13 People Results for the Tag: Analysis Of Variance

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Heather Zimmerman

Assistant Professor in the College of Education

Mary Jane De Souza

Distinguished Professor of Kinesiology
Women's health and Physical Activity, Endocrinology of the Female Athlete, Effects of Exercise on the Menstrual Cycle, Female Athlete Triad (Eating disorders, amenorrhea and osteoporosis), Eating Behaviors, Food Intake, and Exercise, Luteal Phase Defects and Amenorrhea, Bone Health and Osteoporosis in Female Athletes, and Energy Deficiency and Bone Health.

Nancy Williams

Professor and Head of Kinesiology
Exercise physiology, effects of alterations in energy balance on reproductive function, neuroendocrinology, metabolism, clinical issues pertaining to womens health and reproductive status.

Armen Kemanian

Professor of Production Systems and Modeling
Agricultural Systems, Agricultural and Natural Systems Modeling, Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling, Bioenergy Systems, Coupled Hydrologic and Nutrient Modeling, and Plant Competition

Laura Cabrera

Huck Early Career Chair in Neuroethics; Associate Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics
The ethical and societal implications of neurotechnologies used for treatment as well as for enhancement purposes.