Beth Gugino
Professor of Vegetable Pathology

204 Buckhout Lab
University Park, PA -
- 814-865-7328
Huck Affiliations
Most Recent Publications
Optimizing the timing and rate of nitrogen applications to reduce onion center rot losses in Pennsylvania
Jennie Mazzone, Michele Mansfield, Beth Gugino, Phytopathology
Validation of the CDM ipmPIPE forecasting system: Relating aerial transport of pathogen spores to outbreaks of cucurbit downy mildew
Katie Neufield, Anthony Keinath, Babesh Dutta, Beth Gugino, David Langston, Melanie Lewis Ivey, Margaret McGrath, Sally Miller, Ed Sikora, Peter Ojambo, Phytopathology on p. S4.22
Identifying onion cultivars with reduced susceptibility to center rot
Jennie Mazzone, Beth Gugino, Michele Mansfield, Phytopathology on p. S4.87
Advancing organic amendment-based soil management approaches: a paradigm shift from soil disinfestation to nourishing soil health
F. Di Gioia, Jason Hong, Xin Zhao, Nan Xu, Joe Ono-Raphel, Ben Morrison, Raymond Balaguer, Caterina Roman, Kathleen Arrington, David Moreira Calix, D. Moreira Calix, Johan Desaeger, F. Dini-Andreote, Francisco Dini Andreote, Claudia Schmidt, Zhifeng Gao, Radhika Chalam, Leah Fronk, Thomas Ford, Timothy Elkner, Yvette Goodiel, Kathleen Demchak, Alice Formiga, B. Gugino, Jason Philip Kaye, Erin Rosskopf, 2024, Acta Horticulturae on p. 1-8
Optimizing anaerobic soil disinfestation for high tunnel specialty crop production systems in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic region
Francesco Di Gioia, Raymond Balaguer, Fritzner Pierre, Ben Morrison, Joe Ono-Raphel, Luca Passerini, Luca Vecchia, Kathleen Demchak, Caterina Roman, Claudia Schmidt, B. Gugino, Timothy Elkner, Jason Hong, F. Dini-Andreote, Francisco Dini Andreote, Erin Rosskopf, 2024, Acta Horticulturae on p. 133-142
Multilocus sequence and phenotypic analysis of Pectobacterium and Dickeya type strains for identification of soft rot Pectobacteriaceae from symptomatic potato stems and tubers in Pennsylvania
A Mainello-Land, Shaheen Bibi, Beth Gugino, Carolee T. Bull, 2023, Systematic and Applied Microbiology
Vegetable disease identification and integrated disease management
Beth Gugino, 2022, PCO Organic Matters
Identification and management of common foliar (and bulb) diseases of onion
Beth Gugino, 2022, on p. 3
Cucurbit downy mildew ipmPIPE: A valued resource for information dissemination and in-season disease management decisions for diverse stakeholders
Beth Gugino, W Britton, A Keinath, M McGrath, R Melanson, S Miller, J LaForest, P Ojiambo, 2022, on p. S3.163
Managing key diseases of onions: Stop the rot!
Beth Gugino, 2022, on p. 3
Most-Cited Papers
Five reasons to consider phytophthora infestans a reemerging pathogen
W. E. Fry, P. R.J. Birch, H. S. Judelson, N. J. Grünwald, G. Danies, K. L. Everts, A. J. Gevens, B. K. Gugino, D. A. Johnson, S. B. Johnson, M. T. McGrath, K. L. Myers, J. B. Ristaino, P. D. Roberts, G. Secor, C. D. Smart, 2015, Phytopathology on p. 966-981
Phylogenomic analysis of a 55.1-kb 19-gene dataset resolves a monophyletic fusarium that includes the fusarium solani species complex
David M. Geiser, Abdullah M.S. Al-Hatmi, Takayuki Aoki, Tsutomu Arie, Virgilio Balmas, Irene Barnes, Gary C. Bergstrom, Madan K. Bhattacharyya, Cheryl L. Blomquist, Robert L. Bowden, Balazs Brankovics, Daren W. Brown, Lester W. Burgess, Kathryn Bushley, Mark Busman, Jose F. Cano-Lira, Joseph D. Carrillo, Hao Xun Chang, Chi Yu Chen, Wanquan Chen, Martin Chilvers, Sofia Chulze, Jeffrey J. Coleman, Christina A. Cuomo, Z. Wilhelm de Beer, G. Sybren de Hoog, Johanna Del Castillo-Munera, Emerson M. Del Ponte, Javier Dieguez-Uribeondo, Antonio Di Pietro, Veronique Edel-Hermann, Wade H. Elmer, Lynn Epstein, Akif Eskalen, Maria Carmela Esposto, Kathryne L. Everts, Sylvia P. Fernandez-Pavıa, Gilvan Ferreira da Silva, Nora A. Foroud, Gerda Fourie, Rasmus J.N. Frandsen, Stanley Freeman, Michael Freitag, Omer Frenkel, Kevin K. Fuller, Tatiana Gagkaeva, Donald M. Gardiner, Anthony E. Glenn, Scott E. Gold, Thomas R. Gordon, Nancy F. Gregory, Marieka Gryzenhout, Josep Guarro, Beth K. Gugino, Santiago Gutierrez, Kim E. Hammond-Kosack, Linda J. Harris, Monika Homa, Cheng Fang Hong, Laszlo Hornok, Jenn Wen Huang, Macit Ilkit, Adriaana Jacobs, Karin Jacobs, Cong Jiang, Marıa del Mar Jimenez-Gasco, Seogchan Kang, Matthew T. Kasson, Kemal Kazan, John C. Kennell, Hye Seon Kim, H. Corby Kistler, Gretchen A. Kuldau, Tomasz Kulik, Oliver Kurzai, Imane Laraba, Matthew H. Laurence, Theresa Lee, Yin Won Lee, Yong Hwan Lee, John F. Leslie, Edward C.Y. Liew, Lily W. Lofton, Antonio F. Logrieco, Manuel S. Lopez-Berges, Alicia G. Luque, Erik Lysøe, Li Jun Ma, Robert E. Marra, Frank N. Martin, Sara R. May, Susan P. McCormick, Chyanna McGee, Jacques F. Meis, Quirico Migheli, N. M.I. Mohamed Nor, Michel Monod, Antonio Moretti, Diane Mostert, Giuseppina Mule, Françoise Munaut, Gary P. Munkvold, Paul Nicholson, Marcio Nucci, Kerry O’Donnell, Matias Pasquali, Ludwig H. Pfenning, Anna Prigitano, Robert H. Proctor, Stephane Ranque, Stephen A. Rehner, Martijn Rep, Gerardo Rodrıguez-Alvarado, Lindy Joy Rose, Mitchell G. Roth, Carmen Ruiz-Roldan, Amgad A. Saleh, Baharuddin Salleh, Hyunkyu Sang, Marıa Mercedes Scandiani, Jonathan Scauflaire, David G. Schmale, Dylan P.G. Short, Adnan Sisic, Jason A. Smith, Christopher W. Smyth, Hokyoung Son, Ellie Spahr, Jason E. Stajich, Emma Steenkamp, Christian Steinberg, Rajagopal Subramaniam, Haruhisa Suga, Brett A. Summerell, Antonella Susca, Cassandra L. Swett, Christopher Toomajian, Terry J. Torres-Cruz, Anna M. Tortorano, Martin Urban, Lisa J. Vaillancourt, Gary E. Vallad, Theo A.J. van der Lee, Dan Vanderpool, Anne D. van Diepeningen, Martha M. Vaughan, Eduard Venter, Marcele Vermeulen, Paul E. Verweij, Altus Viljoen, Cees Waalwijk, Emma C. Wallace, Grit Walther, Jie Wang, Todd J. Ward, Brian L. Wickes, Nathan P. Wiederhold, Michael J. Wingfield, Ana K.M. Wood, Jin Rong Xu, Xiao Bing Yang, Tapani Yli-Mattila, Sung Hwan Yun, Latiffah Zakaria, Hao Zhang, Ning Zhang, Sean X. Zhang, Xue Zhang, 2021, Phytopathology on p. 1064-1079
Highly diverse endophytic and soil Fusarium oxysporum populations associated with field-grown tomato plants
Jill E. Demers, Beth K. Gugino, María del Mar Jiménez-Gasco, 2015, Applied and Environmental Microbiology on p. 81-90
Manipulating Wild and Tamed Phytobiomes: Challenges and Opportunities
Alyssa Collins, Terrence H Bell, Kevin Hockett, P Esker, Ricardo Alcala-Briseno, B Gugino, Ricardo Alcalá-Briseño, Mary Barbercheck, K Peter, Gwyn Beattie, Mary Ann Bruns, John Carlson, Taejung Chung, A Collins, Bryan Emmett, Paul Esker, Karen Garrett, Leland Glenna, Beth K. Gugino, María Del Mar Jiménez-Gasco, M del Mar Jimenez Gasco, Maria del Mar Jimenez Gasco, Linda Kinkel, Jasna Kovac, Kurt Kowalski, Kurt Kowalski, Johan Leveau, J Myrick, Gretchen Kuldau, K Peter, Johan Leveau, Matthew Michalska-Smith, Maria Salazar, Jessica Myrick, Ashley Shade, Kari Peter, Nejc Stopnisek, Xiaoqing Tan, Maria fernanda Vivanco Salazar, Maria Salazar, Ashley Shade, Amy Welty, Nejc Stopinsek, Nejc Stopnisek, Kyle Wickings, Etienne Yergeau, Xiaoqing Tan, Amy Welty, Kyle Wickings, Etienne Wickings, Etienne Yergeau, 2019, Phytobiomes Journal on p. 3-21
Genetic variation within clonal lineages of phytophthora infestans revealed through genotyping-by-sequencing, and implications for late blight epidemiology
Zachariah R. Hansen, Kathryne L. Everts, William E. Fry, Amanda J. Gevens, Niklaus J. Grünwald, Beth K. Gugino, Dennis A. Johnson, Steven B. Johnson, Howard S. Judelson, Brian J. Knaus, Margaret T. McGrath, Kevin L. Myers, Jean B. Ristaino, Pamela D. Roberts, Gary A. Secor, Christine D. Smart, 2016, PLoS One
Sensitivity and efficacy of boscalid, fluazinam, and thiophanate-methyl for white mold control in snap bean in New York
M. S. Lehner, E. M. Del Ponte, B. K. Gugino, J. R. Kikkert, S. J. Pethybridge, 2017, Plant Disease on p. 1253-1258
Species of dickeya and pectobacterium isolated during an outbreak of blackleg and soft rot of potato in northeastern and north central united states
R Curland, A Mainello, Keith L. Perry, Jianjun Hao, Amy O. Charkowski, Carolee T. Bull, Ryan R. McNally, Steven B. Johnson, Noah Rosenzweig, Gary A. Secor, Robert P. Larkin, Beth Gugino, Carol A. Ishimaru, 2021, Microorganisms
Predicting the risk of cucurbit downy mildew in the eastern United States using an integrated aerobiological model
K. N. Neufeld, A. P. Keinath, B. K. Gugino, M. T. McGrath, E. J. Sikora, S. A. Miller, M. L. Ivey, D. B. Langston, B. Dutta, T. Keever, A. Sims, P. S. Ojiambo, 2018, International Journal of Biometeorology on p. 655-668
Factoring Ecological, Societal, and Economic Considerations into Inoculant Development
Terrence H Bell, Laura Kaminsky, Beth K Gugino, John E Carlson, Rondy Malik, Kevin Hockett, Ryan Trexler, 2019, Trends in Biotechnology on p. 572-573
Environmental and management factors associated with bacterial diseases of onion in Pennsylvania
Emily E. Pfeufer, Beth K. Gugino, 2018, Plant Disease on p. 2205-2211
News Articles Featuring Beth Gugino
Jan 10, 2025
College of Ag Sciences graduate students receive research grant awards
Thirteen graduate students in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences received research grants recently awarded by the Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program, organized by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
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Oct 01, 2023
Gugino to enhance impact of agricultural research in new role in Ag Sciences
A longtime faculty member and research leader in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences will serve in the newly created role of associate director of the Pennsylvania Agricultural Experiment Station.
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Mar 18, 2022
Alliance between College of Ag Sciences, University of Pretoria yields benefits
Developing solutions to address threats to plant health is the centerpiece of a partnership between Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences and the University of Pretoria in South Africa. The partnership is designed to increase both organizations’ research, teaching and extension impact and growth opportunities, thereby increasing food security and environmental stewardship.
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Oct 03, 2019
Plant pathologist awarded grant to aid global study of seedborne pathogens
A nearly $4 million grant awarded to Penn State will support an interdisciplinary, multi-university team of researchers as they explore bacterial pathogens causing leaf spot diseases that are damaging valuable agricultural crops such as watermelon and pumpkin.
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