David Huff

Professor of Turfgrass Breeding and Genetics

David Huff

Research Summary

Population genetics. Plant evolution and ecology. Crop improvement. Physiological tolerance to biotic and abiotic stress.

Huck Graduate Students

Huck Affiliations


Publication Tags

These publication tags are generated from the output of this researcher. Click any tag below to view other Huck researchers working on the same topic.

Genome Poa Poa Annua Chromosomes Breeding Poaceae Epigenetics Dna Methylation Plasticity Infection Chromosome Genome Assembly Grasses Seed Genes Economics Seed Yield Lawns And Turf Genomics Poa Pratensis Polyploidy Yield Components Cool Season Grasses Fungi Phenotypic Plasticity

Most Recent Publications

Het ontwikkelen van straatgras cultivars voor putting greens: de research op Penn State University om het zeer gevarieerde straatgras te temmen

DR Huff, Greenkeeper: vakblad voor greenkeeping on p. 47–49

Christopher Benson, Matthew Sheltra, David Huff, 2024, G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics on p. jkad238

Caio A.C.G. Brunharo, Christopher Benson, David Huff, Jesse Lasky, 2024, Plant Direct on p. e575

Christopher Benson, Matthew Sheltra, Peter Maughan, Eric Jellen, Matthew Robbins, B Bushman, Eric Patterson, Nathan Hall, David Huff, 2023, BMC Genomics on p. 350

Matthew Robbins, B Bushman, David Huff, Christopher Benson, Scott Warnke, Chase Maughan, Eric Jellen, Paul Johnson, Peter Maughan, 2023, Genome Biology and Evolution on p. evac180

Characterization of Subgenomes and Vernalization Genes of Poa Annua and Poa Pratensis By Genome Sequencing and Annotation

Matthew Robbins, Scott Warnke, Peter Maughan, David Huff, Christopher Benson, Erik Jellen, Paul Johnson, Matthew Koch, Robert Harriman, B Bushman, 2022,

Sequenced Genomes of Allotetraploid Poa annua and Its Diploid Progenitors, Poa infirma and Poa supina, Provide Insight into the Evolution of a Versatile Polyploid

Christopher Benson, David Huff, Peter Maughan, Eric Jellen, Shaun Bushman, Matthew Robbins, 2022,

Christopher Benson, Qing Mao, David R. Huff, 2021, Crop Science on p. 3011--3022

A Fully Annotated, High Quality Genomic Sequence of Buffalograss

David Huff, Christopher Benson, Keenan Amundsen, Michael Morikone, 2021,

An Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics Perspective on the Perenniality of Polyploid Annual Bluegrass, Poa annua L.

David Huff, 2021,

Most-Cited Papers

Cool-season grasses: Biology and breeding

Stacy A. Bonos, David R. Huff, 2015, on p. 591-660

Christopher Benson, Qing Mao, David R. Huff, 2021, Crop Science on p. 3011--3022

Matthew Robbins, B Bushman, David Huff, Christopher Benson, Scott Warnke, Chase Maughan, Eric Jellen, Paul Johnson, Peter Maughan, 2023, Genome Biology and Evolution on p. evac180

Christopher Benson, Matthew Sheltra, Peter Maughan, Eric Jellen, Matthew Robbins, B Bushman, Eric Patterson, Nathan Hall, David Huff, 2023, BMC Genomics on p. 350


W. F. Wedin, David R. Huff, 2015, on p. 665-690

David Huff, Tom Hsiang, Ambika Chandra, Yu Zhang, 2017, Genome Announcements on p. 10--1128

Qing Mao, David Huff, 2017, Crop Science on p. S-13-S-25

Christopher Benson, Matthew Sheltra, David Huff, 2024, G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics on p. jkad238