The Millennium Cafe

Josh Stapleton and Vin Crespi, Penn State

December 11, 2018 @ 10:00 am to 11:00 am

3rd Floor Commons at the Millennium Science Complex
University Park

Survey Says…”

Josh Stapleton | Materials Characterization Lab

Due primarily to a fantastically diverse audience, (thank YOU) the Millennium Café has become a weekly interdisciplinary cup-o-goodness. Over the past 6+ years Café participants have been treated to >600 different talks spanning science, engineering, art, agriculture, ethics, live music, etc… In the spirit of keeping the Café fresh, engaging, and relevant we’ll take a few minutes to get your real time feedback on three questions – bring your device.

“How to Participate in the MRSEC Renewal Competition”

Vin Crespi | Director, Center for Nanoscale Science

The Center for Nanoscale Science, Penn State’s NSF Materials Research Science and Engineering Center, will compete for renewal in 2018, with the preproposal due at NSF in June. NSF expects – and we intend to deliver – substantial change in the focus and composition of the Interdisciplinary research groups (IRGs) that will comprise the renewal proposal.

This talk will describe (1) the internal down select competition to become one of the IRGs in the renewal proposal, (2) the events, people, and resources that will be available throughout the winter and early spring to help teams in generating compelling IRG white papers, and (3) the key measures of a successful IRG proposal.

Alignment to the NSF Big Ideas is important: these include (among others) Rules of Life, Harnessing the Data Revolution, Quantum Leap, Convergence, and Multiumessenger Astrophysics. Sustainability is another important theme. In the last cycle, 54 external reviews were secured on 9 internal IRG white papers, to identify 5 for inclusion in the renewal.

If you are interested but unable to attend the Cafe, an additional similar event will be held in early January (time/place TBA), and the MRSEC Director ( is available anytime for discussion.

The Millennium Café is held every Tuesday @ 10:00 in the 3rd floor Café Commons of the Millennium Science Complex. Stop by for freshly brewed science & coffee.