21 People Results for the Tag: Carbohydrates
Surinder Chopra
Professor of Maize Genetics
Regulation of flavonoid biosynthesis during plant development and plant-pathogen interaction. Epigenetic regulation and allele specific patterns.
Judd Michael
Nationwide Insurance Professor of Safety & Health; Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering
James Marden
Associate Director of Operations, Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences; Professor of Biology
How physiological variation within species affects their ecology and evolution. Primarily with insects, but recently also with plants, and a particular interest in allelic variation in the pathogen resistance genes of tropical trees.
Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics
Catharine Ross
Professor in Nutritional Science; Dorothy Foehr Huck Chair
Vitamin A metabolism; hepatic retinoid function and gene expression; vitamin A in infection and immunity.
B. Tracy Nixon
Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Structural and functional basis of cellulose synthesis. Using Physcomitrella patens and other organisms as model systems, we are learning how plants make cellulose for building new cell wall. The studies use methods of molecular biology and cryoEM to characterize the enzyme as a monomer, and when it assembles into its larger 'Cellulose Synthase Complex '(CSC for short). The aim is to understand cellulose synthesis to explain fundamentals of cell wall biology in plants, and to enable manipulation of its synthesis for applications in fields of bioenergy and materials.
Erin Connolly
Professor and Head of Plant Science
Molecular mechanisms of micronutrient transport. Iron uptake and compartmentalization. Metal ion homeostasis
Thomas Neuberger
Director, High Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging Facility; Associate Research Professor
Sung Hyun (Joseph) Cho
Director, Cryo-Electron Microscopy Core Facility; Assistant Research Professor
Seth Bordenstein
Director of the Microbiome Center; Huck Chair in Microbiome Sciences; Professor of Biology and Entomology
The evolutionary and genetic principles that shape symbiotic interactions between animals, microbes, and viruses and the major applications of these interactions to human health.
Megan Marshall
Associate Teaching Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering