55 People Results for the Tag: Climate

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John Carlson

Professor of Molecular Genetics; Director, Schatz Center for Tree Molecular Genetics
Genome mapping, including genetic linkage mapping, molecular cytogenetics; studies of genetic diversity in forests.

David Hughes

Huck Chair in Global Food Security; Professor of Entomology and of Biology
Parasite manipulation of host behavior

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Elizabeth McGraw

Professor and Huck Scholar in Entomology
The genetics of vector, pathogen and symbiont interactions.

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Tanya Renner

Associate Professor of Entomology
Evolution of chemical and structural defense. Molecular evolution, evolutionary genomics, and transcriptomics. Origins and evolution of carnivorous plants.

Nita Bharti

Huck Early Career Professor; Associate Professor of Biology
The Bharti lab investigates the underlying links between humans, pathogens, and the environment. We work to identify the mechanisms that give rise to heterogeneities in host disease burden and risk across scales, across spatial and temporal scales. We study the dynamics of host-environment interactions that drive movement and contact patterns as they relate to to pathogen transmission and access to health care.

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Peter Hudson

Former Director, Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences; Willaman Professor of Biology
Population dynamics of infectious diseases in wildlife and the dynamics of parasite community structure.

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Doug Miller

Professor of Ecosystem Science and Managment

Edwin Rajotte

Professor of Entomology and IPM Coordinator

Greg Krawczyk

Extension Tree Fruit Entomologist, Research Professor

Harland Patch

Assistant Research Professor; Research Associate of Entomology

Joyce Sakamoto

Assistant Research Professor

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Kenneth Tamminga

Distinguished Professor of Landscape Architecture
Ecological restoration; ecological design; sustainability; environmental planning; urban green infrastructure; ecology and design pedagogy.

Robert Berghage

Associate Professor of Plant Science
Environmental plant physiology. Controlled and modified environments for plant growth. Eco-roofs, rooftop greening, and other uses of plants in distributed stormwater management systems.

Kurt Vandegrift

Associate Professor
Disease ecology with an emphasis on the population dynamics of zoonotic parasites and reservoir hosts.

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Sally Assmann

Waller Professor of Biology
Molecular biology of plant G-proteins and kinases. Phytohormone regulation of signal transduction and RNA processing. Second messenger regulation of ion channels in plant cells.

Marc Abrams

Professor of Forest Ecology and Physiology
Community, historical and physiological ecology of tree species; global change biology.

David Geiser

Professor of Mycology
Molecular evolutionary genetics of pathogenic and toxigenic fungi.

Margot Kaye

Professor of Forest Ecology
Vegetation dynamics; global change ecology; interactions among vegetation, climate and human land use; dendrochronology; disturbance history; environmental change.

Mary Ann Bruns

Professor of Soil Microbiology and Biogeochemistry; Faculty-in-Charge of Microbiome Sciences Dual-Title Degree Program
Compositions and functions of microbiomes in agriculture, ecological restoration, and engineered systems for ecosystem service provision and climate change adaptation

Denice Wardrop

Research Professor of Geography; Director of Riparia

Jason Kaye

Chair, Intercollege Graduate Degree Program in Ecology; Professor of Soil Biogeochemistry
Ecosystem ecology; global change biology; biogeochemistry of nitrogen and carbon cycling in managed and unmanaged ecosystems.

Kyle Smith

Anthropology Graduate Student
How the social relationship between dogs and humans impacts dogs biologically.

Armen Kemanian

Professor of Production Systems and Modeling
Agricultural Systems, Agricultural and Natural Systems Modeling, Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling, Bioenergy Systems, Coupled Hydrologic and Nutrient Modeling, and Plant Competition

Laura Leites

Research Professor of Quantitative Forest Ecology
Adaptation to climate in forest trees, seed movement under a changing climate, forest ecosystem modeling.

Anna Estes

Assistant Research Professor

María del Mar Jiménez Gasco

Professor of Plant Pathology and Environmental Mictobiology; Head, Dept of Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology

Justine Blanford

Associate Teaching Professor

Heather Karsten

Associate Professor of Crop Production/Ecology

Felipe Montes

Assistant Research Professor
Modeling of agricultural production systems, greenhouse gas emissions, water quality and environmental impacts; Advanced instrumentation and field research techniques for collecting data to feed the process-based models; Bioenergy and biomass production, green house mitigation, life cycle analysis and carbon footprint determination, whit emphasis on shrub coppice willow

Peter Wilf

Professor of Geosciences

Liana Burghardt

Director of the Center for Root and Rhizosphere Biology; Huck Early Career Chair of Root Biology and Rhizosphere Interactions; Assistant Professor of Plant Science
Plant-microbe-climate interactions; the evolution and ecology of legumes and nitrogen-fixing rhizobia; the genomic basis and environment dependence of root, nodule, and mutualism traits; GWAS/transcriptomics/evolve & resequence methodologies

Tom Richard

Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Application of fundamental engineering science to microbial ecosystems, developing innovative strategies for a more sustainable agriculture and the emerging bio-based economy.

Christine Costello

Assistant Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Stephen Berg

Assistant Professor of Statistics

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Jack Watson

Professor of Soil Science

Chris Forest

Professor of Climate Dynamics

Helen Greatrix

Assistant Professor of Remote Sensing and Geo-statistics

Michael Mann

Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science

Jason Keagy

Assistant Research Professor of Wildlife Behavioral Ecology
Cognitive ecology (with studies at genome, individual, and species levels). I am particularly interested in applications for solving wildlife management problems

Franny Buderman

Assistant Professor of Quantitative Wildlife Ecology
Quantitative ecology, with a focus on the demography, space-use, and movement of wildlife.

Jill Hamilton

Director of the Schatz Center for Tree Molecular Genetics; Associate Professor
Genomic basis of climate adaptation, conservation, and restoration genetics.

Monica Kersch-Becker

Assistant Professor of Entomology

Travis Flohr

Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture

Clare Hinrichs

Professor of Rural Sociology
How transitions to sustainability are understood, negotiated, organized, contested, and assessed.

Patreese Ingram

Assistant Dean of Multicultural Affairs

Isabelle Holland-Lulewicz

Assistant Professor of Anthropology
Human-environment dynamics in the Southeastern and Midwestern US by way of paleoenvironmental reconstructions via zooarchaeological analyses of vertebrate and invertebrates, stable isotopes analyses of marine shell, and chronological modelling of anthropogenic exploitations of estuarine and riverine environments.