Lee Ahern
Associate Professor of Advertising and Public Relations
23 Carnegie
University Park, PA - laa182@psu.edu
- 814-865-8314
Huck Affiliations
Most Recent Publications
Review of the book Communicating the Future: Solutions for Environment, Economy, and Democracy, by W. Lance Bennett.
Lee Ahern, 2021, International Journal of Communication on p. 976-978
HPV prevention is not just for girls: an examination of college-age-students’ adoption of HPV vaccines
Susan Grantham, Colleen Connolly-Ahern, Lee Ahern, 2020, Health Marketing Quarterly on p. 193-206
The Cost of the Veil: Visual Communication Impacts of Hijab on News Judgments
Colleen Connolly-Ahern, Lee Ahern, Ioana Coman, Maria Molina-Davila, Maria Molina Davila, Stefanie Davis, M Cabrera-Baukus, 2019, Mass Communication and Society on p. 851-871
Technology Name and Celebrity Endorsement Effects of Autonomous Vehicle Promotional Messages: Mechanisms and Moderators
Jessica Gall Myrick, Lee Ahern, Ruosi Shao, Jeff Conlin, 2019, Science Communication on p. 38-65
First-Person Effects of Emotional and Informational Messages in Strategic Environmental Communications Campaigns
Jennifer Hoewe, Lee Ahern, 2017, Environmental Communication on p. 810-820
Environmental orientations and news coverage: Examining the impact of individual differences and narrative news
Fuyuan Shen, Lee Ahern, Jiangxue (Ashley) Han, 2017, International Journal of Communication on p. 4018-4031
Worldviews, Issue Knowledge, and the Pollution of a Local Science Information Environment
Lee Ahern, Colleen Connolly-Ahern, Jennifer Hoewe, 2016, Science Communication on p. 228-250
More Is Less: Global Warming News Values on Fox Compared to Other U.S. Broadcast News Outlets
Lee Ahern, Melanie Formentin, 2016, Electronic News on p. 45-65
More is less: Gatekeeping and coverage bias of climate change in US television news
Lee Ahern, Melanie Formentin, 2016, Electronic News on p. 45–65
Acting on surprise: emotional response, multiple-channel information seeking and vaccination in the H1N1 flu epidemic
Weirui Wang, Lee Ahern, 2015, Social Influence on p. 137-148
Most-Cited Papers
Is it a sense of autonomy, control, or attachment? Exploring the effects of in-game customization on game enjoyment
Keunyeong Kim, Michael G. Schmierbach, Saraswathi Bellur, Mun Young Chung, Julia Daisy Fraustino, Frank Dardis, Lee Ahern, 2015, Computers in Human Behavior on p. 695-705
Stories that count: Influence of news narratives on issue attitudes
Fuyuan Shen, Lee Ahern, Michelle Baker, 2014, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly on p. 98-117
Acting on surprise: emotional response, multiple-channel information seeking and vaccination in the H1N1 flu epidemic
Weirui Wang, Lee Ahern, 2015, Social Influence on p. 137-148
Effects of In-Game Virtual Direct Experience (VDE) on Reactions to Real-World Brands
Frank E. Dardis, Mike Schmierbach, Lee Ahern, Julia Fraustino, Saraswathi Bellur, Sean Brooks, Jared Johnson, 2015, Journal of Promotion Management on p. 313-334
Worldviews, Issue Knowledge, and the Pollution of a Local Science Information Environment
Lee Ahern, Colleen Connolly-Ahern, Jennifer Hoewe, 2016, Science Communication on p. 228-250
First-Person Effects of Emotional and Informational Messages in Strategic Environmental Communications Campaigns
Jennifer Hoewe, Lee Ahern, 2017, Environmental Communication on p. 810-820
Environmental orientations and news coverage: Examining the impact of individual differences and narrative news
Fuyuan Shen, Lee Ahern, Jiangxue (Ashley) Han, 2017, International Journal of Communication on p. 4018-4031
Technology Name and Celebrity Endorsement Effects of Autonomous Vehicle Promotional Messages: Mechanisms and Moderators
Jessica Gall Myrick, Lee Ahern, Ruosi Shao, Jeff Conlin, 2019, Science Communication on p. 38-65
Agenda-Tapping: Conceptualizing the Relationship Between News Coverage, Fundraising, and the First Amendment
Colleen Connolly-Ahern, Lee Ahern, 2015, Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing on p. 1-22
More Is Less: Global Warming News Values on Fox Compared to Other U.S. Broadcast News Outlets
Lee Ahern, Melanie Formentin, 2016, Electronic News on p. 45-65