Doug Miller

Professor of Ecosystem Science and Managment

Doug Miller

Huck Affiliations


Most Recent Publications

Martina Calovi, Christina M. Grozinger, Douglas A. Miller, Sarah C. Goslee, 2021, Scientific Reports

Aneel Bhangu, Dmitri Nepogodiev, James C. Glasbey, Elizabeth Li, Omar M. Omar, Rohan R. Gujjuri, Dion G. Morton, George Tsoulfas, Deborah S. Keller, Neil J. Smart, Kwabena Siaw-Acheampong, Daoud Chaudhry, Brett E. Dawson, Jonathan P. Evans, Emily Heritage, Conor S. Jones, Sivesh K. Kamarajah, Chetan Khatri, James M. Keatley, Siobhan C. Mckay, Gianluca Pellino, Abhinav Tiwari, Isobel M. Trout, Richard J.W. Wilkin, Michel Adamina, Adesoji O. Ademuyiwa, Arnav Agarwal, Ehab Alameer, Derek Alderson, Felix Alakaloko, Osaid Alser, Alexis P. Arnaud, Knut Magne Augestad, Brittany K. Bankhead-Kendall, Emma Barlow, Ruth A. Benson, Ruth Blanco-Colino, Amanpreet Brar, Ana Minaya-Bravo, Kerry A. Breen, Igor Lima Buarque, Edward J. Caruana, Sohini Chakrabortee, Daniel Cox, Miguel F. Cunha, Douglas Miller, Christopher Smith, Richard Young, Joshua P. Hazelton, Paddy Ssentongo, 2020, The Lancet on p. 27-38

Merits of capstone projects in an online graduate program for working professionals

Justine Blanford, Patrick Kennelly, Beth King, Douglas Miller, Tim Bracken, 2020, Journal of Geography in Higher Education on p. 45-69

Christian John, Douglas Miller, Eric Post, 2020, Arctic and Alpine Research on p. 416-423

Topographic variables improve climatic models of forage species abundance in the northeastern United States

Audrey Wang, Sarah C. Goslee, Douglas A. Miller, Matt A. Sanderson, Jeffery M. Gonet, 2017, Applied Vegetation Science on p. 84-93

T. L. Veith, J. E. Richards, S. C. Goslee, A. S. Collick, R. B. Bryant, D. A. Miller, B. W. Bills, A. R. Buda, R. L. Sebring, P. J.A. Kleinman, 2015, Journal of Soils and Water Conservation on p. 288-296

Examining the effect of diverse management strategies on landscape scale patterns of forest structure in Pennsylvania using novel remote sensing techniques

Yvette Dickinson, Eric Zenner, Douglas Alan Miller, 2014, Canadian Journal of Forest Research on p. 301-312

Forecasting runoff from Pennsylvania landscapes

A. R. Buda, P. J.A. Kleinman, G. W. Feyereisen, D. A. Miller, P. G. Knight, P. J. Drohan, R. B. Bryant, 2013, Journal of Soils and Water Conservation on p. 185-198

Kristen M. Brubaker, Wayne L. Myers, Patrick J. Drohan, Douglas A. Miller, Elizabeth W. Boyer, 2013, Applied and Environmental Soil Science

Identifying ephemeral and perennial stream reaches using apparent thermal inertia of an ungauged basin in central New Mexico

P. C. Beeson, Douglas Alan Miller, Christopher J. Duffy, 2011, Geocarto International on p. 183-194

Most-Cited Papers

Aneel Bhangu, Dmitri Nepogodiev, James C. Glasbey, Elizabeth Li, Omar M. Omar, Rohan R. Gujjuri, Dion G. Morton, George Tsoulfas, Deborah S. Keller, Neil J. Smart, Kwabena Siaw-Acheampong, Daoud Chaudhry, Brett E. Dawson, Jonathan P. Evans, Emily Heritage, Conor S. Jones, Sivesh K. Kamarajah, Chetan Khatri, James M. Keatley, Siobhan C. Mckay, Gianluca Pellino, Abhinav Tiwari, Isobel M. Trout, Richard J.W. Wilkin, Michel Adamina, Adesoji O. Ademuyiwa, Arnav Agarwal, Ehab Alameer, Derek Alderson, Felix Alakaloko, Osaid Alser, Alexis P. Arnaud, Knut Magne Augestad, Brittany K. Bankhead-Kendall, Emma Barlow, Ruth A. Benson, Ruth Blanco-Colino, Amanpreet Brar, Ana Minaya-Bravo, Kerry A. Breen, Igor Lima Buarque, Edward J. Caruana, Sohini Chakrabortee, Daniel Cox, Miguel F. Cunha, Douglas Miller, Christopher Smith, Richard Young, Joshua P. Hazelton, Paddy Ssentongo, 2020, The Lancet on p. 27-38

Martina Calovi, Christina M. Grozinger, Douglas A. Miller, Sarah C. Goslee, 2021, Scientific Reports

Merits of capstone projects in an online graduate program for working professionals

Justine Blanford, Patrick Kennelly, Beth King, Douglas Miller, Tim Bracken, 2020, Journal of Geography in Higher Education on p. 45-69

T. L. Veith, J. E. Richards, S. C. Goslee, A. S. Collick, R. B. Bryant, D. A. Miller, B. W. Bills, A. R. Buda, R. L. Sebring, P. J.A. Kleinman, 2015, Journal of Soils and Water Conservation on p. 288-296

Christian John, Douglas Miller, Eric Post, 2020, Arctic and Alpine Research on p. 416-423

Topographic variables improve climatic models of forage species abundance in the northeastern United States

Audrey Wang, Sarah C. Goslee, Douglas A. Miller, Matt A. Sanderson, Jeffery M. Gonet, 2017, Applied Vegetation Science on p. 84-93