4 People Results for the Tag: Dioxygen
Bruce Gluckman
Director of the Center for Neural Engineering; Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics, of Neurosurgery, and of Biomedical Engineering
The dynamics of neural systems, how group dynamics form or emerge from the coupled dynamics of individual units, and how to measure and interact with these systems.
Carsten Krebs
Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Bioinorganic Chemistry - spectroscopic and kinetic studies on the mechanisms of iron-containing enzymes
Jennifer Macalady
Director of the Ecology Institute; Professor of Geosciences
Microbial interactions with earth materials: soils, sediments, solutes, atmospheric gases, minerals, and rocks. Early evolution of Earth’s biosphere, including photosynthesis and sulfur cycling. Microbial ecology, environmental omics, microbial biogeography.
Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics