Rachel Smith
Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences

216 Sparks Building
University Park, PA 16802 - She/Her
- ras57@psu.edu
- 814-865-4201
Research Summary
Quantitative social scientist whose interests lie broadly in social influence and social systems, specializing on power, networks, and stigma. Design and evaluation of effective health campaigns. Infectious diseases and genomics.
Huck Affiliations
Most Recent Publications
Character, contact, and stigma reduction: investigating mediated contact and U.S. digital stories of opioid use disorder
Rachel Annette Smith, Ruth A. Osoro, Glenn Sterner, 2024, Journal of Applied Communication Research on p. 381-400
Vivifying Outbreaks: Investigating the Influence of a Forecast Visual on Risk Perceptions, Time-Urgency, and Behavioral Intentions
Rachel Annette Smith, Youzhen Su, Katie Yan, Katriona Shea, 2024, Health Communication
Extending the Theory of Normative Social Behavior: Collective Norms, Opinion Leadership, and Masking During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Xun Zhu, Christopher Carpenter, R Smith, Jessica Myrick, M Martin, R Lennon, M Small, L Van Scoy, 2024, Health Communication on p. 49-61
Rachel A. Smith, Ruth A. Osoro, 2023, AIDS Education and Prevention on p. 69-84
Anomia, networks, and communication: A hidden gem
Rachel Smith, 2023, Asian Communication Research on p. 101-104
Accidents and Attributions: Differential Consequences for Religious Bias
Rachel A. Smith, Edward L. Fink, Deborah A. Cai, Carolyn E. Montagnolo, 2023, Asian Communication Research on p. 48-68
Anomia, Networks, and Communication: A Hidden Gem
Rachel A. Smith, 2023, Asian Communication Research on p. 16-19
Adoption and Discontinuance of Innovation Packages: A Longitudinal Study of Transitions in COVID-19 Mitigation
Rachel Annette Smith, J Myrick, Jessica Gall Myrick, Molly Ann Martin, Robert Lennon, Lauren J. Van Scoy, Meg Small, Data4Action Research Group, 2023, Health Communication
Different Politics, Different Realities? A Case Study of Students’ Partisan Sensemaking About COVID-19
Shannon Cruz, Xun Zhu, Rachel Annette Smith, James Price Dillard, L Shen, Lijiang Shen, Xi Tian, Xixi Tian, J Dillard, 2023, Negotiation and Conflict Management Research on p. 320-343
COVID-19 Mitigation Among College Students: Social Influences, Behavioral Spillover, and Antibody Results
Rachel Smith, Meg Small, Nita Bharti, Samuel DeMatte, Robert P. Lennon, Matthew Ferrari, Data4Action Research Group, 2022, Health Communication on p. 1--10
Most-Cited Papers
Antibiotic Resistance: A Primer and Call to Action
Rachel A. Smith, Nkuchia M. M’ikanatha, Andrew F. Read, 2015, Health Communication on p. 309-314
Mental health stigma and communication and their intersections with education
Rachel A. Smith, Amanda Applegate, 2018, Communication Education on p. 382-393
Persuasive Messages, Social Norms, and Reactance: A Study of Masking Behavior during a COVID-19 Campus Health Campaign
James Price Dillard, XiXi Tian, Shannon Cruz, Rachel Smith, Lijiang Shen, 2021, Health Communication
Living with a rare health condition: the influence of a support community and public stigma on communication, stress, and available support
Xun Zhu, Rachel A. Smith, Roxanne L. Parrott, 2017, Journal of Applied Communication Research on p. 179-198
Understanding the Effects of Stigma Messages: Danger Appraisal and Message Judgments
Rachel A. Smith, Xun Zhu, Edward L. Fink, 2019, Health Communication on p. 424-436
Unique Predictors of Intended Uptake of a COVID-19 Vaccine in Adults Living in a Rural College Town in the United States
Robert P. Lennon, Meg L. Small, Rachel A. Smith, Lauren J. Van Scoy, Jessica G. Myrick, Molly A. Martin, Data4 Action Research Group, 2021, American Journal of Health Promotion
A Meta-Analysis of Weight Stigma and Health Behaviors
Xun Zhu, Rachel A. Smith, Emily Buteau, 2022, Stigma and Health on p. 1-13
Evaluating the impact of screening plus eave tubes on malaria transmission compared to current best practice in central Côte d'Ivoire: A two armed cluster randomized controlled trial
Eleanore D. Sternberg, Jackie Cook, Ludovic P. Ahoua Alou, Carine J. Aoura, Serge Brice Assi, Dimi Théodore Doudou, A. Alphonsine Koffi, Raphael N'Guessan, Welbeck A. Oumbouke, Rachel A. Smith, Eve Worrall, Immo Kleinschmidt, Matthew B. Thomas, 2018, BMC Public Health
Integrating Models of Diffusion and Behavior to Predict Innovation Adoption, Maintenance, and Social Diffusion
Rachel A. Smith, Youllee Kim, Xun Zhu, Dimi Théodore Doudou, Eleanore D. Sternberg, Matthew B. Thomas, 2018, Journal of Health Communication on p. 264-271
Dynamic and game theory of infectious disease stigmas
Timothy C. Reluga, Rachel A. Smith, David P. Hughes, 2019, Journal of Theoretical Biology on p. 95-107