Peter Hudson

Former Director, Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences; Willaman Professor of Biology

Peter Hudson

Research Summary

Population dynamics of infectious diseases in wildlife and the dynamics of parasite community structure.

Huck Affiliations


Most Recent Publications

Raina K. Plowright, Aliyu N. Ahmed, Tim Coulson, Thomas W. Crowther, Imran Ejotre, Christina L. Faust, Winifred F. Frick, Peter J. Hudson, Tigga Kingston, P. O. Nameer, M. Teague O’Mara, Alison J. Peel, Hugh Possingham, Orly Razgour, Dee Ann M. Reeder, Manuel Ruiz-Aravena, Nancy B. Simmons, Prashanth N. Srinivas, Gary M. Tabor, Iroro Tanshi, Ian G. Thompson, Abi T. Vanak, Neil M. Vora, Charley E. Willison, Annika T.H. Keeley, 2024, Nature Communications

Phantom of the north; the Great Gray owl

Peter Hudson, 2024, Paws Trails Aware

Jules Jackson, Ireen Sultana Shanta, Clifton McKee, Stephen P. Luby, Najmul Haider, Yushuf Sharker, Raina Plowright, Peter Hudson, Emily S. Gurley, 2024, PLoS One

Africas Avian Giants: The Ground Hornbill

Peter Hudson, 2024, Paws Trails Aware

Peter Hudson, Catherine M. Herzog, Fasil Aklilu, Demeke Sibhatu, Dereje Shegu, Redeat Belaineh, Abde Aliy Mohammed, Menbere Kidane, Claudia Schulz, Brian J. Willett, Sarah Cleaveland, Dalan Bailey, Andrew R. Peters, Isabella M. Cattadori, Hagos Asgedom, Joram Buza, Mesfin Sahle Forza, Tesfaye Rufael Chibssa, Solomon Gebre, Nick Juleff, Ottar N. Bjørnstad, Michael D. Baron, Vivek Kapur, 2024, Communications Biology

Sloth Bears, conservation and biology

Peter Hudson, 2024,

Losing our vultures: Lappet-faced vultures in Africa

Peter Hudson, 2024,

Jamie K. Reaser, Rohit A. Chitale, Gary M. Tabor, Peter J. Hudson, Raina K. Plowright, 2024, Health security on p. 74-81

Peter Hudson, Beatus Lyimo, Ephrasia Hugho, Coletha Mathew, Charles Mayenga, Abdul Hamid Lukambagire, Samson Lyimo, Lidia Munuo, Maurice Byukusenge, Jodie Withall, Roland T. Ashford, Blandina T. Mmbaga, Zachariah Makondo, John McGiven, Jessica Radzio-Basu, Erika Ganda, Earl A. Middlebrook, Andrew W. Bartlow, Jeanne M. Fair, Gabriel Shirima, Nammalwar Sriranganathan, Rudovick R. Kazwala, Isabella M. Cattadori, Vivek Kapur, Joram J. Buza, Robab Katani, 2024, Frontiers in Public Health

Grizzly bears in spring: sedges and the Khutzeymateen

Peter Hudson, 2023,

Most-Cited Papers

Raina K. Plowright, Colin R. Parrish, Hamish McCallum, Peter J. Hudson, Albert I. Ko, Andrea L. Graham, James O. Lloyd-Smith, 2017, Nature Reviews Microbiology on p. 502-510

Jason R. Rohr, Christopher B. Barrett, David J. Civitello, Meggan E. Craft, Bryan Delius, Giulio A. DeLeo, Peter J. Hudson, Nicolas Jouanard, Karena H. Nguyen, Richard S. Ostfeld, Justin V. Remais, Gilles Riveau, Susanne H. Sokolow, David Tilman, 2019, Nature Sustainability on p. 445-456

Raina Plowright, Jamie Reaser, Harvey Locke, Stephen Woodley, Jonathan Patz, Daniel Becker, Gabriel Oppler, Peter Hudson, Gary Tabor, 2021, The Lancet Planetary Health on p. e237-e245

Jason R. Rohr, David J. Civitello, Fletcher W. Halliday, Peter J. Hudson, Kevin D. Lafferty, Chelsea L. Wood, Erin A. Mordecai, 2020, Nature Ecology and Evolution on p. 24-33

Manuel Ruiz-Aravena, Clifton McKee, Amandine Gamble, Tamika Lunn, Aaron Morris, Celine E. Snedden, Claude Kwe Yinda, Julia R. Port, David Buchholz, Yao Yu Yeo, Christina Faust, Elinor Jax, Lauren Dee, Devin N. Jones, Maureen K. Kessler, Caylee Falvo, Daniel Crowley, Nita Bharti, Cara E. Brook, Hector C. Aguilar, Alison J. Peel, Olivier Restif, Tony Schountz, Colin R. Parrish, Emily S. Gurley, James O. Lloyd-Smith, Peter J. Hudson, Vincent J. Munster, Raina K. Plowright, 2021, Nature Reviews Microbiology on p. 299-314

Suresh V. Kuchipudi, Meera Surendran-Nair, R Ruden, M Yon, R Nissly, Kurt J. Vandegrift, R Nelli, Lingling Li, Bhushan Jayarao, Costas D. Maranas, N Levine, K Willgert, Andrew J.K. Conlan, Conlan AJK, R Olsen, J Davis, J Musser, Peter John Hudson, Vivek Kapur, 2022, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Pratha Sah, Stephan T. Leu, Paul C. Cross, Peter J. Hudson, Shweta Bansal, 2017, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America on p. 4165-4170

Eric Salazar, 23 names , Suresh Kuchipudi, Isabella Cattadori, Paul Christensen, Todd Eagar, Xin Yi, Picheng Zhao, Zhicheng Jin, S. Long, Randall Olsen, Jian Chen, Brian Castillo, Christopher Leveque, Dalton Towers, Jason Lavinder, Jimmy Gollihar, Jose Cardona, Gregory Ippolito, Ruth Nissly, Ian Bird, Denver Greenawalt, Randall Rossi, Abhinay Gontu, Sreenidhi Srinivasan, Indira Poojary, I Cattadori, Peter J. Hudson, Nicole Josleyn, Laura Prugar, Kathleen Huie, Andrew Herbert, David Bernard, John Dye, Vivek Kapur, James Musser, 2020, Journal of Clinical Investigation on p. 6728-6738

Peggy Eby, Alison J. Peel, Andrew Hoegh, Wyatt Madden, John R. Giles, Peter J. Hudson, Raina K. Plowright, 2023, Nature on p. 340-344

E. Frances Cassirer, Kezia R. Manlove, Emily S. Almberg, Pauline L. Kamath, Mike Cox, Peregrine Wolff, Annette Roug, Justin Shannon, Rusty Robinson, Richard B. Harris, Ben J. Gonzales, Raina K. Plowright, Peter J. Hudson, Paul C. Cross, Andrew Dobson, Thomas E. Besser, 2018, Journal of Wildlife Management on p. 32-45

News Articles Featuring Peter Hudson

Testing 58 wildlife species for SARS-CoV-2 among goals of $4.5M USDA grant

A team of researchers has received a $4.5 million grant to test wild animals for SARS-CoV-2 with a goal of monitoring for potential spillback to humans.

To prevent next pandemic research suggests we need to restore wildlife habit

Preserving and restoring natural habitats in specific locations could prevent pathogens that originate in wildlife from spilling over into domesticated animals and humans, according to new research led by an international team of researchers, including Penn State.

Back to black? Canine Distemper Virus outbreaks influence North American wolves’ coat colors

The further south you go, down from Arctic Canada towards the Rocky Mountains, the more black wolves you find; however, their distribution is sporadic. Why are there areas across North America where black coat coloration is common or absent within wolf populations?

Why Are There So Many Black Wolves In Yellowstone?

Historically, most wolves are grey — or white in the far north — whereas black is not a natural color amongst wolves. But Yellowstone is truly exceptional in this regard: almost half of its wolves are black.

Wolf coat color reflects immunity to canine distemper virus, new study finds

The prevalence of black wolves versus gray wolves increases southward along the Rocky Mountain crest in North America, and the reason why has long puzzled scientists. Now, a team including researchers from Penn State, has found that not only does coat color reflect an animal’s immunity to canine distemper virus (CDV), but the changes in the proportion of black wolves may be due to changes in the frequency of CDV disease outbreaks, coupled with the mating behavior of the wolves and whether they select a mate with the same or a different coat color to themselves.

Metabolomics Core Facility continues to expand while pushing scientific bounds

Established nearly a decade ago, Penn State’s Metabolomics Core Facility is housed in the Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences on the University Park campus.

Omicron-Infected Whitetail Deer Detected in New York

The first cases of whitetail deer carrying the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus have been discovered in Staten Island, New York. Researchers there report that 19 of 131 deer sampled between December 12, 2021, and Janauary 31, 2022, tested positive for the virus’ antibodies, indicating prior exposure to the coronavirus. PCR (polymerase chain reaction) nasal swab testing of 68 deer revealed that seven were actively infected, with at least four of those confirmed to be Omicron.

Deer may be reservoir for SARS-CoV-2, study finds

The findings of a study by Penn State and Iowa researchers suggest that white-tailed deer may be a reservoir for the SARS-CoV-2 virus to continually circulate, and raises concerns of emergence of new strains that may prove a threat to wildlife and, possibly, to humans.

Wolf social group dynamics matter for infectious disease spread, models suggest

By modeling wolves in Yellowstone National Park, researchers have discovered that how a population is organized into social groups affects the spread of infectious diseases within the population. The findings may be applicable to any social species and could be useful in the protection of endangered species that suffer from disease outbreaks.

Efforts to control livestock disease should focus on management style, not age

The risk of transmitting the virus PPRV, which produces a highly infectious and often fatal disease in sheep and goats, does not appear to vary significantly by an animal’s age, unlike its sibling virus measles, which is most prominent in children.

Listening to your gut: A powerful new tool on the microbiome and cell metabolism

Many aspects of our lives — not only the presence or absence of certain diseases, but conditions like obesity, sleep patterns, even mood — may be determined, to a surprising extent, by the microbes living inside of us.

Livestock disease risk tied to herd management style in Tanzania

A new study provides an updated picture of the prevalence of the sheep and goat plague virus (PPRV), a widespread and often fatal disease that threatens 80 percent of the world’s sheep and goats, in Northern Tanzania.

Project to prevent bat-borne diseases receives $10 million funding

In an effort to prevent the spread of some of the world's most lethal diseases, an international research team spanning five continents and including scientists from Penn State will study bats in Australia, Bangladesh, Madagascar and Ghana.

5,000 Gray Wolves Are Better Than None

The Trump administration has decided that they are no longer endangered. Does that decision endanger the species?

MSU project to prevent bat-borne diseases wins $10 million grant

In an effort to prevent some of the world's most lethal diseases, an international research team spanning five continents and led by Montana State University will study bats in Australia, Bangladesh, Madagascar and Ghana.

Montana State-led research project wins $10 million grant to prevent bat-borne diseases

In an effort to prevent some of the world's most lethal diseases, an international research team spanning five continents and led by Montana State University will study bats in Australia, Bangladesh, Madagascar and Ghana.

Ecologists share their passion for nature in these winning images

There are plenty of nature photography competitions throughout the year, but few honor those who both work in the field and are talented photographers. The British Ecological Society annual photo competition stands out from the rest because every image was taken by an ecologist or a student studying ecology. Most of the photographs represent the particular person's area of expertise/study.

Capturing Ecology: British Ecological Society photo competition – in pictures

The BES photography contest features images by ecologists and students and captures rare flora and fauna from around the world. The overall winning picture, by Chris Oosthuizen, shows an adult king penguin surrounded by chicks on Marion Island

Sartorius Stedim Biotech and Penn State University Announce Partnership

Sartorius Stedim Biotech and Penn State University have entered into a collaborative partnership to advance multidisciplinary teaching and research in biotechnology. This long-term relationship will support the education and preparation of the next generation of biotechnology leaders.