People: Faculty

Istvan Albert

Research Professor of Bioinformatics
Bioinformatics, large scale biological data analysis, microarrays and sequence analysis. Scientific programming, algorithm development. Database-driven web development.

Reka Albert

Distinguished Professor of Physics and Biology
Biological physics and network modeling.

Ganesh Srinivasan Anand

Associate Professor of Chemistry
Dynamics of large biomolecular complexes; uncovering what drives their assembly, regulation and function through mass spectrometry.

Marco Archetti

Associate Professor of Biology
Evolutionary Genetics. Cancer dynamics. Defective interfering viruses. Evolutionary game theory.

Jean-Paul Armache

Assistant Professor of of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
The mechanisms and functions of ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes and their place in gene regulation.

Le Bao

Professor of Statistics
Bayesian methods, data mining, computational methods, applications in health, environmental and social sciences.

Guilherme Becker

Associate Professor of Biology
Host-microbial interactions, landscape genetics and the ecology of global change stressors. Building models and conducting field and laboratory experiments to understand the biotic and abiotic mechanisms driving wildlife disease dynamics in both tropical and temperate systems.

Stephen Berg

Assistant Professor of Statistics

Nita Bharti

Huck Early Career Professor; Associate Professor of Biology
The Bharti lab investigates the underlying links between humans, pathogens, and the environment. We work to identify the mechanisms that give rise to heterogeneities in host disease burden and risk across scales, across spatial and temporal scales. We study the dynamics of host-environment interactions that drive movement and contact patterns as they relate to to pathogen transmission and access to health care.

Ottar Bjornstad

Huck Chair of Epidemiology; Distinguished Professor of Entomology and Biology; Adjunct Professor in Statistics
Population ecology and population dynamics with particular emphasis on mathematical and computational aspects

Maurice Byukusenge

Assistant Clinical Professor

Margherita Cantorna

Director of the Center for Molecular Immunology and Infectious Disease; Distinguished Professor of Molecular Immunology
Understanding the working of the immune system. Utilizing animal models of several human diseases including enteric infections and inflammatory bowel disease to determine the cellular targets and molecular signals by which dietary components regulate immunity.

Isabella Cattadori

Professor of Biology
Immuno-epidemiology of co-infection, how host immunity modulates parasite interactions and transmission and how host molecular processes explain the dynamics of infection at the population level.

Jessica Conway

Associate Professor of Mathematics
Viral infection dynamics and interplay with therapies for elimination or control

Francisco Dini-Andreote

Huck Early Career Chair in Microbial Community Ecology, Assistant Professor of Plant Science
Microbiome, plant-microbe interactions, and community ecology. Harnessing the plant microbiome to enhance protection against biotic and abiotic stresses.

Nikolay Dokholyan

G. Thomas Passananti Professor of Pharmacology; Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
We are a translational systems research group in the Pharmacology at the Penn State College of Medicine. Our laboratory focuses on understanding etiologies of human diseases, such as cystic fibrosis (CF), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and pain conditions, such as hyperalgesia.

Edward Dudley

Professor of Food Science; Director of E. coli Reference Center
Mechanisms driving toxin production in Shiga-toxigenic Escherichia coli; use of genome sequencing to track pathogen transmission during foodborne outbreaks

Matthew Ferrari

Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics; Huck Career Development Professor; Professor of Biology
Public Health, Quantitative Epidemiology, Population Ecology, Statistics, Computational and Mathematical Biology

Sagan Friant

Assistant Professor of Anthropology
Evolutionary anthropology of human health, disease ecology, nutrition, socio-ecological systems, bushmeat hunting, Nigeria.

Erika Ganda

Emphasis Area Representative, Microbiome Sciences; Assistant Professor of Food Animal Microbiomes
Developing practical ways to leverage the microbiome to improve food safety and improve food production animals' production efficiency.

Adam Glick

Emphasis Area Representative, Cancer Biology; Professor of Molecular Toxicology and Carcinogenesis;
The role of Transforming Growth Factor-beta in cutaneous inflammation and cancer development, and how the immune system responds to epithelial cells with activated oncogenes such as Ras. Signaling pathways that regulate senescence of premalignant epithelial cells and how cells escape from oncogene-induced senescence.

Christina Grozinger

Director of the Center for Pollinator Research; Director of the Insect Biodiversity Center; Publius Vergilius Maro Professor and Huck Scholar of Entomology
Genomics of social behavior and health in bees

Ephraim M. Hanks

Associate Professor of Statistics
Spatio-Temporal Statistics. Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling. Optimal Sampling. Animal Movement. Landscape Genetics.

Elsa Hansen

Assistant Research Professor - Read Lab
Evolution, transmission and management of drug-resistance. Improving treatment of infectious disease and cancer using mathematical models and optimal control theory.

Murali Haran

Associate Professor of Statistics
Statistical computing (Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms); spatial models (Gaussian random field models); methods for complex computer models; interdisciplinary collaborations in environmental sciences, climate science, disease modeling, ecology

Kevin Hockett

Huck Early Career Chair; Associate Professor of Microbial Ecology
Biological Control, Biology and Ecology of Plant-Microbe and Plant-Environment Interactions, Microbial Ecology and Population Biology Faculty

Peter Hudson

Former Director, Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences; Willaman Professor of Biology
Population dynamics of infectious diseases in wildlife and the dynamics of parasite community structure.

David Hughes

Huck Chair in Global Food Security; Professor of Entomology and of Biology
Parasite manipulation of host behavior

David R Hunter

Professor of Statistics, Department Head
I work on statistical models for networks, mixture models, and certain optimization algorithms called MM algorithms. A full list of papers and related work, such as software, may be found at

Joyce Jose

Associate Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Virus-host interactions involved in the pathogenesis of alphaviruses and flaviviruses. Analysis of virus induced structures and cytoskeletal modifications in mammalian host and insect vector using high-resolution live cell imaging and electron microscopy. Viral determinants of neurotropism, encephalitis, transmission and persistence in BSL-3 pathogens.

Vivek Kapur

Associate Director, Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences; Huck Distinguished Chair in Global Health; Professor of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
The basic mechanisms by which pathogenic microbes successfully infect, colonize, and cause disease in their hosts.

Robab Katani

Assistant Research Professor of Global Health
Global health security, infectious diseases, and host-pathogen dynamics, as well as expertise in the enhancement of capabilities in the Low- and Middle-Income Countries, including Tanzania and India.

David Kennedy

Assistant Professor of Biology
Ecology and evolution of infectious diseases, with particular interest in how disease dynamics influence pathogen emergence, virulence evolution, and drug or vaccine resistance.

Tae Hyun Kim

Huck Early Career Chair; Assistant Professor of Avian Biology
Improving poultry health by applying modern genetic approaches including gene editing. Particular focus on identifying key genes and regulatory elements associated with improved economic traits.

Girish Kirimanjeswara

Emphasis Area Representative, Immunology and Infectious Disease; Associate Professor of Veterinary and Biomedical Science
Establishing the Virulence Factors

Jasna Kovac

Lester Earl and Veronica Casida Career Development Professor of Food Safety; Associate Professor of Food Science
Integrating epidemiological, microbiological, molecular and omics methods to better understand microbial pathogenic potential, antimicrobial resistance, and epidemiology of foodborne pathogens.

Tracy Langkilde

Penn State Interim Executive Vice President and Provost; Dean of the Eberly College of Science; Professor of Biology
The interface of ecology and evolution to understand how an organism's traits are matched to its environment and responds to novel selective pressures imposed by global environmental change, and the consequences of this adaptation.

Jesse Lasky

Associate Professor of Biology
Ecological and evolutionary genomics, genetic and ecophysiological basis of adaptation to environmental stress, evolutionary ecology of biological complexity.

Edward Levri

Associate Professor of Biology
Research interests lie in the evolutionary ecology of parasitism and disease, invasion ecology, and predator-prey interactions.

Darla Lindberg

Professor of Architecture
Designing buildings that limit disease spread.

Scott Lindner

Associate Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Co-Director, Center for Malaria Research
Our laboratory couples molecular parasitology and structural biology to study the malaria parasite (Plasmodium spp.).

Manuel Llinas

Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Understanding the molecular mechanisms of gene regulation and metabolism in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum using functional genomics and metabolomics.

Margarita Lopez-Uribe

Associate Professor of Entomology
How environmental change and human management shape bee health and long-term persistence of their populations in agricultural areas.

Jennifer Macalady

Director of the Ecology Institute; Professor of Geosciences
Microbial interactions with earth materials: soils, sediments, solutes, atmospheric gases, minerals, and rocks. Early evolution of Earth’s biosphere, including photosynthesis and sulfur cycling. Microbial ecology, environmental omics, microbial biogeography.

Erina MacGeorge

Professor of Communication Arts and Science
Antibiotic stewardship, doctor-patient communication

Erika Machtinger

Associate Professor of Entomology
Veterinary entomology, including vector-borne diseases. Focus is on ecology and behavior associated with host-parasite interactions to improve or develop new control methods.

James Marden

Associate Director of Operations, Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences; Professor of Biology
How physiological variation within species affects their ecology and evolution. Primarily with insects, but recently also with plants, and a particular interest in allelic variation in the pathogen resistance genes of tropical trees.

Elizabeth McGraw

Professor and Huck Scholar in Entomology
The genetics of vector, pathogen and symbiont interactions.

Tim Miyashiro

Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
How bacteria adapt to a host environment. The mutualistic symbiosis established between the Hawaiian bobtail squid (Euprymna scolopes) and a bioluminescent bacterium (Vibrio fischeri).

Rimnoma Serge Ouedraogo

Assistant Research Professor of Entomology

Mohan Kumar Papanna

Assistant Research Professor of Global Health

George Perry

Professor of Anthropology and Biology
Anthropological genomics, paleogenomics, human body size evolution, parasite evolution, and evolutionary medicine.

Jason Rasgon

Professor of Entomology and Disease Epidemiology
Integrating population biology, ecology, molecular tools and theory to address fundamental and applied questions related to vector arthropods and the pathogens they transmit.

Andrew Read

Senior Vice President for Research; Evan Pugh Professor of Biology and Entomology; Eberly Professor of Biotechnology
The ecology and evolutionary genetics of infectious disease.

Tim Reluga

Associate Professor of Mathematics and Biology
Dynamics of biological systems

Joyce Sakamoto

Assistant Research Professor

Katriona Shea

Professor of Biology; Alumni Professor in the Biological Sciences
The use of ecological theory in population management.

Justin Silverman

Assistant Professor of Information Sciences and Technology
Statistical methods for the analysis of biomedical data (or any other interesting data/questions)

Rachel Smith

Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences
Quantitative social scientist whose interests lie broadly in social influence and social systems, specializing on power, networks, and stigma. Design and evaluation of effective health campaigns. Infectious diseases and genomics.

Paddy Ssentongo

Assistant Research Professor - Schiff Lab

Troy Sutton

Huck Early Career Chair in Virology, Associate Professor of Immunology and Infectious Disease
Animal models of influenza; Airborne transmission of influenza viruses; Evolution of pandemic influenza viruses; Highly pathogenic avian influenza; Development of live-attenuated influenza vaccine platforms; High containment BSL3+ research

Kristin Sznajder

Assistant Professor of Public Health Sciences

Moriah Szpara

Professor of Biology
How genetic variation influences the outcomes of viral infection, particularly for neurotropic viruses such as herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) and HSV-2, using high-throughput sequencing, comparative genomics, neuronal cultures, and genetic manipulation of both host and pathogen.

Vaskar Thapa

Assistant Research Professor

Robyn Underwood

Assistant Research Professor - Lopez-Uribe Lab

Kurt Vandegrift

Associate Professor
Disease ecology with an emphasis on the population dynamics of zoonotic parasites and reservoir hosts.

Anne Vardo-Zalik

Assistant Professor of Biology
The ecology and population genetics of malaria parasites and their vectors

Yong Wang

Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Applying nature and biology as design guidelines to the creation of biomimetic and bioinspired materials at both the nanoscale and macroscale level for drug delivery, clinical diagnosis, and regenerative medicine.

Yin-Ting (Tim) Yeh

Assistant Research Professor of Physics - Terrones Lab
Multidisciplinary study focused on developing point-of-care technologies for rapid detection of infectious diseases.