Douglas Wrenn
Assistant Professor of Environmental and Resource Economics
112A Armsby
University Park, PA -
- 814-865-9216
Huck Affiliations
Most Recent Publications
Fracking Disclosures by Firms Spur Productivity, Slow Innovation
Douglas Wrenn, The NBER Digest on p. 6
Housing Prices and Marriage Entry in Urban China
Douglas Wrenn, Junjian Yi, Bo Zhang, Regional Science and Urban Economics on p. 34 pages
The Effect of Natural Disasters and Extreme Weather on Household Location Choice and Economic Welfare
Douglas H. Wrenn, 2024, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists on p. 1101-1134
Pandemic-induced changes in household-level food diversity and diet quality in the U.S.
Daniel P. Simandjuntak, Edward C. Jaenicke, Douglas H. Wrenn, 2024, PLoS One
The distributional impact of FEMA's community rating system
Daniel A. Brent, Yongwang Ren, Douglas H. Wrenn, 2024, Agricultural and Resource Economics Review
Potential Benefits in Remapping the Special Flood Hazard Area: Evidence from the U.S. Housing Market
Adam B. Pollack, Douglas H. Wrenn, Christoph Nolte, Ian Sue Wing, 2023, Journal of Housing Economics
Housing wealth, food spending, and diet quality: Evidence from panel data
Bo Zhang, Douglas Wrenn, Janak Joshi, E Jaenicke, Edward Jaenicke, 2022, Agricultural and Resource Economics Review on p. 45
The effectiveness of taxes in decreasing candy purchases
Kyle A. Hoy, Douglas H. Wrenn, 2020, Food Policy
The impact of water access on short-term migration in rural India
Esha D. Zaveri, Douglas H. Wrenn, Karen Fisher-Vanden, 2020, Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics on p. 505-532
Land Use Dynamics: Regulations and Norms
Elena Irwin, Geoffrey Buckley, Matthew Gnagey, David Newburn, Erin Pierce, Douglas Wrenn, 2019,
Most-Cited Papers
Invisible water, visible impact: Groundwater use and Indian agriculture under climate change
Esha Zaveri, Danielle S. Grogan, Karen Fisher-Vanden, Steve Frolking, Richard B. Lammers, Douglas H. Wrenn, Alexander Prusevich, Robert E. Nicholas, 2016, Environmental Research Letters
House prices and marriage entry in China
Douglas H. Wrenn, Junjian Yi, Bo Zhang, 2019, Regional Science and Urban Economics on p. 118-130
Resident vs. nonresident employment associated with marcellus shale development
Douglas H. Wrenn, Timothy W. Kelsey, Edward C. Jaenicke, 2015, Agricultural and Resource Economics Review on p. 1-19
Geographically and temporally weighted likelihood regression: Exploring the spatiotemporal determinants of land use change
Douglas H. Wrenn, Abdoul G. Sam, 2014, Regional Science and Urban Economics on p. 60-74
Unconventional shale gas development, risk perceptions, and averting behavior: Evidence from bottled water purchases
Douglas H. Wrenn, H. Allen Klaiber, Edward C. Jaenicke, 2016, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists on p. 779-817
Time is money: An empirical examination of the effects of regulatory delay on residential subdivision development
Douglas H. Wrenn, Elena G. Irwin, 2015, Regional Science and Urban Economics on p. 25-36
Spatial heterogeneity, accessibility, and zoning: An empirical investigation of leapfrog development
Wendong Zhang, Douglas H. Wrenn, Elena G. Irwin, 2017, Journal of Economic Geography on p. 547-570
Confronting Price Endogeneity in a Duration Model of Residential Subdivision Development
Douglas H. Wrenn, H. Allen Klaiber, David A. Newburn, 2017, Journal of Applied Econometrics on p. 661-682
The impact of water access on short-term migration in rural India
Esha D. Zaveri, Douglas H. Wrenn, Karen Fisher-Vanden, 2020, Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics on p. 505-532
Not my problem: Growth spillovers from uncoordinated land use policy
Charles A. Towe, H. Allen Klaiber, Douglas H. Wrenn, 2017, Land Use Policy on p. 679-689