16 People Results for the Tag: Viral Load

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Jessica Conway

Associate Professor of Mathematics
Viral infection dynamics and interplay with therapies for elimination or control

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Isabella Cattadori

Professor of Biology
Immuno-epidemiology of co-infection, how host immunity modulates parasite interactions and transmission and how host molecular processes explain the dynamics of infection at the population level.

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Elizabeth McGraw

Professor and Huck Scholar in Entomology
The genetics of vector, pathogen and symbiont interactions.

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Andrew Read

Senior Vice President for Research; Evan Pugh Professor of Biology and Entomology; Eberly Professor of Biotechnology
The ecology and evolutionary genetics of infectious disease.

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Anthony Schmitt

Professor of Molecular Immunology and Infectious Diseases
The process of paramyxovirus particle formation by budding: identifying and characterizing viral proteins used in budding, and learning how these manipulate host budding machinery to allow virus release.

Catharine Ross

Professor in Nutritional Science; Dorothy Foehr Huck Chair
Vitamin A metabolism; hepatic retinoid function and gene expression; vitamin A in infection and immunity.

Rudolf Schilder

Associate Professor of Entomology and Biology
Comparative & ecological physiology of insect and mammalian locomotion.

Robab Katani

Assistant Research Professor of Global Health
Global health security, infectious diseases, and host-pathogen dynamics, as well as expertise in the enhancement of capabilities in the Low- and Middle-Income Countries, including Tanzania and India.

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Neil Christensen

Professor of Pathology and Microbiology and Immunology

Rebecca Craven

Professor of Microbiology & Immunology

John Wills

Distinguished Professor of Microbiology and Immunology

Matthew Jones

Research Assistant - Read Lab and McGraw Lab

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Ashley Shay

Director, Metabolomics Core Facility
The implementation and expansion of liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry for the structural elucidation of novel lipid mediators and metabolites in various inflammatory diseases coupled with diverse cellular and in vivo approaches to determine functionality.