71 People Results for the Tag: Datasets

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Michael Axtell

Distinguished Professor of Biology
Discovery and characterization of plant microRNAs and siRNAs. Functions of microRNAs and siRNAs in the evolution of plant development. Genomics and bioinformatics of microRNAs, siRNAs, and their targets

Laura Carrel

Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Genetic, epigenetic, and genomic regulation of expression on the mammalian X chromosome.

Qunhua Li

Associate Chair, Intercollege Graduate Degree Program in Bioinformatics and Genomics; Professor of Statistics
Developing statistical and computational methods for analyzing complex omics data and improving quality and reproducibility of high-throughout data

Anton Nekrutenko

Dorothy Foher Huck and J. Lloyd Huck Chair in Genomics, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Evolution of overlapping reading frames in eukaryotic genomes.

George Perry

Professor of Anthropology and Biology
Anthropological genomics, paleogenomics, human body size evolution, parasite evolution, and evolutionary medicine.

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Moriah Szpara

Professor of Biology
How genetic variation influences the outcomes of viral infection, particularly for neurotropic viruses such as herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) and HSV-2, using high-throughput sequencing, comparative genomics, neuronal cultures, and genetic manipulation of both host and pathogen.

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Murali Haran

Associate Professor of Statistics
Statistical computing (Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms); spatial models (Gaussian random field models); methods for complex computer models; interdisciplinary collaborations in environmental sciences, climate science, disease modeling, ecology

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Etya Amsalem

Associate Professor of Entomology
The evolutionary development and the mechanistic basis of social behavior in insects using an integrative approach encompassing chemical, genetic and physiological tools

Francesca Chiaromonte

Director of the Genome Sciences Institute; Huck Chair in Statistics for the Life Sciences; Professor of Statistics
Developing methods for the analysis of large, high-dimensional and complex data.

Frank Hillary

Associate Professor of Psychology, Psychiatry and Neurology
Effects of brain injury and disease on functional brain organization; EEG and MRI-based examination of neuroplasticity in healthy and disrupted neural systems, including traumatic brain injury and multiple sclerosis.

Howard Salis

Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering; Associate Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Engineering microorganisms for applications in synthetic biology and metabolic engineering.

Julie Urban

Associate Research Professor

Margarita Lopez-Uribe

Associate Professor of Entomology
How environmental change and human management shape bee health and long-term persistence of their populations in agricultural areas.

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Nancy Dennis

Professor of Psychology
The cognitive and neural mechanisms that support learning and memory in young and older adults.

Ramesh Ramachandran

Professor of Molecular Endocrinology
The influence of hypothalamic neurotransmitters, hormones, and their receptors on avian reproduction.

Robert Fraleigh

Assistant Research Professor

Ross Hardison

Associate Director of the Genome Sciences Institute; T. Ming Chu Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Regulation of gene expression during development.

Scott Selleck

Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Shelby Fleischer

Professor of Entomology

Stephen Schaeffer

Professor of Biology
Population Genetics and Genomics of Chromosomal Rearrangements in Drosophila

Yanxi Liu

Associate Professor of Computational Science and Engineering

Ming Tien

Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Characterization and biochemical analysis of cellulose synthesis in a variety of organisms. Mechanism and regulation of fungal degradation of lignin. Dissimilatory Iron reduction.

Keith Cheng

Distinguished Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and of Pharmacology
Computational phenomics, image informatics, and "Geometry of Life" based on x-ray histotomography, population, genomic, and functional genomic analyses of complex traits in human and zebrafish; web-based science resources.

Mark Shriver

Professor of Biological Anthropology
Human population genomics and complex disease mapping.

David Geiser

Professor of Mycology
Molecular evolutionary genetics of pathogenic and toxigenic fungi.

Colin Barnstable

Professor and Chair of Neural Behavioral Sciences
How interacting networks of transcription factors and signal transduction molecules guide the development of precursor/stem cells into mature neurons. Role of these networks in neurodegenerative diseases. Factors that can act as neuroprotective agents.

Keefe Manning

Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Surgery
Understanding the native cardiovascular system fluid mechanics; understanding the diseased cardiovascular system fluid mechanics, and the impact that cardiovascular prosthetics generate during and post implantation.

Daniel Kifer

Professor of Computer Science & Engineering

Gustavo Nader

Professor of Kinesiology
Ribosome biogenesis and cellular growth control. Transcription and epigenetic regulation of ribosomal RNA genes.

Megan Schall

Assistant Professor of Biology

Sarah Craig

Associate Research Professor

Gretchen Kuldau

Associate Professor of Plant Pathology

Beth Gugino

Professor of Vegetable Pathology

María del Mar Jiménez Gasco

Professor of Plant Pathology and Environmental Mictobiology; Head, Dept of Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology

David Koslicki

Chair, Intercollege Graduate Degree Program in Bioinformatics and Genomics; Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering and Biology
Developing efficient algorithms to extract insight from high-throughput sequencing data.

Joshua Kellogg

Emphasis Area Representative, Molecular Toxicology; Assistant Professor of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
Development of new metabolomics tools for chemical and biological characterization of complex systems. Discovery of new natural products from plants and microorganisms with novel bioactivity against pathogenic fungi and neglected tropical diseases. Bioanalytical techniques to probe the mechanism of action and basic biology of these target organisms. Ethnobotany and indigenous knowledge surrounding plant-based medicine.

Heather Karsten

Associate Professor of Crop Production/Ecology

Natalie Boyle

Assistant Research Professor; Insect Biodiversity Center Program Coordinator

Douglas Wrenn

Assistant Professor of Environmental and Resource Economics

Zachary Szpiech

Assistant Professor of Biology
Population and evolutionary genetics, with applications to medical genetics, anthropology, and conservation

Hyebin Song

Assistant Professor of Statistics

Xiang Zhu

Assistant Professor of Statistics
Statistical Genetics and Genomics

Franny Buderman

Assistant Professor of Quantitative Wildlife Ecology
Quantitative ecology, with a focus on the demography, space-use, and movement of wildlife.

Adele Turzillo

Professor and Department Head of Animal Science

Amie Boal

Professor of Chemistry and of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
The structural differences between members of large metalloenzyme superfamilies that share common features but promote different reactions or use distinct cofactors.

Meghan Vidt

Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Christian Huber

Assistant Professor of Biology
How evolutionary mechanisms such as mutation, recombination, and natural selection shape genetic diversity and the variability between individuals and species.

Monica Kersch-Becker

Assistant Professor of Entomology

Yogasudha Veturi

Assistant Professor of Biobehavioral Health and of Statistics
Developing novel statistical and machine learning methods to better understand shared genetics between complex human diseases across the “phenome” and their connections with cognitive decline as well as genetic underpinnings of sex and ancestral differences in cognitive decline.

Camilla Hughes

Assistant Professor of Reproductive Biology
Reproductive biology, ovarian function, and reproductive-immune interaction