Karolina Skibicka
Huck Chair of Metabolic Physiology; Associate Professor of Nutritional Sciences
110 Chandlee
University Park, PA - kps5783@psu.edu
Research Summary
Utilizing rodent models to discover novel neural substrates that control fundamental homeostatic and reward controls of food intake, and their failures in the case of obesity and infection-induced anorexia; How food and feeding behavior affect neural circuits controlling sociability and emotionality.
Huck Graduate Students
Huck Affiliations
Most Recent Publications
GLP-1 and its analogues: Does sex matter?
Karolina Skibicka, Stina Borchers, 2024, Endocrinology
Elevated circulating adiponectin levels do not prevent anxiety-like behavior in a PCOS-like mouse model
Manisha Samad, Joakim Ek, Stina Börchers, Jean Philippe Krieger, Elisabet Stener-Victorin, Karolina P. Skibicka, Ingrid Wernstedt Asterholm, Anna Benrick, 2024, Scientific Reports
Sex differences in the central and peripheral omega 3 oxylipin response to acute systemic inflammation.
J Kelliher, Karolina Skibicka, I Maric, Christopher Engeland, G Shearer, K Skibicka, 2024, American Journal of Physiology -Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology.
Lateral parabrachial nucleus astrocytes control food intake
Devesh Mishra, Jennifer E. Richard, Ivana Maric, Olesya T. Shevchouk, Stina Börchers, Kim Eerola, Jean Philippe Krieger, Karolina P. Skibicka, 2024, Frontiers in Endocrinology
An appetite for aggressive behavior? Female rats, too, derive reward from winning aggressive interactions
Stina Börchers, Jil Carl, Katharina Schormair, Jean Philippe Krieger, Mohammed Asker, Christian E. Edvardsson, Elisabeth Jerlhag, Karolina P. Skibicka, 2023, Translational Psychiatry
Peripherally restricted oxytocin is sufficient to reduce food intake and motivation, while CNS entry is required for locomotor and taste avoidance effects
Mohammed Asker, Jean Philippe Krieger, Amber Liles, Ian C. Tinsley, Tito Borner, Ivana Maric, Sarah Doebley, C. Daniel Furst, Stina Börchers, Francesco Longo, Yashaswini R. Bhat, Bart C. De Jonghe, Matthew R. Hayes, Robert P. Doyle, Karolina P. Skibicka, 2023, Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism on p. 856-877
Sex-divergent effects of hindbrain GLP-1-producing neuron activation in rats
Lorena Lopez-Ferreras, Mohammed Asker, Jean Philippe Krieger, Karolina Patrycja Skibicka, 2023, Frontiers in Neuroscience
From the stomach to locus coeruleus: new neural substrate for ghrelin’s effects on ingestive, motivated and anxiety-like behaviors
I Maric, L López-Ferreras, Y Bhat, M Asker, S Börchers, L Bellfy, S Byun, Janine Kwapis, Karolina P. Skibicka, 2023, Frontiers in Pharmacology on p. 1286805
A Cre-driver rat model for anatomical and functional analysis of glucagon (Gcg)-expressing cells in the brain and periphery
Huiyuan Zheng, Lorena López-Ferreras, Jean Phillipe Krieger, Stephen Fasul, Valentina Cea Salazar, Natalia Valderrama Pena, Karolina P. Skibicka, Linda Rinaman, 2022, Molecular Metabolism
Hindbrain insulin controls feeding behavior
Kim Eerola, Francesco Longo, Thomas M. Reinbothe, Jennifer E. Richard, Olesya T. Shevchouk, Lorena López-Ferreras, Devesh Mishra, Mohammed Asker, Johan Tolö, Caroline Miranda, Saliha Musovic, Charlotta S. Olofsson, Patrik Rorsman, Karolina P. Skibicka, 2022, Molecular Metabolism
Most-Cited Papers
GLP-1 and weight loss: Unraveling the diverse neural circuitry
Scott E. Kanoski, Matthew R. Hayes, Karolina P. Skibicka, 2016, American Journal of Physiology on p. R885-R895
Activation of the GLP-1 receptors in the nucleus of the solitary tract reduces food reward behavior and targets the mesolimbic system
Jennifer E. Richard, Rozita H. Anderberg, Andreas Göteson, Fiona M. Gribble, Frank Reimann, Karolina P. Skibicka, 2015, PLoS One
GLP-1 is both anxiogenic and antidepressant; divergent effects of acute and chronic GLP-1 on emotionality
Rozita H. Anderberg, Jennifer E. Richard, Caroline Hansson, Hans Nissbrandt, Filip Bergquist, Karolina P. Skibicka, 2016, Psychoneuroendocrinology on p. 54-66
Maternal testosterone exposure increases anxiety-like behavior and impacts the limbic system in the offspring
Min Hu, Jennifer Elise Richard, Manuel Maliqueo, Milana Kokosar, Romina Fornes, Anna Benrick, Thomas Jansson, Claes Ohlsson, Xiaoke Wu, Karolina Patrycja Skibicka, Elisabet Stener-Victorin, 2015, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America on p. 14348-14353
Lateral hypothalamic GLP-1 receptors are critical for the control of food reinforcement, ingestive behavior and body weight
L. López-Ferreras, J. E. Richard, E. E. Noble, K. Eerola, R. H. Anderberg, K. Olandersson, L. Taing, S. E. Kanoski, M. R. Hayes, K. P. Skibicka, 2018, Molecular Psychiatry on p. 1157-1168
Sex and Species Differences in the Development of Diet-Induced Obesity and Metabolic Disturbances in Rodents
Ivana Maric, Jean Philippe Krieger, Pauline van der Velden, Stina Börchers, Mohammed Asker, Milica Vujicic, Ingrid Wernstedt Asterholm, Karolina P. Skibicka, 2022, Frontiers in Nutrition
The Stomach-Derived Hormone Ghrelin Increases Impulsive Behavior
Rozita H. Anderberg, Caroline Hansson, Maya Fenander, Jennifer E. Richard, Suzanne L. Dickson, Hans Nissbrandt, Filip Bergquist, Karolina P. Skibicka, 2016, Neuropsychopharmacology on p. 1199-1209
Glucagon-like peptide 1 and its analogs act in the dorsal raphe and modulate central serotonin to reduce appetite and body weight
Rozita H. Anderberg, Jennifer E. Richard, Kim Eerola, Lorena López-Ferreras, Elin Banke, Caroline Hansson, Hans Nissbrandt, Filip Berqquist, Fiona M. Gribble, Frank Reimann, Ingrid Wernstedt Asterholm, Christophe M. Lamy, Karolina P. Skibicka, 2017, Diabetes on p. 1062-1073
Sex and estrogens alter the action of glucagon-like peptide-1 on reward
Jennifer E. Richard, Rozita H. Anderberg, Lorena López-Ferreras, Kajsa Olandersson, Karolina P. Skibicka, 2016, Biology of Sex Differences
GLP-1 and estrogen conjugate acts in the supramammillary nucleus to reduce food-reward and body weight
Heike Vogel, Stefanie Wolf, Cristina Rabasa, Francisca Rodriguez-Pacheco, Carina S. Babaei, Franziska Stöber, Jürgen Goldschmidt, Richard D. DiMarchi, Brian Finan, Matthias H. Tschöp, Suzanne L. Dickson, Annette Schürmann, Karolina P. Skibicka, 2016, Neuropharmacology on p. 396-406