rhizobia; the genomic basis and environment dependence of root, nodule, and mutualism traits; GWAS/transcriptomics/evolve & resequence methodologies
Autumn Sabo
Assistant Professor of Biology
How anthropogenic stressors affect plant communities, conservation, and restoration options. Recent work has focused on how deer and silvicultural techniques impact forest understories, with future projects likely extending to rare and invasive plant biology as well as climate change adaptation.
Natalie Boyle
Assistant Research Professor; Insect Biodiversity Center Program Coordinator
Douglas Teti
Professor of Human Development and Family Studies, Psychology, and Pediatrics
Jason Keagy
Assistant Research Professor of Wildlife Behavioral Ecology
Cognitive ecology (with studies at genome, individual, and species levels). I am particularly interested in applications for solving wildlife management problems
Daniel Allen
Assistant Professor of Aquatic Ecology
The relationship between community structure and ecosystem processes in rivers and streams, and factors which influence this relationship across local, landscape, and regional spatial scales.
Gregory Jenkins
Professor of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, of Geography, and of African Studies
How lightning in particular and mineral dust aerosols can act as sources and sinks of tropospheric ozone in regions downstream of continental Africa
Lynne Beaty
Assistant Professor of Biology, Penn State Behrend
Behavioral ecology with a particular emphasis on the role of previous experience with predation risk on the phenotype of prey; anurans, freshwater biology, latent/carry-over effects, phenotypic plasticity