Ludmil Zikatanov

Professor of Mathematics

Ludmil Zikatanov

Huck Affiliations

Publication Tags

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Consolidation Finite Element Method Preconditioner Discretization Model Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Viscosity Incompressible Flow Linear Systems Poroelasticity Convection Arbitrary Dimension Oscillation Darcy Velocity Linear Elasticity Elasticity Inviscid Flow Galerkin Methods Galerkin Approximation Approximation Formulation Stokes Problem Numerical Results Design

Most Recent Publications

Ana Budiša, Xiaozhe Hu, Miroslav Kuchta, Kent Andre Mardal, Ludmil Zikatanov, 2024, SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing on p. A1461-A1486

Álvaro Pé de la Riva, Carmen Rodrigo, Francisco J. Gaspar, James H. Adler, Xiaozhe Hu, Ludmil Zikatanov, 2024, Computers and Mathematics with Applications on p. 13-20

Carmen Rodrigo, Francisco J. Gaspar, James Adler, Xiaozhe Hu, Peter Ohm, Ludmil Zikatanov, 2024, SeMA Journal on p. 51-80

James H. Adler, Xiaozhe Hu, Yuwen Li, Ludmil T. Zikatanov, 2024, Computers and Mathematics with Applications on p. 39-44

Ana Budiša, Xiaozhe Hu, Miroslav Kuchta, Kent André Mardal, Ludmil T. Zikatanov, 2023, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software

Pasqua D'Ambra, Fabio Durastante, Salvatore Filippone, Ludmil Zikatanov, 2023, Computers and Mathematics with Applications on p. 290-305

Ana Budiša, Xiaozhe Hu, Miroslav Kuchta, Kent André Mardal, Ludmil Zikatanov, 2023, on p. 100-113

Yuwen Li, Ludmil T. Zikatanov, 2022, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

Y Li, Ludmil T. Zikatanov, 2022, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis on p. 620--648


Son-Young Yi, Sanghyun Lee, Ludmil Zikatanov, 2021, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis on p. 52-75

Most-Cited Papers

C. Rodrigo, F. J. Gaspar, X. Hu, L. T. Zikatanov, 2016, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering on p. 183-204

Xiaozhe Hu, Carmen Rodrigo, Francisco J. Gaspar, Ludmil T. Zikatanov, 2017, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics on p. 143-154

C. Rodrigo, X. Hu, P. Ohm, J. H. Adler, F. J. Gaspar, L. T. Zikatanov, 2018, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering on p. 467-484

Qingguo Hong, Johannes Kraus, Jinchao Xu, Ludmil Zikatanov, 2016, Numerische Mathematik on p. 23-49

James H. Adler, Francisco J. Gaspar, Xiaozhe Hu, Carmen Rodrigo, Ludmil T. Zikatanov, 2018, on p. 3-16

Randolph E. Bank, Panayot S. Vassilevski, Ludmil T. Zikatanov, 2017, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics on p. 19-31

Blanca Ayuso De Dios, Franco Brezzi, L. Donatella Marini, Jinchao Xu, Ludmil Zikatanov, 2014, Journal of Scientific Computing on p. 517-547

A Uniform Additive Schwarz Preconditioner for High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Approximations of Elliptic Problems

Paola F. Antonietti, Marco Sarti, Marco Verani, Ludmil T. Zikatanov, 2017, Journal of Scientific Computing on p. 608-630

Preconditioning heterogeneous h(div) problems by additive schur complement approximation and applications

Johannes Kraus, Raytcho Lazarov, Maria Lymbery, Svetozar Margenov, Ludmil Zikatanov, 2016, SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing on p. A875-A898

John C. Urschel, Jinchao Xu, Xiaozhe Hu, Ludmil T. Zikatanov, 2015, Journal of Computational Mathematics on p. 209-226